Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 78: prehistoric crocodile

    Thanks to *Clara* for the pink tickets!



    An'er frowned tightly, staring at the "withered tree" that was approaching rapidly. Because of the speed, the water-breaking lines formed in front of her. Nearly, "Withered Bark" has entered the range of the strong crossbow. An'er pondered for a moment and motioned Abu to shoot a powerful crossbow towards the withered bark.

    "What a hard lump of wood! Could it be that the iron birch tree was split by the thunder and fell into the water?" Instead, he was bounced and fell into the river. Seeing this, Ah Sang couldn't help but be stunned and surprised. You must know that their crossbows are made of mantis shells, and even iron birch can penetrate into the wood for three points!

    An'er's face was bright, and her heart was secretly anxious. Seeing that his crossbow failed to cause any damage to the target, Abu thought that if the dead tree, as An'er had said, was a ferocious monster, I'm afraid they would be less fortunate this time. A sense of solemnity slowly spread on the two bamboo rafts.

    A Sang fired two more arrows without giving up, still the same result. He gritted his teeth and glanced at Ji, and the tacit understanding formed by getting along for a long time flowed between the two. Ji glanced at the patriarch's raft, showing his ignorant and nervous son, pursed his mouth tightly, and nodded vigorously.

     "Patriarch, take An'er and Ming and the others to go first, Ji and I will meet this thick-skinned monster!" Push hard in the mud. The bamboo raft got stuck on the bamboo pole, and the slow drifting stopped.

    Abu brows form a pimple! ridiculous! Atayal warriors, there is no coward to retreat in danger! Not to mention sacrificing other clansmen in exchange for their temporary peace!

    "A-Sang, if you still think I'm the patriarch. Just shut up! We're not even afraid of the giant mantis, and we're afraid of this bulky guy?" Abu also fixed his bamboo raft When he came down, his young and handsome face was filled with determination.

    "The patriarch, the fifty or sixty members of the Atayal tribe, cannot lose their leader. Besides, Naruta Tasha is still on your raft, and Ming is an excellent witch doctor, so he cannot stay. Here's an adventure! You guys go first, Ji and I deal with this guy. We'll catch up with you soon!" Even with his ragged beard, Ah Sang couldn't hide his anxiety and nervousness.

    Abu snorted coldly and said, "If you are asked to disregard the lives of your clansmen, take An and them to go first, will you agree?"

    "That's different, you're the patriarch!!"

    "Because I'm the patriarch, I can't be a deserter! Abandon the lives of the clan and run away by myself. What face do you want me as the patriarch to stand in front of the clan in the future?" Shi did not forget to notice that it was already within twenty meters, and he could clearly see every texture on the "withered bark".

    An'er's little face became very serious, she sternly shouted: "Don't fight! Everyone stays behind, no matter how powerful the enemy is, it is not impossible to defeat. Abu, Asang. You pay attention. , I'll test it first to see if this guy is the behemoth I imagined!"

    "How to test? Or... I go into the water to see?" Abu hesitated.

    "Stupid! Such a cold river. You froze in a short time after jumping down. How do you fight that monster? Look at me!" Fight hard, don't use your brain! Ann. You demand too much from primitive people, such as Abu, the head of a brave and wise clan. Already very good!

    An'er selected a smaller prey from the bamboo raft and stabbed it a few times with a dagger. This hyena was just pulled out of the trap yesterday, and it was still alive and kicking in the morning. Because of the inconvenience of transportation, he was killed just before boarding the ship. Therefore, the knife stabbed in, and a **** aura instantly spread out.

      In an instant, it accelerated its speed in the water as if it had been beaten with blood.

    "Abu, throw this prey at the monster, how much effort is needed!" An'er decisively ordered Abu. Because the distance of more than 20 meters is insignificant for the monster, it can swim to the bamboo raft in an instant, and he has to think of a way to drag its speed. Throwing **** prey, on the one hand, can slow down the opponent's speed, on the other hand, it can also let her see whether this monster is the species she has in mind.

    "Crash—" As the prey was thrown, a huge splash of water bloomed on the river surface, and the splashing water splashed on the bamboo raft that was close at hand. Abu and Assan, who were standing at the end of the bamboo raft, bore the brunt of it, and were drenched in coldness.

