Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 390: finale (2)

    The improvement has been greatly improved, but the rib is injured and there is no medical equipment, so she is really at a loss!

    Ruoya gave her another roll of eyes, stretched out her hand, and said, "Did you bring the laser gun? Don't tell me, you left that guy to Dar and the others!"

    "No, no! I brought it back, and it has always been full of energy. A high-tech product like a laser gun, it may not be a good thing to stay in prehistoric... However, I put The light wave crossbow and chain crossbow are given to Da'er and Jiabao, keep them for self-defense!" An'er took out the laser gun and handed it to Ruoya.

     Ruoya took the laser gun and felt slightly relieved - at least there was a basic guarantee of safety. She looked at the contactor on the ground basking in the sun, the red signal light on it was flickering, and it was charging. It won't be long before the power of the liaison device is turned on. By then, the secret service team should be able to find it, right?

    She looked at An'er and smiled. Compared with prehistory, she still has deeper feelings for the end of the world, not only because her parents are here, but also because she can better use her strengths here!

    Looking at An'er, she suddenly felt that something was not right, she couldn't help but patted her head and said, "Where's the vital regeneration fluid? Didn't you keep this in the space device? Take it out quickly. Take it, or Li wants them to come over and see two old ladies in their fifties..."

    An Er said unhappily: "You are the old lady, open your dim old eyes to see clearly, the old lady doesn't even have a single wrinkle! Unlike you, the folds on your face are about to die. Mosquitoes!"

    "Yes, yes, yes! Young and invincible, no trace of years, super beautiful witch, Miss An'er, you are forever young, immortal wife, come on! Take out the regeneration fluid , the old lady is waiting to be rejuvenated!" Ruoya was only so poor when she was with An'er.

    An Er and Ruoya drank the two bottles of vitality regeneration liquid, and suddenly felt a strong vitality and vitality burst out from every cell in the body. She could clearly feel that her originally slack skin gradually became firm and lustrous, especially on her hands. The muscles that were originally abruptly regained the tenderness of thirty years ago in just two breaths. Smooth.

    An'er looked at Ruoya in horror, and saw the skin on her face, as if someone was pulling back, the sagging lines were slowly lifted. The age spots formed due to too much sun exposure gradually disappeared without a trace, and the white hair in the blue silk turned black little by little...

    My God! This is so fantastical! However, going through such a mystical thing has left them on the stand, not to mention rejuvenation?

    Half an hour later, An Er and Ruoya, who had regained their 20-year-old youth and vitality, looked at each other, as if they couldn't believe this fact.

    Suddenly, the contactor on the ground made a rustling sound - a strange and familiar voice from Li Xiang: "Miss An'er, Miss An'er! Please answer if you hear it, please answer if you hear it. —”

    Apocalypse II

    Some readers threatened Yuyi: "If Abu is not written to life, she will..."

    Hey, you know what, so stay tuned! Ask for pink, ask for subscription, ask for all kinds of...

    Thank you for the reward ^^ and the pink ticket from I Love Manchuria.


    It has been three days since An'er and Ruoya returned to the base. During these three days, she has been immersed in research and experiments, using her work to forget her prehistoric relatives and friends. Her partner, handsome and handsome half-race Steven, expressed great confusion about her serious disorder.

    He often dragged his colleagues from the institute and whispered, "What's wrong with An'er? Usually a person who advocates leisure, why has he suddenly become a workaholic?"

    The colleague seemed to be related to the top of the base, he shared the information he had obtained with Steven: "I heard that Lin An'er went on a mission this time and disappeared in the mutant forest. It took six days, and it was on the seventh day that Ruoya found her. In order to save her, Ruoya, the chief agent of the base, was seriously injured. !"

    "My God! Even Ruoya is injured. How dangerous is this mission!" Steven was speechless, looking at An'er who was busy in front of the test bench, and said with deep sympathy : "Poor An'er, she must have been stimulated! Was it attacked by a half-corpse or killed by a mutant animal? By the way, what about the special team that escorted An'er? How could she have lost her?"

