Moxino looked at the little boy about five or six years old who was led out by Su Jinxi. His face was exactly the same as his, but it was much more immature. Therefore, there was no doubt that this was his own son.

But what is Su Jinxi doing? He is going to marry another woman, and the object of marriage is still her former college friend of Su Jinxi. She doesn't ask him about marriage, but just pushes her son out?

I can't believe Su Jinxi is so calm and doesn't care about his marriage. Moxino, who is too excited, also forgets that what he should investigate is that Su Jinxi dared to leave with other men with his children.

"My son? Are you sure?" moxino raised his eyebrows, deliberately denied his son, and grabbed Su Jinxi's mouth and said a lot of words deliberately hurting her heart.

"Su Jinxi, you are a shameless woman. I used to be young and carefree. You just played with me while applauding. Now I am mature and steady. Do you think I will be cheated by your disguised purity? My moxino, now is different from the past. I want to put the wild seeds you gave birth to with other men on my head. It's not so tolerant Easy. "

When he said these cruel words, moxino kept staring at Su Jinxi's face. He just wanted Su Jinxi to have a try. Six years ago, when she said those words to him, he felt the kind of heart eating pain at that time.

The reason why he said the word "wild seed" in front of little nosy was that he thought that children around the age of five or six should not understand the meaning of wild seed.

Knowing that this is his son, he has to be hard hearted to say such a word. It is also a kind of suffering for mosino. After all, it is also his child. However, in order to hit Su Jinxi, he can't care about anything.

He succeeded in this desperate way of testing.

Su Jinxi finally raised his head. His face was unbelievable, and his eyes were full of sadness.

She can understand why moxino uses these hurtful words. However, understanding belongs to understanding. Emotionally, she has to admit that moxino succeeded in letting her know what heartache is.

In fact, mosino didn't need to embarrass herself so much to let her understand his feelings six years ago, because she could already sympathize with him when she said those words six years ago.

The pain was unforgettable in her life. In the past six years, every time she thought of moxino's red eyes and holding back her tears that day, Su Jinxi would have a painful spasm all over her body and recover for a long time.

So, Shino, my life is not as easy as you think. However, these are not important. The important thing is that you and your children will be happy in the future.

"If you don't believe it, we'll do a paternity test." Su Jinxi was calm in the face of his doubt.

Because, in addition to the fact that little nosy and he are completely printed by the same mold, the other most important thing is that she, Su Jinxi, is the only man in his life. Little nosy is naturally his child and can't be wrong.

"... Su Jinxi, you --" he said so many ugly words that Su Jinxi could still be so calm, and moxino couldn't help clenching his fist.

Six years ago, he lost the game between moxino and her. Six years later, he still lost in a mess.

Ridiculous! Sad! And alas!

"Leave the child's hair and give it to Yan Bin. You will come alone at the same time tomorrow." moxino admitted. He had to admit defeat and dialed the Secretary's office to order, "inform Yan tezhu to come to the third reception room immediately."

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