    "Hi--" They gasped, not because of the river water drenching them, but by the big guy in front of them.

    The prey was caught by a large mouth just before entering the water. This time, everyone can see the whole picture. There is no more appropriate word for "behemoth" to be used on it. The guy is more than ten meters long and more than two meters wide. His head occupies one-third of his body, and his mouth occupies three-quarters of the entire head. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a **** mouth. The two rows of staggered sharp teeth in the mouth, even the most powerful opponent, can bite in half.

    "What kind of monster is this...! It's so powerful..." Ming was stunned. When the 100-pound prey came into the opponent's mouth, it was eaten in two strokes. The guy licked his mouth, and his fierce eyes fixed on their bamboo raft again.

    "Prehistoric giant crocodile!" An'er clung to the animal skin clothes on her body and muttered. She has already recognized the one in front of her, which is one of the most ferocious species in prehistory - the Russ crocodile.

    She couldn't help but smile bitterly in her heart, did God think they were too smooth recently, and deliberately made a watch boss to test them! Thief God, don't bring such playful people!

    As far as she knows, the Russ crocodile is the most ferocious of the prehistoric giant crocodiles. It is violent and powerful, and no other predator can match it. Even if it is as fierce and powerful as a Tyrannosaurus rex, it can only run away when encountering it.

    They swim freely on land and in water, preying as they please. Huge mouth and sharp teeth, with amazing bite force, for the intruders who invaded their territory, one bite, no ambiguity! With their dry tree-like skin, no beast can harm them, even if they are other than their own kind. Except for its kind, no species can be its opponent!

     Looking at the approaching prehistoric giant crocodile, An'er clenched the light wave crossbow in her hand, adjusted the energy source to the maximum, took a few deep breaths, and pulled the trigger of the light wave crossbow. With a dazzling light, the crossbow arrow was like a flash of lightning, and it shot towards the red light that flickered in the center of Russ Crocodile's eyes.

    An'er's crossbow is amazing. Even with the best results I usually practice, it's not as powerful as it is today. If there is a shooting target, her crossbow will definitely hit the red heart - ten rings!

    However, the light wave crossbow she was proud of in her hand failed to cause any substantial damage to this huge opponent. Visually, it only shot into the cortex for four or five centimeters. However, the pain caused by the injury aroused the fierceness of the prehistoric giant crocodile.

      Even if an adult man stood up straight in its mouth, the top of his head could not reach the upper jaw of the prehistoric giant crocodile!

    It was such a **** mouth, and it was bitten down by the bamboo raft where An'er was, the enemy that hurt it. You know, this Russ crocodile has always been invincible in its own territory, and there has never been any kind of creature that can hurt it. But today, it was hurt by an insignificant little human being, can it not be angry?

    An'er was extremely nervous, knowing that the prehistoric giant crocodile in anger, if this mouth bites off, the entire bamboo raft, together with their three, two, and five people, will all be buried in the crocodile's mouth among.

    The distance is too close, and it is not suitable for attacking with a crossbow. Asang has replaced the long knife made of the mantis front claws in his hand. He raised the bone knife high and moved towards the huge monster. Eyes cut off. According to his hunting experience, no matter how huge the beast is, the eyes are extremely fragile.

    "Dang!" With a loud noise, Ah Sang only felt that his palm was numb, and the bone knife in his hand almost came out of his hand. Looking at the Russ crocodile again, as if nothing was wrong, he turned his eyes and glanced at him, the disdain and ridicule in it were so obvious that even the rude man Assan could see it.


     Kong Kong, who was so nervous that his face was pale, but like a competent little warrior, has been watching every movement on the battlefield. Given time, this kid must be a good hunter just like him. Hearing Ah Sang Baba's words, he suddenly said: "It's not that the monster's eyes are hard, it's just when Asang Baba you cut it down, it hid its eyes in the skin!"

    "Abu, be careful!" Seeing the prehistoric giant crocodile, An'er became even more angry when she was disturbed to eat. Shaking its big head, looking at Bamboo Raft's eyes, a ferocious red flashed. It opened its terrifying big mouth again and bit the bamboo raft.

    Don't look at this guy's size, but his movements are extremely fast. On the water, Abu Aner and the others, who had nowhere to escape, could only watch the big mouth of this prehistoric giant crocodile.

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