Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 70: Unexpected "prey"

    Because the cloth woven from abalone was not satisfactory, An'er never gave up looking for plants that could weave soft cloth. Plants such as flax and jute. Unfortunately, it didn't work out until late autumn.

    An'er has been working hard so that the new babies in the tribe can wear soft clothes. Every day, she followed the gathering team in the tribe to places she had not been before, and when people gathered, she searched carefully in the grass.

    An'er is a super idiot, everyone in the tribe knows everyone, so every time she follows her out, the clansmen of the gathering team are very nervous, for fear of giving the messenger of the gods, plus the patriarch's wife to lost. Even when collecting, Nana strictly stipulates that An'er must move in a place where the clan members can see or hear.


    An'er still carried her small backpack, bent over and searched around, the little mammoth was running and jumping at her feet, and sometimes got into the grass to follow An'er Play hide-and-seek, sometimes fleeing to the distance, picking a flower that has not withered and asking An'er for a reward.

    Several pear trees found by the hunting team last time have sweet pears. Seeing that An'er liked it, Abu led the warriors to pluck all the pears from the tree. Someone in the tribe muttered in a low voice: With so many fruits, won’t they spoil if they can’t be eaten?

    However, An'er led the women and children to work hard for two days, making a part of the fruit belly and saving it as a snack for the winter. Part of it is cellared, and it is absolutely fine to keep it until winter. Think about how comfortable it will be to sit on the hot kang and eat this frozen pear.

    When digging the cellar, the little mammoth was always beside him. Follow along. In the first few days when the pears were stored in the cellar, the cellars were always destroyed, but there were not many pears. However, An'er was afraid that the damage to the cellar would be detrimental to the preservation of the pears, so she stood by and waited to see who was causing the trouble. The result was a little mammoth.

    It turned out that the little mammoth liked the sweet taste of pears very much. Seeing that everyone buried the fruit he liked, he protested solemnly. However, everyone was busy at the time. No one paid attention to it, and a thief pear thief emerged. It is not greedy and only takes one or two at a time. Then a lot of pears naturally can't be seen.

    Because of this, An'er gave the little guy a hard lesson, making him understand that it was not given to him by his clan, and he could not eat it casually. However, looking at the pitiful appearance of the little thing. She would also reward him with a pear from time to time when he did well.

    "Xiao Meng-Xiao Meng!" When An'er found that the little mammoth hadn't been around for a long time, she shouted anxiously. Autumn is also the time when wild beasts hunt. Small things are too fragile, so don't run away and be eaten by wild animals.

    "Woohoola..." The bushes not far away shook, and An'er put her hand on her right wrist. See what's in front of you. Just relax again. It turned out to be a little mammoth. It rolled a bouquet of purple flowers with its nose and held it up to An'er as if offering a treasure. An'er took it and put it aside. Reached out to help it brush off the grass on its head, took out a fist-sized pear from the basket, stuffed it into its mouth, and patted its head in praise.

    Huh? When she looked at the bunch of flowers, she was stunned. A look of ecstasy immediately appeared on his face: "Xiao Meng! Where did you get these flowers? Take me to see them!"

    The little mammoth chewed pears with a "click", and was startled by An'er's sharp and eager voice. I forgot to swallow the half-chewed pear in my mouth.

    "An'er? What's the matter?" Hearing her voice from a distance, Yinghong asked with concern.

    Lin An'er hurriedly shouted at her: "It's okay! Don't worry!"

    Hearing her voice, the members of the gathering team continued to harvest the beans with confidence. As long as An'er was in a place they couldn't see, she would always raise her voice to let the other party know where she was.

    "Xiao Meng! Don't eat it, you bring me to find these flowers, I will reward you with three pears today!" An'er was very eager, as if a group of little mice were scratching in her heart.

    Three big pears? When the little mammoth heard her promise, his big ears fanned, thinking he had heard it wrong. Usually Mama always said that eating too many pears is not good, and strictly control one every two days, how can you be so generous today? Very questionable, is it... sick? Xiaomeng stretched out his nose and touched An'er's hand with concern.

    "You heard me right, as long as you bring me to find these flowers, you will have done a great job! Today you can open your belly to eat pears!" An'er tugged at its nose and said impatiently .

    Ha! Turns out it heard right! Mama loves these flowers, and as long as she finds more flowers, she will be rewarded. Its favorite pear, here I come!

    The little mammoth grabbed An'er's hand with its trunk, spread its four short legs, and ran towards the forest in one direction.

    After about 20 minutes of running with Xiaomeng briskly, An'er was stunned when she saw what she was looking for!


