Prehistoric Woman Age

Chapter 8: first time to collect

    Update time 2013-8-2319:05:02Words: 3139

    When the morning light dyed the sky gray-blue, the warriors of the hunting party gathered in front of the cave. With a full stomach and a meaty aftertaste in his mouth, he held the emerald axe and spear made by the goddess An’er overnight. Every member of the hunting team was full of confidence in this hunt. .

    Asang, who was temporarily granted the right to lead the hunting team, solemnly came to the "bed" of the patriarch Abu and listened to his guidance before leaving, and then led the hunting team to the forest with confidence. set off.

    An'er felt that there were not many warriors in the hunting team originally, and there were two young men who were adults but not yet adults, and the courageous and resourceful young patriarch was bedridden. The harvest of the hunting team is related to the livelihood of the whole clan, and it is also related to whether she can fill her stomach. Therefore, she proposed to go hunting with the hunting party. Although she has a limited ability to fire a crossbow, she is better than having advanced weapons in hand, and she has more knowledge than this group of primitive people, so she will always be helpful.

    But, let alone the Atayal tribe, the entire primitive society has never seen the truth of letting women go out hunting. What's more, there are only a few adult women in the Atayal tribe, and it is too late to protect them, so how can she be allowed to go out and take risks? Even though she was considered to be very powerful, her proposal was rejected by a group of men who were extremely protective.

    After breakfast, Daer grabbed the job of cleaning up the mess, and Ming flipped over the herbs he collected. An'er asked Nana, the leader of the collection team, and knew that there was still some time left before collection. Taking advantage of this opportunity, she opened the foldable solar notebook, which contained her archive of flora and fauna. These animal and plant archives, whether mutated or those that once existed but died out in the last days, are complete in variety and can be called an encyclopedia of animals and plants.

    Before crossing, she only stored some post-apocalyptic biological characteristics in her mind. Those species that were long in time but died out due to virus infection or environmental deterioration when the apocalypse came, she was only Have fun.

    When you go out to collect, you must first familiarize yourself with edible plants in order to get as much food as possible. An'er turned on the computer, typed in the text she wanted to search for, and pressed the Enter key.

    Da'er, who washed the pots and pans, saw a novelty in An'er's hand, square and square, shining blue and bright in the dim cave, so he put his head out curiously.

    "Yeah! Isn't this the grass seed we collected yesterday? By the way, Ann named it, rice! Well, how can there be rice in this?" Daer thought of two meals. The porridge cooked with rice tastes different but equally delicious, so I can't help but smack my mouth.

    An'er patted the little black paw that Da'er stretched out and said with a smile, "This is what I brought here... an artifact, which can help us find more edible grass seeds, fruits and rhizomes."

    Since everyone in the Atayal tribe believes that she is a goddess from the sky, this explanation should be easily accepted by them.

    Sure enough, even the shrewd Ming Ming did not doubt the origin of the solar notebook, he pointed to a familiar plant in the herbal chapter and said: "This can cure diarrhea, What about this? What is it?"

    "This is isatis root, and its leaves can treat flu and pneumonia..." An'er looked at the function below the picture and explained to him.

    "Influenza? Pneumonia?" These two professional terms made Ming even more confused.

    "It's just a cough, fever, sore throat..." An'er is not a professional doctor, and she can't explain it clearly. She only briefly explained some symptoms of a cold. Time was limited. In order to prevent Ming from continuing to ask questions, she hurriedly turned to the page of grains and vegetables, trying to put in her mind the characteristics of plants that she was not familiar with.

    As for herbal medicine, she will teach Ming one by one when she is free in the future. The medicines she brings are limited. Doctor. With the records of Chinese herbal medicine in the notebook, Ming stands on the shoulders of giants, and it is difficult to improve his medical skills.

    When Nana called everyone out to collect, An'er had already remembered the common edible plants in the computer. Anyway, she carries a notebook with her, and if she has any questions, she can open it to confirm.

    The size of the collection team includes almost all the old and weak women and children in the tribe. Younger ones, such as Tongtong, who is over one year old, were tied to Ma Ma's back with long animal skins, and four or five-year-old children like Da'er had already joined the collection team.

    Even the tribe's two disabled adults with missing arms and legs are unwilling to stay behind. The tribe didn't drive them out, they were already very grateful, don't even think about hunting them, gather some seeds and fruits or something, it can still help a little.

    Kino, whose arms are shoulder-to-shoulder torn by beasts, was originally one of the best warriors in the hunting team. After losing his right arm, he was depressed for a period of time. The desire to survive made him abandon his pride and go with women and children collection. He was thin, but his legs were slender and powerful, and he ran so fast that few people in the tribe could surpass him.