    The researcher shook his head and said, "Secret captain Li Xiang also blames himself, but I heard from the team members that they just turned around and Lin An'er disappeared. The surrounding area was searched, and the contactor lost its signal. She seemed to have disappeared from the mutant forest. Later, when the chief agent entered the forest to search for An'er, the contactor on his body suddenly lost its signal. The high-level explanation is that somewhere in the mutant forest. The magnetic field can affect the signal of the contactor..."

    "You two, you are so busy, do you still have time to whisper? Steven, come and help me record the data of the zombie virus cells!" An'er took the tree sap specimen from the prehistoric cave , and some of the purified liquid she extracted, after processing again, mixed with the zombie virus to observe the changes of the virus.

    In the past three days, she tried countless times, but ended in failure. Zombie virus cells are stimulated by the vitality of the purified liquid. There have been some changes. But it is not enough to completely purify the virus.

    This progress of hers. Great sensation in the institute. For hundreds of years, since the beginning of the end of the world, human beings have begun to study antiviral agents, although later they have also developed vaccines that can prevent humans from being bitten and scratched into zombies. But those who have turned into zombies are powerless. For three hundred years, there is no research that can shake the ever-evolving zombie virus. Ann did it!

    The senior management of the base attaches great importance to this research, and even Uncle Ruo Haifeng's immediate boss also personally met with An'er, affirmed her research, and encouraged her to continue her research and overcome this three hundred A problem that no one has been able to solve for years.

    Can be received by no.1 of the base. All the colleagues in the institute, even the dean, are envious of her. An'er, on the other hand, was unusually calm, and was still immersed in the laboratory every day. The institute can feel her change even with colleagues who are not familiar with her. The little girl who used to love to talk, laugh and act like a spoiled child suddenly seemed to have grown into a mature and stable adult.

    "An'er. Your good friend is here to pick you up!" At this time, it was long past get off work hours, and An'er was still fiddling with her bottles and jars in the laboratory. Tiven was helplessly pulled by her to stay and work overtime. Seeing Ruoya suddenly appearing at the door of the laboratory, Steven seemed to see the rescue, and hurriedly reminded An'er who had his back to the door.

    An'er turned her stiff neck, glanced at Ruoya who was sitting in a fully automatic wheelchair, blinked her sour eyes, and said, "The wounded stay in the hospital honestly, run around What? You hurt your bones, so be careful if your ribs don't grow well, it will affect your skills in the future!"

     Ruoya pointed to the chest that wrapped her into a mummy, and said indifferently: "It's okay, I can move my arms and feet at most, the wheelchair is fully automatic, I want to go Just press a button anywhere. Come, stand behind my wheelchair and I'll take you home! Ha, you've never been on a vehicle like this in your life!"

    Steve glanced at Ruoya curiously, and felt that she seemed to have changed too. But when it comes to what has changed, he can't be too sure.

    "Boy! What are you looking at? I've never seen a beautiful woman!" Ruoya took a look at Steven with an eye knife and looked at him stubbornly.

    Steve scratched his hair and said, "Miss Ruoya, you...seem to be more easy-going than before..."

     Ruoya raised her eyelids, suddenly made a cold expression, a sharp light shot out of her eyes, staring at Steven's back for a while. Only then did she take back her anger and said, "I'm a wounded now, and it's very laborious to make a coffin face all the time! There's no one else here, so why do you look like that? I've decided that in the future, apart from training the special team Those bastards, I have transformed into a lighthearted and witty image!"

    Traveling through 30 years of prehistory, she gave birth to six children. Although she didn't take much care of her, her patience was honed. The edges and corners of the character are also worn out by those soft and waxy little guys!

    Steve helped An'er sort out the experimental equipment, and then packed up her belongings, said hello to An'er, and walked out of the laboratory, still muttering: "Two people When I went out, my personality changed. An'er, who used to talk a lot, now no one asks her, so she doesn't open her mouth easily. Ruoya, who used to be shy about her words, was able to talk a lot. Is it... Have their souls been swapped? No, An'er's professional skills are still there!"

