Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 55: Injuried

    Thanks to Bingjingxuelei, panda38, w Xiaoai for the pink tickets, the pink monthly ticket list has dropped to fourth!

    Thanks to Xingyu, Kawaii Xili, and Addiction Book for the peace charms. Thank you for the full rating vote, (*^__^*) hee hee…


      Depend on! The scream like killing a pig, it turned out to be like this, and it is really miserable!


    If it wasn't for An'er pulling, Da'er would have pulled the toy-like bow and arrow in his hand. His little bow was good enough to scare pheasants and hares. The boar's skin was so thick that it wasn't enough for people to tickle. He scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously, pointed at the wild boar and shouted: "Wild boar, we have caught the big wild boar!"

    The big wild boar in the virgin forest is about the same size as the old cattle, weighing three or four hundred pounds. The fangs around his mouth are sharp and long, exuding a cold light. Wild boars are ferocious and aggressive by nature, especially the black wild boar, which is simply invincible on its territory. Even the wolves do not dare to provoke them easily until they are extremely hungry.

    However, its meat is refined, fragrant, pure, especially delicious, and high in protein, rich in nutrients, and has a strong nourishing effect. Because the black wild boar thief is fine and fierce, even if the hunting team has a bow and arrow in hand, they will not dare to provoke it easily, so there are not many opportunities for the tribe to eat wild boar. No wonder Darle and the kids are so excited.

    The black wild boar fell into an empty trap, and there was no sharpened bamboo sword in it, so it was not injured. It didn't seem to realize its situation, seeing so many people pointing at it above the pit, with fierce hair, and the mane on its back stood up. With his short legs stunned, he took two steps backwards slowly, and rushed towards the edge of the pit again...

    Good guy, that momentum is quite fierce, but unfortunately the pit is gourd-shaped, with a small mouth and a big belly, and the inner wall is very smooth. The black wild boar did not pose any threat to the gathering team above the trap except for picking up a few pinch of soil.

    "Look! There's a little wild boar under the wild boar!" When the black wild boar charged up, Little Cher saw the little guy it had been protecting with sharp eyes. It was a little wild boar that was not yet full moon. Slightly bigger than the puppy, the hair on the body is sparse and not yet grown, it is estimated that it is the first time to go out for a walk with the mother. The eyes are timid, revealing a clumsy cuteness.

    Kongkong shot out an arrow and shouted cheerfully: "Kill the big ones, and the small ones can be brought back to raise!"

    With the setting of the pit, more and more living creatures are caught in the tribe. Not to mention pheasants and hares, and there are as many as five or six little wild sheep. Adult prey is hard to find in the wild, and the children of the tribe only leave newborns, or half-sized ones, classified and kept in captivity. If autumn does not come, the fruits of various edible plants are ripe. There is not enough manpower, and the children do not participate in the collection, and are specially responsible for mowing the grass and catching insects. Feed the livestock.

    The first lamb to be caught with a rattan holster, before the arrival of the little mammoth, almost became Dar's pet, especially after the attack of the wolves, where did he go to lead him to where. If it wasn't for An'er's firm objection, he could have brought the lamb into the room. Eat and sleep together. The lamb that was more than five months old was raised by him to be fat and strong. If it wasn't for the mother's breeding, it would have been slaughtered and eaten by a knife.

    The tribe once caught a small wild boar, but it was an ordinary one, but died heroically in that wolf attack. Therefore, the children were especially excited to see the little black wild boar, because there was another creature in the family of animals they were feeding.

    Kong Kong looks like seven or eight years old, but his stature is close to that of a teenager. He has the same long legs and long feet as him, but he is a little thinner. The bow and arrow in his hand is not like Dar's, he just holds a good-looking arrow, and it is absolutely no problem to kill an antelope.

    However, the arrow flew out and hit the back of the black boar, but was bounced off and fell to the bottom of the pit. When An'er saw it, she couldn't help but stunned: My dear, the black wild boar's skin is thick enough!

    Although the bamboo arrow didn't hurt the black wild boar, its strength made the wild boar feel pain. This big guy was already hot in temperament, but this time it became even more lively. With red eyes and howling, he charged towards the trap again and again. If it was so easy to escape, it wouldn't be called a trap. Although the members of the collection team were shocked by the ferocity of the wild boar, they did not take its anger into their eyes at all.

    After enjoying the wild boar's trapped beast fight, Nana asked Lao Luo and Fengluo to shoot arrows at the wild boar. The black wild boar's cry was even more miserable, but apart from some small wounds, the wild boar did not have any fatal wounds on its body.