    It's really nowhere to be found, and it takes no effort to get it! The bark of kudzu can be woven into cloth after processing, called gebu. Not only that, the starch that can be processed by kudzu can be used to cook porridge, and it can also be made into kudzu powder like jelly, fried and eaten! In addition, eating arrowroot powder often has the effect of breast enhancement and beauty. An'er looked down at the xiaolongbao in front of her chest. Compared with the majestic "chest apparatus" of the women in the tribe, it was too "small".

    An'er squatted down, took out a shovel made of mantis shells, and couldn't wait to dig it up. Wow! It's a big piece of kudzu, and the processing of arrowroot is just right. An'er remembered the processing of kudzu powder. Generally, kudzu root for two or three years is the best, with the highest starch content.

    There are so many kudzu roots, she can't finish digging them for two days, Nana Lao Luo and the others, the beans are almost finished, right? Go ask for reinforcements!

    An'er threw the piece of kudzu that she dug out into the basket behind her, patted the soil in her hand, and walked quickly in the direction where she came from. As she walked, she felt that something was wrong, so she hurriedly stopped. Depend on! Wrong way!

    "Xiaomeng, you must remember the way you came... right?" It's not that animals have their own way of remembering the way, the little mammoth can run such a long way by himself If I go back again, I can bring myself to find this piece of kudzu again, and I will definitely bring her to the collection team! An'er shamelessly put the responsibility of finding a way back to the little mammoth who was only three or four months old.

    The little mammoth tilted its head, with teasing light in its eyes, turned and ran in the opposite direction. An'er touched her nose and wondered in her heart, next time, will she try to go in the opposite direction of her determined direction in order to find the right way?

    "Ah—" Just as she lifted her foot to chase the little mammoth, a scream sounded not far away, followed by a movement of Prapra, which frightened her for a moment, and stopped. footsteps.

    What sound? It seems that the trap has caught the prey, but the scream just now, why does it sound like a human scream?


    She carefully pushed aside the grass, followed the direction of the sound and tried to approach. After walking a few steps, sure enough, in the conspicuous place of a big tree, I found a symbol representing a trap.

    "Clap...chuck..." An'er took a few steps forward and heard a strange sound, as if a beast was pulling the soil in the pit, trying to escape.

    Did she hear it wrong? It wasn't the screams of humans just now, but the howls of beasts? What beast, howling so terribly? An'er quietly took out the light wave crossbow and slowly approached the hidden trap where the grass had been destroyed.

    "I #¥&OX (swear words, automatically blocked...), who digs such a big hole and kills people!" As soon as An'er came to the pit, she heard a Rough voice, breathless cursing. She stopped and waited for the change!

    “&%Y#OX! Who proposed to explore the forest? Go back, the old lady peeled his skin ("Lao Niang" is a language translator, converted to call herself)! So Gao, how did the old lady climb up?" An'er finally recognized that the other party was a woman from the sturdy voice.

    Women? How can there be single women in the forest? Did you get separated from the clan? But listening to her words, it seems that she is not from the forest tribe. The Plains tribe entered the forest, not afraid of being caught and killed? No, women here are rare, and even if they are caught, their lives will not be in danger.

    An Er suddenly remembered that Abu once said that some small tribes in the plains could not find enough food in autumn, so they would enter the forest and **** prey with the forest tribes. Sometimes, large-scale tribal battles take place! She guessed that this woman was here to explore the way. But... send a woman to adventure in the forest, have all the men in this tribe died?

    "咻—" A stone spear tied with a rope made of animal skin was thrown out of the trap and almost poked An'er's nose, she rolled in embarrassment towards a lazy donkey beside her Son, dodged dangerously.

     Meow! Did this primitive woman discover her, and why did she suddenly attack? wrong! An'er looked at the stone spear stuck on the ground, understood the purpose of the primitive woman, and couldn't help but praised the other's cleverness in her heart...

    The other party wanted to use this method to pull the animal skin up, but unfortunately the stone spear was not inserted deep enough to bear the weight of a person. Sure enough, the stone spear trembled a few times, rose from the ground, and flew towards the pit. I only heard a "thump", and with the sound of the heavy object falling to the ground, the woman's reluctant curse sounded again...


    Thanks to the lovely Xili and Xiaodao for the reward, and thanks to the phantom maniac for the pink vote.

    I ran out of manuscripts, alas! The computer system is broken, the thesaurus is updated, typing is slower...


    Recommend a friend Fei Yu's masterpiece, "Lin Xia's Rebirth Son": It's just a failed blind date, but he is thirteen again? Two lives, with a space ring, this time she wants to live a different life.

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