     Ruoya has a good ear, she heard Steven talking to herself, she was speechless, but it was difficult to explain. Could it be that she wanted to catch up and tell that guy that she and An'er lived in a primitive prehistoric era, and they stayed for thirty years, and it was strange that nothing had changed?

    An'er took her experimental data and stood on the beam behind the wheelchair. Ruoya pressed the button, and the wheelchair was like a small electric car, driving silently on the street. In order to save energy, the base does not allow private vehicles except for senior leaders. If you go out and commute to get off work, there are trams that run every two minutes. Therefore, Ruoya's electric wheelchair is very conspicuous on the street. where they went. From time to time people talk - what kind of new transportation is this? It's convenient, and if possible, they go and buy one too...


    Friends? An'er and Ruoya looked at each other. At the base, they can count the guys who can be called their friends. two days ago. The guys who barely called friends came to offer their condolences. Who else…

    As soon as you enter. The enchanting figure with long hair reaching the waist appeared in the sight of the two of them. When An'er saw the daffodil-like back, her eyes suddenly lit up, as if a hungry wolf saw meat. Zoya frowned. Said: "Why did this guy come here?"

    "The two young ladies are here!" The nanny shouted at the guy who kept his face on the antique vase and kept watching. This guy is really strange, he got out of nowhere, and he walked around the villa like a hillbilly. If it weren't for the ladies' friends, she would have driven them out long ago.

    "Grandma! Long time no see, congratulations on coming back!" Lin Jiawei's enchanting face made an exaggerated surprise expression, opened his arms and greeted An'er, wanting to give him a big hug.

    Suddenly. His expression froze on his face. Because what responded to his enthusiasm was a thick needle. Lin Jiawei stopped, stepped back, and smiled dryly: "Grandma, don't do this, okay? Ah... I'm dizzy. I'm dizzy, dizzy..."

    "Ouch! Do you have any sympathy at all? After all, am I your great-grandson? You treat me like this, woo woo woo..." Lin Jiawei, who was about to pretend to be dizzy, suddenly felt his arm The first pain, his face suddenly wrinkled into a bun, and honestly let An'er draw blood!

    Ruoya gloated: "An'er, he is worried about the lack of progress in his research. As expected of his great-grandson, it's quite timely!"

    Lin Jiawei looked at Ruoya in the wheelchair, and laughed: "You have this day too, who is so arrogant to actually hurt you. Idols, call me to worship! "

    Ruoya pointed to An'er who was holding a blood sample as a baby, and said, "Okay, if you want to worship, just worship your grandmother. Come and throw yourself into the ground!"

    "Grandma? Her approximately negative combat power can hurt you? If you stand still, she may not be able to leave scars on you! It's you who hurt yourself, no I'm too embarrassed to say it and falsely blame it on my grandmother..." Lin Jiawei's face was full of disbelief.

    Lin An'er didn't pay any attention to them at all. After collecting the blood samples, she suddenly looked up at Lin Jiawei and said, "How long are you going to stay here?"

    Lin Jiawei understood what An'er meant very well, he buried his body in the sofa and said with a smile, "How long can I stay? It depends on the sincerity of grandma, if... someone is delicious If I serve it deliciously, maybe I can stay longer..."

    An'er thought for a while, and said, "This place is not as prehistoric, there are no fresh vegetables and fruits, and there is not enough rice and flour. If you can hunt mutant beasts, I can help you. A lot of different tricks come out!"

    "Deal!" In fact, Lin Jiawei came here in a time machine this time, forced by his wise and great mother. His mother was Lin An's brainless fan. I heard that he actually met Lin An'er in prehistoric times and chased after him and beat him. He blamed him for not asking for Lin An's autograph.

    The most important thing when he came this time was to bring *An'er's autographed photo back. Also, by the way, I used my own blood to help my grandmother with research...

