At this time, Tong Fei did not expect that Mo Jianbai came so quickly. She sat opposite Mo Jianbai.

"Tong Fei, why do you do this to Xiaoyu? Didn't I promise you that I would marry you? Why don't you believe me and why have the heart to do this to her?" Mo Jianbai wondered why Tong Fei did this.

He didn't even believe what the police said. If he didn't see that the evidence was indeed Tong Fei's autograph, he wouldn't believe it. Even if he had to believe it in the end, he also wanted to ask Tong Fei why she did it.

He really can't imagine the reason. He promised Tong Fei that she would still stick to it and even do the crazy thing last night.

"You tell me first that Zhong Siyu is the little girl you have loved for many years, right?" Tong Fei didn't answer Mo Jianbai's question. Instead, she asked the questions she wanted to know first.

She looked at Mo Jianbai attentively and prayed in her heart. He denied it. As long as he denied it, she would feel better. Even if she knew that the possibility of this matter was so ethereal.

"Yes," Mo Jianbai did not deny.

"Over the years, you have been deceiving me. You don't love me at all. Why do you marry me? You and Zhong Siyu have met again. Since you are in love, why don't you confess to me earlier. I Tong Fei won't entangle and bully you, but you promise me that you will marry me. Even I don't know what I have. I want you to promise me like this, Mo Jian Bo, since you don't love me, why didn't you tell me earlier? "

At last, Tong Fei cried. Since she didn't love her, why didn't she say that she was forced to sink so deep now.

At the thought of the future without Mo Jianbai, she really felt that life was better than death.

She once told her in front of Zhong Siyu that Mo Jianbai was her and would marry her, just relying on Mo Jianbai's promise. But now, she really wants to know why Mo Jianbai made such a promise to Zhong Siyu since he loves Zhong Siyu so much. Obviously, this promise has no meaning at this time.

"Did you really forget, or did you deliberately not think about it?" facing Tong Fei's tearing heart and lungs, Mo Jianbai still couldn't bear it. Even if she did such a thing to Zhong Siyu last night, he couldn't yell at her and scold her righteously when he thought of her harm to Tong Fei.

"That?" Tong Fei asked Mo Jianbai blankly before her tears were dry. She really didn't know what else was secret between her and Mo Jianbai.

"I still remember the night of Xiaoguai's 19th birthday. I was going to confess..." Mo Jianbai began to tell the story in detail. Then he overheard the dialogue between Tong Fei and her friends. Therefore, he made up his mind to take this responsibility and take care of Tong Fei all his life.

"Hahaha..." after listening to Mo Jianbai's story, Tong Fei began to laugh wildly. The tears of laughter came out and her heart was numb with laughter. The man she loved in her life did not love wrong at all. It turned out to be so. It turned out to be just a misunderstanding, but Mo Jianbai was willing to give up the woman she loved deeply for such a misunderstanding.

How could she know such a man? Tong Fei thought of Zhong Siyu's friendship to her. She probably heard Mo Jianbo talk about this misunderstanding. Therefore, she was so good to her and sincerely wished her happiness. However, she was blinded by lard and covered up her true heart by jealousy and hatred, and she was so cruel to Zhong Siyu.

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