Listen to Su Jinxi shouting one by one, as if she had forgotten everything about them in the past. Also, she is now another man's woman. How can she call his name as intimately as before.

"..." moxino held his chest in his hands, leaned his body against the cushion behind him, and looked at the familiar and strange woman in front of him, as if to dig a hole out of her face to see what the hell she was doing?

It's not difficult for him to make this guarantee. It can even be said that he is happy to make this guarantee. If he really marries AI Xinlan, giving Su Jinxi such a guarantee will make him feel much more comfortable.

However, he is still a little unwilling. Su Jinxi, does she really care about herself at all? In addition, she took the child alone for several years and disappeared. Now she suddenly appears and gives the child to him. What is the reason?

He really can't believe that Su Jinxi gave up her child to sleep with Zhong Liwei, because even now, he doesn't believe that Su Jinxi will be such a woman, and he doesn't believe that he has no eyes.

"My son's last name is Sunuo for the time being. Xiaonosi is his nickname. We are now living in 1202 of Xingcheng hotel. When do you want to pick him up?" finally, Su Jinxi took the initiative to tell his son's name.

1202? Didn't you live in 1203 with Zhong Liwei? What's going on?

Mohino wanted to ask, but before he had time, the internal telephone in his office rang. With a drop, Yan Bin's phone came, "Mr. Mo, Miss Xinlan is at the front desk and wants to see you."

Hearing AI Xinlan's name, Su Jinxi couldn't help lowering her head. She used to be good friends with AI Xinlan in college, but six years ago, they were no longer friends because of moxino.

Moxino looked at Su Jinxi, who consciously bowed his head, and returned to Yan Bin. "Find someone to take her to the passenger room for a while. I'll come right away. Come to my office now."

After finishing with Yan Bin, moxino looked at Su Jinxi. "Call me if you do your son's ideological work well. I'll ask Yan Bin for my phone later. I have something else to do. Let's do it first today."

"... when can you give me that five million?" Su Jinxi asked when he saw that moxino was leaving.

The originally stretched eyebrows frowned again. However, moxino replied to her, "later, Yan Bin will do everything for you. Don't worry, I won't break the money promised by moxino."

After saying that, moxino didn't give her any chance. She left in a hurry, as if she was in a hurry to go to a very important appointment.

"..." looking at moxino's back, Su Jinxi wanted to explain that she didn't mean what he understood, okay? However, seeing that he was in such a hurry to see AI Xinlan, Su Jinxi's heart was still uncontrollably jealous. It seems that AI Xinlan is in a very important position in his heart.

Also, AI Xinlan is now his fiancee. She will become Mrs. Mo in less than a month. It's not too much to pay attention to her wife.

Knowing that Yan Bin is coming soon, before Yan Bin arrives, Su Jinxi quickly picks up her involuntary depression. When Yan Bin opens the door, Su Jinxi just recovers as usual.

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