    However, he is really timely. With his blood samples, An'er actually found ingredients that could purify the virus from his blood. After repeated experiments, he finally developed a medicine that could effectively purify the zombie virus after half a year.

    The invention of Dawning Base caused a sensation all over the earth. In addition to the major bases in the world, goodwill was released to the Dawning Base, and a request for high-priced purchases was made. Even the half-corpse clan sent messengers.

    A magical fate is about to begin...

    Familiar faces

    So-and-so appeared!

    Thanks to Shihan Shui Wuhen and Mo Heer for the reward, and thank you Shihan Shui Wuhen for the pink ticket.


    The zombie virus purification liquid has just been developed, after all, the number is limited. The senior leaders of the base attach great importance to this. They protect the research institute from the dean to the ordinary researchers, and protect them by professional agents, and strictly order them not to enter or leave the base for nearly a year, and accept 24/7 supervision.

    It will be some time before mass production of purification fluid. Rare is the most expensive, and the top management of the Dawning Base decided to only take one-tenth of the amount and exchange it for other bases in exchange for the maximum exchange value.

    The initial production of purification liquid was too small to meet the needs of other bases and half-corpse settlements. In order to prevent them from using other dark methods to obtain the formula of the purification liquid, the first thought of the base was to protect the research institute and all the researchers.

    After Ruoya wore it back, the long-lost power also returned, and her physical fitness returned to its original strength. A wound like a few broken ribs is almost like being accidentally slashed with a knife on the body of a superpower. In less than half a month, this **** was alive and kicking again, ran to the special agent training ground, and abused those rookies. Poor agents, began their troubled days again.

    As the hero who developed the zombie virus purification solution, Lin An'er's personal safety was mentioned in the special protection plan. In addition to the volunteer base chief agent Ruoya, the base's executives also sent her four super agents to protect her 24 hours a day to make sure nothing goes wrong. If it wasn't for An'er's firm objection, the top management of the base would even want her to move into the premium area!

    The decision of the top management of the base is not for nothing. In just ten days, An'er was attacked by no less than four waves of people. There was a team of people, and the quality of the leading guy was comparable to that of Ruoya. If that guy Lin Jiawei wasn't there at the time, An'er might have been successfully held hostage!

    From that day on, Ruoya never complained that the base did not take her seriously. Unable to believe her, she arranged for An'er with four more agents. She frantically added special training to herself, just like when she first joined the Secret Service. Facing one attack after another, she gradually felt that she was not strong enough to keep An'er safe.

    When the base added more protective personnel to An'er, Ruoya did not resist any more, but carefully selected suitable candidates herself.

    Childhood Bamboo Horse Fox

    An Er did not stop all her research activities because of this. Thanks to the efforts of her and all researchers. The virus purification solution is produced in batches.

    Last attack. Guys who want to hold An'er hostage. Two groups of identities have been identified. The Dawning Base is now full of confidence, and has made a clear statement that the two bases that sent people will always be excluded from the list of virus purification liquids for sale. Thus. Some of the bases that were just about to move, immediately became honest. Everyone was thinking about how to get in touch with the Dawning Base and buy the zombie virus purification liquid earlier.

    Unfortunately, the initial supply of purification liquid to the Dawning base was very tight. Under a large-scale attack by mutant ants, the base almost failed to survive, and finally had to use the purification liquid in stock. The purification liquid is sprayed on the mutant ants, and the mutant ants have zombie viruses that support their powerful strength. Debilitating little by little or even completely purifying. At this time, even ordinary people can easily kill it.

    When the Dawning Base, with minimal loss, wiped out millions of mutant ants after the news spread. The enthusiasm of the major bases for the purification liquid. Raised to an unprecedented height.

    On this day, An'er still kept two points and one line, when she went to work in the research institute. The high-level base sent someone over and asked her to bring a box of newly produced zombie virus purification liquid to the high-level office.

