Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 58: death swamp

    Put down Jonmonchichi, thank you for the pink ticket, let's kiss...


     Promise to bring An'er to the market in late autumn, or three months later (according to An'er's observation, the world lasts for four full months every quarter, that is to say, the four seasons are reincarnated , it will take a full sixteen months, sixteen months is a year!), the most troublesome thing for the three big men is that the "Death Swamp" expedition is about to get ready, An'er is clamoring to take part in it!

    An'er is the goddess of luck bestowed by the gods on the Atayal tribe. In just a few months of her arrival, not only has the number of tribes doubled, but the tribes have waved their hands to the daily life of lack of food and clothing. Say goodbye. The current tribe, with the protection of the moat, no longer has to worry about the attack of the beast tide; with bows and traps in hand, it no longer has to worry about not being able to feed their own women and cubs; there is a novel house to live in, and there is no need to worry about the tribal population. Increase, the problem that the cave can't be squeezed... An'er, in the hearts of everyone in the Atayal tribe, is a veritable **** of luck!

    Death swamp, rendered by eagle leaves, is no different from the dragon pool and tiger den. The giant golden frog, which can pull people over with their tongues and swallow them alive at a long distance, has become a more terrifying creature than saber-toothed tigers and prehistoric giant crocodiles in the hearts of everyone in the Atayal people.

    The treasure of the tribe, Lin An'er, insisted on following the expedition to the death swamp to capture the giant frog, and got all the unanimous opposition. But An'er's reason is also very good: "Only I know what the springs needed to make a bow and crossbow are, and whether the hyoid bone of the giant golden frog can be used, only I know if I bring it! If you want to live in the forest If you go down, you must improve your weapons. If you want to improve your weapons, what's the point of taking some risks? Since you recognize that I am the goddess of luck, then you should believe in my luck and believe that I can come back safely! "

    Abu glanced at Lao Mo and Ah Sang who were seriously injured on the kang, thinking of the crisis deep in the forest. To have the strength to compete with giant animals, weapons must be improved. Dinosaurs and some giant insects do not always stay safe in the deep forest. When encountering natural disasters and lack of food, they will also appear in groups outside the forest. If the problem of weapons cannot be solved, even if their tribe has a moat , even if the city wall that An'er said was built up, there is still a crisis!

    As a man, I am not willing to give up the woman I love. Be personally at risk and face dangerous situations. But Abu did not forget that he was the head of the clan, protecting the safety and continuity of the clan. It's a heavy responsibility on his shoulders.

    He took a deep look at the clansmen surrounding him and An'er, then at the tribe that was developing better and better, and at An'er with a determined face, Slowly raising his arms, he made a decision that he didn't know he would regret: "Dear clansmen! An... Well said! For the safety of our tribe. For the safety of our hunting team and even everyone in the tribe. Life is guaranteed, bows and crossbows must be made!

    Naruta Tasha, for the sake of our Atayal tribe, took a personal risk. We must remember her goodness, she is a brave god, and her luck will continue! I decided to choose the most valiant warriors in the tribe. Protect our goddess and go on an expedition to the Dead Swamp! I'm the first to sign up! "

    "Count me in!" Before Abu's voice fell, Eagle Leaf's thick voice sounded.

    "I'm going too, my archery is accurate!" Ah Tu's voice was at the end of the period of voice change, but this little man. Not afraid of the unknown dangers of the Death Swamp. All he knew was to protect Naruta Tasha. He is indebted.

    "And me!"

    "I'm going too, I'm strong!"

    "My bone spear is accurate, so count me as one!"

    The Atayal tribe, whether it is the original tribe or the new members, as long as they are young and middle-aged warriors, they are eager to sign up, for fear of falling behind. Women also support their men in this event that transforms the tribe and the fate of everyone. For a time, the atmosphere in the tribe was unprecedentedly united, and everyone was thinking about one thing: protect the goddess and contribute to the tribe!

    An'er was in high spirits, and there seemed to be something in her chest that wanted to rush out. Her eyes were extremely bright, and she felt lucky to be in such a united tribe.

    There was a smile on Abu's face. He gently pressed his wrist to calm the excitement of the tribe. He thought about it and said, "The number of people can't be too many. I only bring half of the warriors. The other half has a heavy task. You continue to hunt. In the few days we are away, the tribe will rely on you!"

    Thinking that no matter which team they are assigned to, they can contribute to the tribe, the Atayal people are not so excited and wait quietly for the distribution of the patriarch.

