Although the way down the mountain is not as hard as the way up the mountain, you should also take steady steps, especially if you still carry a person on your back and don't pay attention to the center of gravity, it is likely that both of you will roll down the steps together.

This has nothing to do with the weight of the person on his back. It is related to the balance ability of the person on his back. Moxino is a person who likes exercise. He has loved playing football, climbing mountains and swimming since childhood. Therefore, it is not difficult for him to carry Su Jinxi down the mountain.

"You haven't had a good meal in the past six years, have you? Where has the meat grown?" mosino thought Su Jinxi was too thin. How can people who don't eat well have a good body?

Nowadays, people are thin for beauty, but his moxino is different. He likes women with a slight sense of flesh. Of course, too fat women are not his pursuit, not to mention too fat women are unhealthy.

Skinny women look good, but they are not practical at all. Especially when they sleep at night, they will hurt their hands when they hold them. Although Su Jinxi is the only woman he has held to sleep, Gong Zeye has a lot of experience, and he has complained.

Besides, in the past, Su Jinxi was as thin as a bamboo pole, and it was uncomfortable to sleep with him. Therefore, he wanted to feed Su Jinxi fat. However, his efforts were in vain. No matter how carefully he fed, Su Jinxi was thin.

After these six years, Su Jinxi seems to be thinner. Maybe it has a lot to do with her illness. It is said that people with this disease will lose weight rapidly.

"My weight is normal." on mohino's back, Su Jinxi argued for himself in a small voice.

However, Su Jinxi's argument attracted moxino's impolite sneer, "is your weight the same as a chicken or normal weight?"

Su Jinxi turned pale and stopped talking back.

Mosino worried that she was too tired to climb the mountain and didn't annoy her. "If you're tired, sleep on your back first."

"... not tired." Su Jinxi put her face on moxino's back. It's not the first time she was carried on his back, but every time, she felt happy and her empty heart was filled with him.

However, this time, Su Jinxi still felt happy. She was a little sour. If she had known that her life span was only so short, would she deceive Hino and hurt him six years ago?

Of course, the answer is No. even if she is asked to pay the price of unfilial, she will firmly hold hands with Hino. She believes that her grandfather who hurts her will understand her.

However, I can't go back to six years ago. Shino, I regret it. Jinxi regrets it.

On the way down the mountain, little nosy, like a little warrior, never shouted tired. Instead, he asked Su Jinxi from time to time if he was better. Su Jinxi smiled and told him not to worry.

In this life, even if life is short, Su Jinxi's life really has no regrets to have Xinuo's love and get such a lovely, filial and sensible son.

When he got to the car, moxino began to boast that Xiao NOSi was a man who made him proud, but he didn't get a response. He turned back to look at Xiao NOSi in the back seat. He was tired and fell asleep.

Moxino drove Su Jinxi back to the hotel, watched Jinxi get off, watched her reluctantly print a few kisses on Xiao NOSi's face and forehead, and finally drove away.

Looking at mohino's car, Su Jinxi's tears whirled again.

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