    An'er was very surprised, given the purification liquid, no one can go there? She had to make a trip to the core staff of her research institute. However, she did not complain, and silently took a box containing a hundred zombie virus purification liquids and followed the government personnel out of the institute. Around her, she was surrounded by a dozen or so special forces in uniform.

    Ruoya took the mobile safe weighing more than ten kilograms from her hand, and said: "Strange, some amazing person has come to let you, a super biologist, go there in person. See you!"

    An'er shook her head gently. Since An'er wore it back and became a veritable workaholic, she has become more and more silent, and the smile on her face is only revealed when she is facing the zombie virus purification liquid. Ruoya tried her best to get her to say a few more words. She felt that she was about to become a chatter, and the agents under her seemed to be less and less afraid of her. well! Her secret agent overlord flower, in front of An'er, looks like a poor little white flower!

    Arriving downstairs, Ruoya was flattered to find that the top management had sent a special car to pick them up—to be exact, they came to pick up An'er, she just followed. The Road to God in the End Times

    There is a special car to pick up and come to the door of the high-rise office soon. The staff member knocked on the door and said loudly, "Base Chief, Miss Lin An'er is here!"

    When An'er entered, the base chief and the well-known figures of the base stood up to show their respect for her. The head of the base came up to her and shook hands with her, saying, "Comrade Lin An'er, you've worked hard! Please take a seat, pony, serve tea!"

     Ruoya hurriedly said: "No, An'er doesn't like drinking tea, let's have two glasses of juice!"

    Standing not far behind the base chief, Ruo Haifeng glared at his daughter, the base chief, please drink tea, and you are so picky, are you so ignorant of praise?

    Ruoya stared back without showing weakness: An'er didn't drink tea in the first place, tea is so scarce now that no one drinks it, isn't it a waste? Didn't the Dawn Base send a batch of fruit this morning? It's not too much to ask for a few cups of juice, right? The purifying liquid was developed by An'er, so shouldn't the top management of the base be so stingy?

    The director of the base saw the interaction between their father and daughter, hehe smiled, and said indifferently: "Little girl drinks juice, it is good for her beauty and health! Xiaoma, go and squeeze two glasses of orange juice. Come here, and pick a few of the fruits that were delivered today to Miss An'er!"

    "Thank you, base chief." An'er smiled lightly. Ruoya was overjoyed—yes, the base chief is not too stingy. what! It's been more than half a year since I wore it, and I haven't seen a single fruit hair. In prehistoric times, even in the winter, they had the same fruit every day!

    "It's like this, returning to the settlement and wanting to cooperate with us at Dawning. They provide personnel to test the zombie virus purification liquid, and when our purification liquid can be mass-produced, give them priority." The base chief pointed to the only guy sitting in the office at the moment, and introduced it to An'er.

    An'er just glanced lightly in the direction over there, "Oh", took the box in Ruoya's hand, thought about it, and handed it to Uncle Ruo, saying: "There are 100 purifying liquids in it, just use a syringe for intravascular injection..."


    An'er looked at the sound, a tall and sturdy figure slowly stood up from the wooden sofa, behind him, a mysterious shadow appeared on his face. President, President, I will not accompany you!

    Half corpse? right! All places where humans live are called "bases", and only places where half-corpse people gather are called settlements. Returning to the congregation, how could she forget about it? An'er's confused personality is the same everywhere.

    Ruoya, who has met half-corpse people, knows that these guys are infinitely close to humans in appearance, but their personality is moody. She was afraid that An'er's actions just now would annoy him, so she hurriedly stepped forward, stood in front of An'er, and looked at the half-corpse who could not see clearly.

    The half-corpse gave her a disdainful glance and sneered twice. The men behind him took two steps forward, looked at An'er and asked, "Miss Lin, the method you mentioned seems to be only suitable for humans and some mutant animals. If we, the half-corpse family, want to purify the virus in our bodies, become How should a real human use the purification liquid?"

    Some of the half-corpses are bloodthirsty, feed on fresh human flesh and blood, and become enemies of humans. The other part is hunting mutant animals, able to eat some simple starch and protein foods, who are eager to become human again, rather than just have a human-like appearance.