    Abu chose fifteen strong, agile and powerful warriors as the backbone to protect An'er from the swamp. Among them, of course, he himself, and Ying Ye, who is comparable in strength, and A Tu also occupied one of the places with his flexible hands and feet, and the climax of archery.

    The sap of the gods, came before every warrior, and prayed for them.

    The great eagle and the warriors from Mani are fine. The warriors of the original Atayal, with excited and solemn expressions on their faces, are sincerely waiting for the great witch to bless them. Some middle-aged warriors, with tears in their eyes, recalled the distant blessing ceremony they once experienced. Since the old witch in the tribe failed to survive that winter ten years ago, before every large-scale collective event in the tribe, there has never been such a blessing ceremony.

    In the village with wrinkles and chrysanthemums all over her face, she tapped the liquid in each warrior's brow and chanted an ancient language. Didn't understand a word. She wanted to use the language converter to hear the other party's strange language clearly. After thinking about it, let it go. This kind of language can only be used in various ceremonies. What does it matter if she understands it or not.

    After blessing the fifteen warriors, the witch came to An'er at the end of the team, paused for a moment, glanced at her lightly, turned her head and left... Hey, hey! Don't be so discriminatory? Although she is weak and weak, she can't play a big role at a critical time. Anyway, we also participated in this dangerous activity. If you give me a blessing, you will die!

    Abu, who was beside An'er, looked at the strange expression on her face, and hurriedly chased after the witch and asked An'er's doubts.


    Abu and the warriors suddenly smiled and looked at An'er. She is the goddess of luck of the tribe, and her divine power is higher than that of the witch, so naturally she does not need the blessing of the witch!

    Fifteen adventure warriors, armed with the best weapons in the tribe - the mantis bone spear and the most powerful bow and arrow. Asang was very annoyed that he was injured and could not participate in this adventure. He lent his beloved mantis bone knife to Eagle Leaf as a weapon, and asked him to protect Naruta Tasha, together with his share!

    Fifteen warriors, guarding An'er in the middle of the team, set off with vigor. Yingye and another warrior from the Great Eagle Tribe (Yingdang, An'er laughed when she heard the name), had been to the Death Swamp, and led the way.

    To go to the Death Swamp, you have to leave the forest, pass through most of the territory of the original Great Eagle Tribe, and then go south for a day to get there. In other words, it will take more than two days on the light road, which is still the rhythm of the powerful primitive man!

    An'er knew her weight, when Abu and Yingye proposed to take turns to carry her, she did not refuse. If you hold on, it will only drag the hind legs of the army. This time, "Death Swamp" weighed on her heart, unable to make her in the mood to take the scenery along the way...

    On the way, there is really nothing to see. At the edge of the forest, she could almost be said to have traveled all over with the collection team. In the territory of the original Great Eagle Tribe, other tribes heard about the infectious disease of the Great Eagle, and did not dare to approach.

    When passing through the ruined site of the Great Eagle Tribe, Ying Ye and several of the original Great Eagle warriors in the team stopped for a while, silently watching the traces left by the fire on the ground, as if recalling In the past of the Eagle. However, Yingye recovered quickly, and his eyes on An'er became clearer, as if he had bid farewell to his past self and regained a new life.

    By the time they reached the Death Swamp, the setting sun was gradually approaching the horizon, illuminating the radiant sunset on the horizon. It was early autumn, and the sound of frogs croaking in the swamp could still be heard from far away.

    Abu made a stop gesture and said softly, "We'll rest here. In the evening and at night, beasts are generally more ferocious, so let's wait until tomorrow morning to explore!"

    An'er thought that the life habits of frogs were different from ordinary beasts. Although it is a mutated giant frog, it should be the same as the mutated animal she knew before, and its living habits will not change much, right?

    She knows that frogs generally do not respond to static things, and their eyes will not respond, but fast living things can be accurately captured. If that's the case, she's got a good way—fishing for frogs!

      She told her plan to fifteen outstanding warriors. The warriors have no doubts about her judgment. The loyal dog Abu even obeyed her words as if they were divine orders, of course, except for the safety of An'er...

    Abu and Yingye took the lead. They crawled forward clumsily in the ankle-deep grass according to An'er's wishes. An'er followed closely, but the movement of crawling forward was lighter than that of the two muscular men. Her left and right positions were also occupied by A Tu and Dang. An'er is the key protection object, and she must be protected by someone around her at all times.

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