Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 75: market preparation

    Thanks to the lovely Xi Li and Yu Xue Feifei for their rewards, and thanks to Zi Ye Youlian and Autumn Chill for the pink tickets...


    Ying Ye didn't want to make Abu feel better, so he deliberately sang against him, and now he has won the gratitude of his sweetheart, and his heart is full of joy. An'er has a good impression of him, and the chance of him becoming her second man in the future will be even greater.

    Abu's teeth tickled with hatred in his heart, and suddenly a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said to Yingye, who was on guard: "Ye, most of the warriors in the clan travel, and there must be a solution to the tribe's affairs. Powerful people are in charge. As the chief of the tribe, I must lead the team. Then, the tribe will rely on you, the second warrior in this tribe!"

    "You! You are taking revenge!" Ying Ye was so angry that he almost flipped the dining table. But the black-bellied Abu looked at him with a determined look on his face, with a provocative smile in his eyes.

    An'er didn't care about the secret battle between the two big men, and cheered, celebrating her qualification to accompany the market. Da'er's little friend quit, he pouted his little mouth and protested loudly: "Why can Ann go, but I can't? I walk faster than her, and walk farther than her. I can also help with my back. Some small things!"

    An'er gave the little guy a smug look and said, "So what? The children should be obedient and stay at home! My sister came back from the market and brought you some good things!"

    "Sister? You are Mama, Baba's woman!" An'er was despised, but the little guy didn't give up, staring at Abu's back as a small tail: "Baba, I I'm going too! I'm not going to hold you back, I'm going faster than Ann..."

    Abu no matter the noisy little sparrow beside him, he wonders which way is better to walk, so that Aner will not suffer too much.

    An'er cleaned up the table and ordered Eagle Leaf to scrub. When I came back, I saw what my man was drawing on the ground with a charcoal stick, eh? So hard? Before leaving, practice the words she taught him?

    Speaking of her idea of ​​teaching Chinese characters. It was because when I taught Ming to recognize herbal medicine and pharmacology, when I saw the dense small print on the notebook, I tentatively expressed the idea that I wanted to learn to read. When An'er thought of counting the number of prey in the tribe, she struggled to draw lines on the walls of the cave. As for some major events in the tribe, they only used murals to record, and it was really inconvenient to hear without her own words.

    Besides, she has confirmed that this prehistoric era is not the one in history, but a different world in a parallel space. Even if modern words appear, there is no need to worry that someone in later generations will pull out her identity as a transmigrator. Well, then let her in this prehistoric primitive society. Build a new prehistoric civilization!

    An'er would light a bonfire in the yard every night and teach her to read for an hour. Those in the tribe who are willing to learn can participate, and those who are unwilling are not forced. At first, it was just a few children out of curiosity. come to study. Later, the adults found that after the children learned arithmetic and counting, they quickly caught up with them, and gradually came to listen. Now, her evening classes. There are already more than 30 students, and even Dawuzhuang is supported by his grandson to learn "Heavenly Characters".

    Abu was also one of the first students to follow her to learn to read. However, An'er had never seen him so serious before. She stuck her head out curiously. However, she found that what Abu charcoal wrote and drew was not words, but some simple lines, which made her confused.

    "What is this?" An'er asked curiously, pointing to a curved line.

    Abu said casually: "This is the big river next to our tribe, oh. It's the one you named Biqing River."

    "Then... these are mountains? And these are trees?" An'er pointed to a few small steamed buns with a black line. and firewood stick to ask Abu.

    Abu nodded, absent-mindedly said: "This is the mountain behind us, and those represent the woods... If you walk along the river, you don't need to climb the mountain, but there are many forests along the way, and the road It's almost half way..."

    An'er squatted quietly beside him, listening to her man's remarks for a long time, and finally came to a clear understanding. Dare lover's family is planning a route to the market!

    Wait! Walk along the river? An'er had already stood up straight, and was about to boil water to wash her face, wash her feet and get into the warm bed, when she suddenly thought of something, she turned around, pointed to the earthworm-shaped river, and asked, "The market is in the Biqing River. Upstream or downstream? Is it far from the Biqing River? Is this Biqing River always this wide? Are there rapids downstream?"

    Abu was dazed by An'er's series of questions, he rubbed his forehead, put An'er in his arms, and kissed her Barabara kept asking Xiaozui smiled and said: "The Biqing River is a big river, and it will not dry up all year round. Except when it flows through this big mountain, the water flow is a little hurried, and the water surface is calm in other places.

