Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 50: Traps and moats

    Sorry sorry, I spelled it with someone, I almost forgot to update it! Thank you lovely Xili and Bicao Wangyou for the reward. Looking for pink tickets...


    To settle down the people of the Mani tribe, Abu specially prepared an independent adobe house for the new Dawu-zhuang of the tribe. As I said before, these houses are allocated first according to the contribution value of the tribe.

    An and the Abu family were the first to move into the house, and there was no objection. Then there's Assan and Nana's family. In the past two months when Abu was recuperating from his injuries and serving as a bodyguard for An'er at the medical station, the hunting team was led by A-san. Although his archery skills were not as good as A-tu's, he was brave and good at fighting and possessed certain leadership skills, which ensured the tribe There is plenty of meat.

    Although the tribe can't finish all the prey they get, the gathering team led by Nana, according to An'er's wishes, has been expanding the scope of gathering. Now, the upland rice seeds piled up in the cave have reached three pointed baskets. In addition, there are seeds of varying quantities, such as beans, corn, millet, and mung bean, stored in a corner of the cave and tend to pile up like a mountain.

    The other two men in Nana's family are also good hunters. Although the girls are very small, they help to feed the captive animals in the tribe together with their elder brother Kong Kong. Their second allocation to a house of three is well-deserved.

    A Cai Lao Mo's family, because of their son A Tu's outstanding performance, was also allocated a set of two rooms. Although Yingye is a new member of the tribe, his contribution is obvious to all. He leads another hunting team, and every time he hunts, there are only a lot more wild animals than Ahsan's team. He is a bachelor, and is only assigned a house adjacent to An'er and Abu.

    There are twelve houses and three spares, and the Atayal tribes are all working hard. The person who fights for the next house to be assigned is himself.

    Zhuang, as soon as she arrived, she was assigned a separate room, and there was no objection from Atayal. Because they know how important the witch is to a tribe. The mysterious aura emanating from Zhuang made everyone respect him spontaneously. In particular, the old people of the Atayal ethnic group burst into tears with excitement and knelt down to thank the heavens. Thank God for sending down Naruta Tasha first, and bringing back a long-vacant Great Witch for the Horde.

    Ming looked at Zhuang with particularly fiery eyes, and he ran back and forth diligently. To clean up the room for the new big witch in the tribe, spread his best animal skins, and take out the new medicinal materials collected by himself, and discuss with the big witch...

    An Er intends to focus on training as a tribal witch doctor's inscription, with his efforts. Under the guidance of An'er, his medical skills had reached a height that no one else could surpass in prehistoric times. When Zhuang Jing listened to him talking eloquently, the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter. He had a deep love for Ming, a thin young man. Although there was no mysterious mark on Ming's body, Zhuang still regarded him as his disciple. They teach each other, especially in medical skills, and the two often learn from each other. Often arguing with red cheeks...

      Most of the Atayal tribe have fallen into a deep sleep. before the bonfire. Abu, An'er and Yingye were still discussing something in a low voice.

    An'er gently stroked her head and rested her thigh. The little mammoth, who was sleeping soundly, said softly but firmly: "The safety of the tribe should be further improved!"

    Abu also listened to Assan reporting the battle last night to him, and there are still lingering fears in his heart. Fortunately, the number of wolves is small, and there are animals calling for warning, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous. Hearing this, he frowned and asked, "An'er has any good ideas? Autumn is fine. Every winter, when spring comes, there will always be more beasts foraging around the tribe. Safe. However, there is no way around it..."

    "Who said there was no way??" An'er's eyes radiated dazzling light in the firelight. When Abu and Yingye heard the words, they suddenly raised their heads and looked at her with confidence, hoping to hear the most effective method from her mouth.

    Lin An'er drew a thin firewood from the fire, stood up and quickly drew some simple lines on the ground. She pointed to a circle and said to Abu and Yingye, who were puzzled: "This is the cave where we live. This long black line is the river not far away. Did you find this river? The trend of the mountain has just formed a semi-circle and surrounded the cave of our Atayal tribe. If we add the mountain behind us, there will be less than one-third of the place that is connected to the forest. As long as we keep these three One-half of the place, you can avoid the intrusion of wild beasts!"

    An'er explained again what "one-third" means, Abu's frown still remained tight, Ying Ye pointed at the place connected with the forest, and said first: "Although there are only The area of ​​'one third' is not a small area, if we want to arrange people to guard it, I am afraid that all the strong warriors in our tribe will be dispatched, and they may not be able to guard it!"

    Yingye's judgment, Abu agrees very much. He also disagrees with the warriors of the tribe. They hunt during the day and keep vigil at night. reward!

