Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 5: prehistoric carnival season

    Updated 2013-8-2020:05:02Words: 3089

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    Fortunately, despite his young age, Brother Abu is very agile. He throws a spear with an accurate shot. Although his strength is a little worse, he is very cunning and looks at the eyes of his prey and throws, Several times when hunting large beasts, he has made contributions, and those clansmen who were originally opposed to his brother joining the hunting team silently accepted it.

    Seven years have passed, my brother has become more and more agile, his hunting skills have become more and more skilled, and he is good at leading the hunting team to hunt large beasts. He soon became the backbone of the hunting team, and took office After the death of the patriarch, he was elected as the new patriarch.

    Since brother Abu took office as the patriarch, more than 30 Atayal people can barely get enough food every day. people. During the last long winter, not a single member of the clan died of starvation except for two old and weak patients.

    Patriarch Abu's scorching gaze retracted from An'er, and he met his brother's worried gaze, and smiled soothingly, "Ming, don't worry, I'm dying, I can't die!"

    Looking at the staggered wounds on his brother's body, Ming felt extremely distressed. In the past seven years, Abu has gone through countless dangers with the hunting team, and he has inevitably suffered some large and small wounds, but he has never been as dangerous as this time.

    "Okay! Don't act like that, be like a woman! Call A-Sang and let him preside over the prey distribution for me!" Abu raised his hand and lightly hammered Ming's arm a bit.

    "Baba, you're awake! Baba, Daer was scared to death just now!" Daer, who was tired of being beside An'er, heard Abu's voice, quickly ran to the stretcher, rushed Abu showed his snow-white teeth and narrowed his eyes.

    "An, Baba will be fine when he wakes up, right?" Da'er gently touched the **** gauze around Baba's waist, desperately in need of a reassurance Answer.

    Lin An'er bent down, checked the wound, nodded and said, "If you don't have a fever tonight, you will pass the dangerous period!"

    Although both Daer and Ming don't know what the "dangerous period" is, they understand that as long as Baba (brother) doesn't have a fever, he won't die. Da'er jumped up all of a sudden and shouted, "I'll go get the animal skin to cover it, so I won't have a fever when it's warm!"

    In the mind and cognition of the little things, only the cold will lead to fever and sickness. He quickly ran into the cave, found a complete animal skin, held it in his arms and ran back. His stature was small, and the hide was huge, dragging on the ground. He accidentally stepped on it while running, fell a big somersault, got up quickly, and covered Abu's body with the animal skin.

    An'er looked at the family's warm affection and couldn't help thinking of Ruoya who gave her care and affection. Ruoya, how are you in that world? Zoya, I miss you...

    "An'er, your... axe, can I use it?" The bearded Assan, as strong as a giant bear, was a little shy when facing An'er, he did An act of chopping something. Obviously, he did not know what the divine weapon in An'er's hand was that could split the hard giant mantis shell.

    An'er took out a dagger from her ankle and taught him to hold the handle, but unexpectedly, the clumsy Ah Sang injured himself. She hurriedly applied the white medicine to the wound on his palm. Ming saw that Ah Sang's bleeding wound was quickly stopped, and he couldn't help being interested in the magical wound medicine in An'er's hand.

    An'er thought for a while, and said, "You may not be very good at using this dagger, why don't I help you peel the mantis meat out of the shell, you can distribute it!"

    A Sang Han Han nodded and said, "In the past, it was the patriarch who distributed the prey. He was injured. Why don't An'er help us distribute it!"

    In the eyes of primitive people, the goddess is a fair and kind goddess, and everyone will be very relieved if the goddess distributes food. Besides, when Abu's Mama was still alive, she presided over the distribution of prey.

    An'er did not refuse, came to the mutant mantis, and first removed its two giant claws and other four slender legs with spikes on them. Then skillfully cut open the hard shell of the praying mantis, and scoop out the tender mantis meat inside.

    Luckily, this is a female praying mantis. When An'er used a sharp dagger to cut open the mantis' abdomen, a touch of golden yellow appeared in the firelight. An'er cheered: "Mantis eggs! A lot of mantis eggs!"

    The base has also hunted mutant mantises. As one of the leaders of the base, Uncle Ruo has allocated several mantis eggs the size of goose eggs, which are more fragrant than crab roe. Moreover, mantis eggs have high nutritional value, which is very helpful for wound healing and weak people.