    As for Fengluo, who is limping after his leg injury recovery, he is relatively short and doesn't like to talk much, but he has a good sense of smell. Through the sense of smell, it can identify whether there is a large beast nearby, and what kind of beast it is. With him, the safety of the collection team is guaranteed.

    Collecting teams generally operate on the edge of the forest. There are very few large beasts here, but small animals such as pheasants and hares appear and disappear from time to time, attracting a few little men to shout and chase. Da'er held an emerald green bone spear about his height in his hand, which Lin An'er helped him grind with the remaining mantis shell waste. Even though the little guy was young, he threw the bone spear in a similar manner, and the bone spear almost stabbed the prey several times.

    Animal activity has its scope and path. After careful observation, An’er chose several locations and set up small hunting traps with tough rattan, looking forward to unexpected harvests.

    Nana saw that An Erdong was touching the west, and after a long time, her hand was still empty. Originally, she was dominant among the three women in the tribe, regardless of size, appearance and age, and was flattered by men like stars. It can be said that no one can replace her position.

    This is an era of advocating power. The patriarch Abu is very young. Nana feels that she has outstanding conditions and believes that Abu will definitely be one of her men in the future. Okay. Who knows, it has been more than a year since the patriarch turned sixteen, but he has not seen any movement. Her men are all good hunters in the tribe, there is no shortage of men to serve, and Abu has no other better choice, Nana is full of confidence and patience in capturing the patriarch.

    However, yesterday suddenly appeared a goddess who could even defeat a giant mantis, and in her hands there were all kinds of clansmen who had never heard of it, let alone seen an "artifact". Although the woman didn't have a few taels of flesh on her body, it could be blown away by a gust of wind, her face was bad, and her body didn't look like she was thin and weak enough to survive the winter. However, Abu's eyes were full of frenzy that made her feel uncomfortable. Nana felt uncomfortable in her heart, and couldn't help but want to get along with that woman.

    When she saw that An'er was only focusing on "playing", even the four-year-old Da'er collected a small handful of grass seeds, but she had two empty claws, Nana's tone was not good: "An'er Stop playing! The hunting team doesn't know how much food they can hunt today, do you think everyone will be hungry tomorrow?"

    A Tu's Mama A Cai straightened up when she heard the words, glanced at Lin An'er, smiled and said to Nana: "An'er came out to collect for the first time, everything looked fresh. Don't talk about her, when there was no An'er in the past, we didn't do what we should do? The seeds here are almost collected, let's look elsewhere! "

    Nana wants to say that An'er also wants to eat, but she wants to share their food when she doesn't. But thinking of the unfinished mantis meat in the cave, she refrained from speaking.

    "An, it doesn't matter, Da'er worked hard to collect a lot of grass seeds, and then we will be able to share a little more!" Da'er carefully wrapped the grass seeds in animal skins, directed at An He smiled like a puppy.

    An'er didn't explain anything, smiled at A Cai, followed behind the gathering team, and walked in the other direction...

    "Wait!" An'er's eyes kept searching in the grass, and suddenly her eyes lit up and she stopped the team in front.

    Nana looked back and saw that An'er was squatting in front of a low plant, playing with the dirt with her hands, her fire burst into flames, and she shouted: "You don't collect Even if it is, we are still dragging our speed! You might as well not come out!"

    Lin An'er was in a happy mood when she saw the plants in front of her. She directly ignored Nana's anger, cut a bamboo from not far away, cut it into several bamboo shovels, and excitedly Greet everyone and say, "Come on! The fruits growing under these plants are edible!"

    The old clansman Luo, who was walking in front, returned hesitantly, looked at the green low plant, shook his head, and said, "An'er, did you remember it wrong? I never heard it. I said that the fruit grows in the soil... It's getting late, we have to hurry up..."

    While Lao Luo was talking, An'er had dug up a plant and shook off the soil on the root, revealing several plump fruits. An'er opened the shell of the fruit, stuffed one in her mouth, chewed it happily, and said, "This plant is written in the 'God Book' I read this morning, it's called 'Peanut', it can be eaten raw, It can be cooked and eaten, and it tastes even better when it is fried!”

    Da'er also pouted and dug out a plant, imitating An'er's appearance, opened the shell of the peanut, revealing the red fruit inside, couldn't wait to stuff one in his mouth, beside him Nodding while eating, he said, "I read the divine book of Anna, and it contains the rice we ate yesterday! The book says that if you can eat peanuts, you can definitely eat them! Mmmm, it tastes alright, crunchy."

    Other clansmen saw this and found sticks and branches that could be excavated, and hurried to excavate. After tasting the taste of peanuts, it accelerated the speed of digging peanuts.


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