    The market we are going to is in the lower reaches of the Biqing River, and is the closest to the tribes of the Ocean and Guantao tribes, because the items produced by these two tribes are exchanged by other tribes. If we walk along the Biqing River, it will be a bit far, but we don't need to climb the mountain, it can save some effort..."

    Although this way, when they arrived at the market, they could only grab the tail of the market, but he couldn't bear to watch An'er suffer a lot along the way.

    An'er nestled in Abu's warm embrace, pointing her fingers in the ghosts he drew, chanting words in her mouth. Finally, she patted her thigh and said, "There is a way!"


    "The way to go to the market can be shortened!" An'er excitedly pointed to the Biqing River, turned her head to look at Abu and said, "You still remember that we were in the Swamp of Death, in order to hunt the giant gold Those wooden rafts that frogs pierced?"

    "Wooden rafts? Of course I remember! What do those wooden rafts have to do with us going to the market?" Abu still didn't understand and asked in confusion.

    "Abu, you are really a wood head! Think about it, the wooden raft can row on the swamp, and naturally it can also drive on the river. It is early winter, and the water of the Biqing River is not flowing well. Urgent. If we tie the bamboo rafts and go downstream, wouldn't it save a lot of energy?" An'er excitedly kept talking.

    Abu listened quietly first, with a look of surprise on his face. If it really is like what An'er said, if you use bamboo rafts and wooden rafts to go down the river, it will not only save energy, but also save a lot of time. They are not afraid of not being able to catch up with the market!

    "Okay! I'll call the warriors of the tribe right away to cut wood and build rafts overnight!" Abu stood up abruptly, waving his right fist excitedly, almost pushing An'er in his arms somersault.

    An'er stood up, rolled his eyes at him, and said, "It's best to chop bamboo to make bamboo rafts, the middle of the bamboo is empty, the draft is small, the buoyancy is relatively large, it can drive in shallow water, and it is stable Good sex, smooth and safe on the water.”

    Abu nodded and said, "Just as An said, chop bamboo to make a bamboo raft! An, you go to sleep first, tomorrow...the day after tomorrow at the latest, you have a good rest..."

    "Puba! Once the bamboo raft is tied, can I take Da'er with me?" Da'er, who had been eavesdropping outside the door for a long time, jumped out impatiently with a glint in his eyes The bright water light looks like you will cry for you if you don't promise.

    Abu's heart was filled with bamboo rafts, he nodded casually, pulled away Da'er's small body, and strode towards the cave. At the entrance of the cave, there is a horn that can summon the entire clan. After a while, the long horn sounded, and the whole tribe boiled.

    "An, An! Baba promised to let me follow, right? Did he just nod?" Daer was staggered by Abu's hand. With a look of disbelief, he ran to An'er's side, shaking her hand and asking repeatedly.

    An'er squeezed his bun face hard, patted his little **** wrapped in animal skin, nodded and smiled: "Go pack what you want to bring, go to bed early, if you wake up tomorrow If you don't come, I'll leave you at home!"

    "Yo hoo!" Da'er cheered, and swiftly ran out, running to the door, he turned his head and gave An'er a grimace, saying, "Da'er is not Ma Ma, every morning always Stay in bed. Such a big person, shame on your face~"

    "Stinky boy!" An'er laughed and scolded when he saw his back jumping out. She thought about it, she should pack some necessities along the way. The deformable helmet should be brought along, and I would point to it to make some hot meals along the way. I should also bring some processed seasonings. As for the food, I don’t need it. The tribal warriors carry so many prey, not for watching, and if they are drifting on the water, they can also catch some fresh fish and fight their teeth!

    As for what can be exchanged! The small dried fish she developed has a taste that conquers the tongues of all the clansmen. If you get it in the market, it is estimated that only those tribes that have a lot of food and everything will be replaced by someone... Just take it, if you can't change it, along the way Can eat by itself.

    There are also those woven baskets, baskets and baskets. Since they are more popular among the small tribes nearby, those large tribes will definitely need them. She suddenly thought that when she first came to the Atayal tribe, the gathering team here were all small bags sewn with animal skins, or the collected things wrapped in leaves, and they could only collect a limited amount at a time. Since having the backpack, the efficiency of the collection team has also improved a lot.

    Like those marine tribes, don't they exchange sea salt at the market? I can't believe that they are not moved when they see the basket. There are also people from the Guantao tribe. If they have a carrying basket, they can carry a lot of pottery by themselves, saving manpower and getting more things...

    The more An'er thought about it, the more she felt that the back baskets and baskets were very marketable, so she took Ming into the cave, sorted out the stacks of back baskets, prepared bamboo rafts and shipped them to the market go…

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