    All the people of the Atayal tribe gathered around the giant mantis, watching with curiosity Naruta Tasha decompose the mantis flesh. Although no one had tasted the mantis eggs, from An'er's excited tone, he had already guessed that the eggs were probably a good thing. All the tribe members had happy expressions on their faces.

    This giant mantis finally dissected more than 100 mantis eggs and more than 300 catties of mantis meat. In this way, according to the head count, each tribe member can get about ten pounds of meat and three or four mantis eggs. When the prey was obtained, the entire Atayal tribe went crazy with joy. They sang primitive songs around the fire and danced rough dances to celebrate the rare harvest.

    You must know that most of the time, the meat they are allocated is not enough to eat half full. In this case, it is usually eaten with seven or eight women and children in the clan, and then it is the turn of the hunting warriors. If the prey is short, the men will not be able to eat meat. As for the old, weak and disabled adults who cannot participate in hunting, they often rely on collected grass seeds and wild fruits to feed their stomachs.


    While everyone happily gathered around the fire to roast meat, An'er reminded Assan, "Don't throw away the shells of the mutant mantises, and tomorrow I'll help you sharpen some weapons that are good for your hands. "

    An'er has long noticed that the weapons in the hands of these primitive people are all stone axes and spears, which are very simple and have low lethality. The shell of the mutant mantis, especially the front two claws, if it is thinned, it is sharper than a cold weapon like a sword, and it can be called a weapon of magic. When she was peeling the mantis flesh, she deliberately and carefully preserved the integrity of the shell, that's why she had that in mind.

    "Mutant mantis? Oh, An'er said the giant mantis, right! Yes, yes! The shell of the giant mantis is hard, if it can be used as a weapon, it must be more powerful than a stone axe!" Asan It's not stupid either, I immediately became excited after thinking about it.

    He also saw that the giant claws in front of the giant mantis can easily cut down a tree that five people hug together. If everyone in their hunting team can be equipped with such a weapon, they are not afraid of encountering large beasts!

    After being excited, Assan suddenly thought of something and asked: "An'er, can you make the weapon you used to kill the giant mantis? It's so powerful, it can kill prey from a distance, Much more powerful than our spears!"

    An Er thought for a while, and vaguely remembered the production process of bows and crossbows in the notebook. If the hunting team was equipped with bows and arrows, the prey they hit would definitely double. Since she plans to live in the Atayal tribe, she must contribute to improving her future life. She nodded and said, "If the materials allow, I will find a way to help you make some crossbows."

     Satisfied, Ah Sang continued to be courteous in front of his own woman. Three men, in their own way, secretly fighting each other...

    An'er smiled and swept to the little **** Da'er out of the corner of his eyes, and brought his half-baked mantis meat to the mouth of the patriarch Abu, who was still lying on the stretcher, watching everyone rejoice , hurriedly shouted: "Stop!"

    The audience was silent for a moment, everyone's movements were frozen for one second, and their eyes were all looking in the direction of Lin An'er.

    An'er touched her nose in embarrassment and said to everyone, "It's okay, it's okay! Everyone continue..."

    Then quickly came to Abu's side, pulled out the barbecue stuffed by Da'er from his mouth, and explained in a low voice: "He just finished the operation... uh, just finished sewing the wound , you can only eat liquid food for these two days to reduce the pressure on the intestines…”

    Seeing the two pairs of similar eyes of Dar and Ming, looking at her in confusion, An'er knows some proper nouns that she is talking about. Speaking of the truth: "Da'er, you can only eat boiled broth now, you can't eat large pieces of meat, you must remember!"

    "Baba can't eat meat? Baba is so pitiful! Is it possible that if you eat meat, Baba will die? Then...Baba, you can endure it for a few days and only drink the broth." Da'er hurriedly He took back the roasted meat in his hand, and silently wrote down in his heart that he must supervise Tuba in the next few days and not let him steal the meat.

    An'er smiled, touched the little guy's head and asked, "What do you usually use to make soup? Also, the meat on your hands is undercooked, and it's easy to get sick if you eat it. Ming, you help him!"

    Eating such meat is easy to get sick? Is this what he usually eats? Although Da'er was a little reluctant, he obediently handed the meat in his hand to Ming, ran back to the cave himself, and laboriously took out a stone pot.

    An'er saw the heavy stone pot with black lines hanging from her head. When can such a thick pot cook a pot of food? She misses cast iron, aluminum and stainless steel pots so much...

     Sticky pan! This Ruoya knew that she likes to cook, and specially asked the technical department to design and make it!

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