    Returning to the residence is the second type. This is also one of the reasons why the base director of the Dawning Base allows them to enter the base and communicate face-to-face with Lin An'er, a key protection target. Human beings have long been tired of war, so why bother to provoke disputes when they can live in peace?

    An'er scratched her hair, and said a little embarrassedly: "Sorry, because of the lack of test products, it is still unknown whether the virus purification liquid can completely purify the virus in the half-corpse human body. But... If you provide test items, I believe you will be able to give you a satisfactory answer soon!"

      The eyes are dark and deep, with a touch of amber color; the eyebrows are thick and straight, the nose is as perfect as a sculpture, and the lips are beautiful and attractive...

    An'er and Ruoya instantly turned petrified when they saw this extremely familiar face...

    "Ah... Abu?" It took a long time for An'er to regain her sanity. From her trembling lips, she struggled to spit out the name that she deeply missed but did not dare to touch .




    Pink, all kinds of…


    "Abu! Abu—" An'er rushed towards the familiar figure at an incredible speed, almost exceeding the speed of the primary speed ability user, and in the process of running, also Can deftly bypass obstacles - Zoya and another half-corpse. If you didn't know it, you would have thought that An'er had undergone a second mutation!

    Perhaps she felt that An'er had no attack ability, no defense; or she was frightened by her shrill voice with ecstasy. The half-corpse who looked exactly like Abu at the age of 20 was actually hugged by An'er.

    The leader of the half-corpse looked down at the little woman who was only as high as his chest, hugging his waist like an octopus, frowning so much that a fly could be caught. What's the matter with this little woman? After the other humans knew that he was a half-corpse, they all retreated. Especially women, who seem to be pregnant just by looking at him, how far can they hide! Not only did this guy not hide, but he also rushed over to have zero-distance contact with him. Isn't he afraid that the zombie virus on him could infect her?

    Huh? This **** stinky woman, tears and snot smeared him all over, this dress is the first time on his body. On the slightly pale hands of the half-corpse leader, the sharp blue nails were slowly pulled out, towards the back of the little woman in his arms, slowly approaching...

     Ruoya's eyes stared, and she was confused for a moment without the face of the guy in front of her, but soon realized that the person in front of her couldn't be Abu. Abu's skin is always a healthy bronze color, while the half-corpse in front of him has almost the same features as Abu's, but his complexion is morbidly pale. Only that stupid woman, An'er, could mistake her for it!

    She saw the half-corpse grab An'er's hand, she couldn't bear it any longer, she was about to rush to save her friend, but was pulled by her father.

    "If you want to kill An'er, just rush over!" If Haifeng knew the strength of a half-corpse, let alone a leader. It is an ordinary half-corpse, so close, if you want to take a person's life, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to save it.

    The purpose of the half-corpse's visit this time is very clear. They want to use the virus purification liquid to restore their identity as normal people, even if they are ordinary people without any abilities, they are also willing. An'er is the developer of the virus purifying solution, and the half-corpse is asking for her, and it is absolutely impossible to turn around at this time.

    Damn. **** it! The half-corpse leader obviously also thought of this layer. The paw was about to touch An'er's back. Slowly put it down again, and the long nails also quietly retracted. mortuary

    An'er, who didn't know that she was on the brink of life and death just now, put her face on that broad and strong chest. I cried so hard, and kept chanting the name of "Abu".

    Damn! The half-corpse leader gritted his teeth as he looked at the clothes that had been ruined by the tears and snot of the little woman in his arms. For the virus purification solution, I will endure it! Standing upright, he decided to use himself as a pillar. Just hug him, anyway, when he came, he was already prepared to suffer! I just didn't expect that I would also sell the hue...

    Oops! He didn't seem to bring a change of clothes when he came! Half-corpses don't sweat. Wearing a piece of clothing for ten days will not have any odor. Coming out this time, he is ready to fight quickly, no matter what the Dawning Base asks, as long as they return to the settlement. All accepted unequivocally.