    Lin An'er shook her head with a smile, and said, "When I say guard, I don't rely on manual guarding. Look, if we follow this line, dig out a wide and deep Is it a semi-natural moat? We build a plank bridge over the moat, take off the plank at night, and lay it on in the morning, although it's a little troublesome, but With the protection of the moat, those beasts who are afraid of water will not dare to attack. Isn't the tribe much safer?"

    Meeting the two more handsome faces in the firelight before meeting, An'er continued: "This is only the first step, the most important thing in the forest is wood, we can once again be in the moat, Build a wooden city wall. If conditions permit, it may be built into blue bricks in the future, with wooden frames and wooden ladders that can stand on it. Even if other tribes are attacked, we can hide in the city wall. Shooting from a long distance with a bow and arrow, there is no need for a face-to-face combat with the enemy!"

    An'er took precautions and even considered the city's defense. The area of ​​An'er Circle is indeed the size of a medium-sized city, with about 30,000 to 40,000 hectares of land. If the city wall is repaired, then if they set up fields in the city, they will not be afraid of being spoiled by wild boars or some herbivorous animals!

    Thinking about the land that has been nourished by rotten grass for a long time, the fertilizer in recent years is left over. If you follow the farming method in her notebook, the harvest will definitely not be less. Maybe in two years, they won't need to hunt for a living!

    After listening to An'er's idea, the two handsome guys, Abu and Yingye, seemed to see a picture of a warehouse full of grain and flocks of cattle and sheep, and their faces were filled with beautiful longing.

    "But we have to build a house and dig a moat. We must not have enough labor in our tribe!" Abu shook his head gently, two hunting teams, one went out hunting and the other built a house at home , is busy enough, how can you still free up manpower to dig the moat?

    An'er was also worried, sitting cross-legged beside the fire, one hand resting on her cheek, the other hand tapped lightly on her knee. Suddenly, she remembered a simple but very effective hunting trap she had seen in the books a few days ago, which was more convenient and powerful than a leash.

    She told Chief Abu about the hunting method of digging the pit. On the second day, Abu personally led the hunting party, and everyone brought a bone shovel in addition to bows and spears. The periphery of the forest, let alone Abu, is an ordinary hunting warrior, and he is familiar with it.

    Which area and what kind of prey will appear, Abu knows all about it. He led the hunting team to dig more than a dozen deep pits in the area where prey often haunted. Among them, ten large pits were made of sharpened bamboo, with their pointed ends buried in them, and the small pits were used to hunt small living animals. . The top of each pit is covered with grass.

    The prey harvested by the hunting team on this day did not have surplus as usual, but it was enough to eat. The new members of the Mani tribe, holding the same amount of meat as others, all showed joyful expressions. It's only been a day since they came to Atayal, but it's the only day they've had a full stomach in recent years, and they can eat as much meat as they can!

    The Dawu Village of the Mani tribe was invited by An'er to taste the flavored barbecue and delicious broth she made. At this moment, the spiritual leader of this tribe was completely relieved. And the people of the Mani tribe also secretly felt a sense of refuge in Ataya. The tribes who can eat their fill and eat meat again and again are reluctant to leave even if they chase them away!

    When the sun rose again, Abu still went out himself, led another hunting party, and set off with hope. He first went to the pits dug yesterday, and was pleasantly surprised to find that among the 16 pits, except for the three that had been destroyed by some unknown animal, the grass used for disguise was destroyed, and the other 13 pits were not able to gather prey. , more or less caught the prey. The largest one of them actually hunted a big wild boar weighing two to three hundred pounds!

    Abu was pleasantly surprised to get the prey out of the pit, cleaned up the blood in the pit, and covered it with grass again. He taught every member of the second hunting team the skills of digging traps, and he dug five or six more traps, and returned a few random prey—the prey harvested in the traps was almost enough for a tribe to eat .

    With the help of the hunting traps, the hunting team returned with a full reward before noon. At this time, An'er had already led a part of the labor force in the tribe to inspect and draw lines in the forest, and found the shortest route to build a moat.

    Since the traps are so powerful, Abu redistributed his manpower and sent only ten hunting teams to hunt every day, and by the way, he brought back the prey in the traps. The rest of the adult labor, plus some sturdy women, were all devoted to the excavation of the moat.

    The labor ability of primitive people is also amazing. In just two months, the moat, which is more than ten kilometers long and ten meters wide, was completed. Two large trees that were split from the middle lay across the moat, and were covered with wooden boards, and a wooden bridge with a width of one and a half meters was born. The children were running on the bridge excitedly, and the adults were watching the fruits of their labors on the shore with relief...

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