    Seeing this, An'er frowned. It seems that the power of bows and arrows is not enough to see in the hands of some strong defense prey. She couldn't help but secretly rejoice that the hunting team hadn't encountered a tough opponent in the past few months.

     Creatures more perverted than black boars abound in the forest. It seems that it is imperative to improve weapons! She looked at the light wave crossbow on her wrist and fell into contemplation...

    "An, what should I do? If we can't kill the big wild boar, we can't get the little wild boar back to raise it." , that look is almost exactly the same as when the little mammoth was coquettish.

    Lin An'er suddenly woke up, she gently pressed a mechanism on her right wrist, and a small and exquisite light wave crossbow appeared in her hand. Da'er stared brightly at the weapon in her hand. It was an artifact capable of killing giant mantises. It was brought by An'er from the sky... If only he could have such a weapon!

    An'er saw his thoughts, moved in her heart, touched the little guy's head, and said softly: "Back to the tribe, I will help you get a bow and crossbow that can hunt wild beasts. However, you can't go out to hunt without permission!"

    "The bow and crossbow? Is it the same as the one in An's hand?" Not only did Da'er's eyes brighten, but all the little friends around him gathered around. expectations.

    "Uh...that's about it! Haha, at least hunting saber-toothed tigers and mammoths is absolutely no problem." Although the power of the crossbow arrow is not comparable to the light wave-powered weapon in her hand, it is much stronger than the bow and arrow . If one or two mutant mantises could be hunted and used to grind crossbow bolts with its bones, it would be difficult for the hard shell of large insects to resist the power of crossbow bolts.

    After listening to An'er's words, all the members of the collection team showed surprised expressions on their faces. Especially the few warriors who were eliminated from the hunting team, the blood of the hunters was flowing with the belligerence of the hunters. To be able to easily hunt down large beasts like saber-toothed tigers and mammoths is such an exciting thing for them.

    With so many eager eyes, An'er said that she was under a lot of pressure. She pretended to cough twice, picked up the light wave crossbow in her hand, aimed at the black boar and spit out the flashing red light above the snout—of course, this red light was invisible to others—and shot the crossbow arrow in her hand.

    "Ow-Ow-" The shrill cry of the black wild boar after the injury shocked An'er's ears. Come on, this guy has a good lung capacity, and his cry is absolutely super decibel.

    "Wow! An'er is so powerful, she shot a wild boar in the eye!" Xiao Xue'er clapped her hands and cried.

      The arrow can hit the target, the crossbow arrow of the light wave crossbow, she always carries a dozen or so, and she does not believe that it can't shoot a dead wild boar!

    Fortunately, the arrow didn't break the chain for her. Although it was a little off, it still narrowly hit the red light spot. The behemoth fell to the ground with a bang, and the collection team kept applauding.

      Pull the prey up with all its hands and feet.

    The ignorant little wild boar was also carried up. Although the little guy is small, he is a bit wild, and he actually hit the Atayal people who wanted to catch it with his head. However, its strength is directly negligible. However, when Kong Kong picked up the little guy, the scream was quite true to his numbness!

    The traps were rearranged, and the gathering team returned to the tribe with corn on their backs and black wild boars.

    An'er just stepped on the wooden bridge over the moat when she saw A Tu rushing over. Huh? The collection team has returned? Why is it so early today?

    A Tu's speed was very fast, almost in the blink of an eye, he ran from the little black spot in the distance to An'er. With such a fast rhythm, his face is not blushing or breathing, and the body of a primitive man is as strong as a beast...

    Don't allow her to continue to sigh, Abu grabbed her left hand and said anxiously: "An'er, you came back just in time! Quick! I, Baba and A Sang, were scratched by the big dinosaur. , a lot of blood!"

    The voice fell, and she dragged An'er and ran away.

    An'er was staggered by him and almost fell to the ground. Atu knew that her speed couldn't keep up with him, so he squatted down on her back and ran without saying a word. Wow! An'er's weight of more than 90 kilograms, plus the 30 to 40 kilograms of peppers on her back, was nothing to A Tu, a half-year-old boy. Lin An'er sighed again, the sturdyness of the primitive body!

    The moat bridge is at least five or six miles away from the cave and the new house built by the tribe. What's the rhythm of the bus?

    Arriving in the cave, Ah Tu put An'er down panting: "Let Rang, let Rang! I brought An'er!"

    The more than 20 warriors of the hunting team automatically made way for An’er. An’er saw Lao Mo and Assan, who were pale and motionless on the ground. Their bodies were stained with blood. Ming is squatting beside them, using mashed herbs to paste on the wounds to stop the bleeding for them.


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