    After 300 years of no one and no ghosts, he can't live a day like her. He no longer wanted to eat only half-baked mutant beasts. He wanted to eat rice, bread, and sweet fruits... Although the half-corpse looked no different from humans, his taste buds had long since degenerated, and he was only sensitive to the smell of blood. He wants to live a normal life, find a gentle and lovely woman, have a few lively and lovely children, have a stable job, and live the life he wants. Even at the cost of eternal life, even if I lose my proud ability...

    "That... I'm sorry, my sister mistook you for her favorite person! Her lover has just left her for less than half a year." Ruoya stared nervously at the man who looked like Abu's half-corpse explained softly. She could already see that the half-corpse was patiently enduring, for fear that he would suddenly explode and hurt An'er. The virus on the half-corpse is much more powerful than that of the advanced zombies. Someone like An'er was immediately infected and turned into a monster with no human body or corpse.

    Losing a favorite? What does that feel like? The half-corpse leader fell into confusion, as if a long, long time ago, before he became a zombie, there was such a cute little girl with big eyes, who handed him a love letter and shyly confessed - I like it You, can you be my boyfriend?

    How did he respond? Why can't he remember, it's been too long, and he can't remember many things from the past. Oh! He seemed to throw the love letter back in the girl's face, and left proudly - at that time, he was arrogant and indifferent, very unpleasant, and he could read it with just one face! [Comprehensive] The man behind Mary Sue

    Love? What does it feel like? It can make people cry and make people laugh, and affects every expression and every action of people? The little woman in her arms must have loved her man miserably, right? It's been so long since I left, so sad.

    The half-corpse leader suddenly felt a strange emotion in his heart. This unfamiliar emotion made him a little at a loss - should he pat the little woman on the back and comfort her? Isn't that what it's all about on TV?

    He gently patted An'er's back with what he thought was gentle, and his mouth moved, but he didn't know what to say. No way, he really doesn't have the experience of comforting people - he hasn't had one in twenty years as a human, and it's even more impossible to have it after becoming a zombie.

    An'er felt the tenderness on her back, as if she had returned to the prehistoric era with pleasant weather, and there was always a handsome young man standing beside her who cared about her feelings. Her nose was sore, and she cried even more sadly.

      Could it be that his actions were too rude and hurt her? No wonder, this little woman is so weak that even an ant can crush her to death.

    The gentleness on her back suddenly disappeared. An'er turned her body to the side and saw the big hand that was parked in the air. She pulled the big palm with her hand, pressed it against her back, and buried her face in that chest again.

    When Ruoya saw her move, a few black lines hung down from her forehead—it was so embarrassing, she was thrown into the half-corpse's house. That guy is not her friend, how could she have such an unreliable friend?

    An'er felt the big palm on her back, patted her on the back again, choked a few times, and gradually stopped crying.

    After calming down, she gradually felt that the strong figure in her arms was different from what she remembered. Although he is also tall and strong, Abu has a warm aura all year round. Especially in winter, it is very comfortable to hold like a small stove. However, the person in his arms can feel the body temperature lower than ordinary people even through the clothes. Fortunately, the base is like spring all year round. If it is winter, she will definitely be frozen and shiver.

    And the big hand on the back, the strength of the shot is not familiar to her...

    By the way, she has worn it all back, and returned to the base of the end of the 24th century. How could the person she was hugging be the Abu who loved her and loved her? Embarrassing, holding the wrong person! After realizing it, she realized her recklessness. Spring of Aoi

    She quietly retreated a little distance from that embrace, raised her little face full of tears, looked up apologetically and shyly, and when she met those familiar dark amber eyes , she almost fell again.

    No! Abu is dead, in her arms. At that time, his temperature was the same as that of the person in his arms, so cold that her bones trembled...

    But it's so similar! The person in front of him looked too much like Abu. These eyes, this nose, this mouth... they were carved out of a mold. Could it be God's mercy?

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