President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1015: Seasonal care

At this time, the security guards saw that the situation was not right, and immediately came forward. "This lady, you can't beat people, let go of this lady."

"Get out of the way, this is our personal grievance."

"But this big sister, this lady is not the Miss Ji of our company, but the newly recruited assistant to our company, Miss Ouyang." A male staff immediately told the truth.

Liang Chunhua suddenly became scared. She looked at the girl who was brutally buckled with her wrist and her face was white and swollen. She stuttered. "What...what is she not... Ji Aning?" "Ouyang Assistant." Suddenly in the crowd, The figure of Qiao Luo immediately rushed over, Liang Chunhua scared to let go, and Ouyang Mengyue was really stunned by a slap in the face, her body swayed, and it fell softly in the arms of Joro, Qiao Luo immediately Take her, worry about it, "Miss Ouyang, you

what happened? ”

"Come to the hospital, she may have to faint." Someone is talking.

Jorro immediately approached the security guard. "You are not allowed to leave this woman. She has injured someone."

The two security guards immediately took control of Liang Chunhua, and Liang Chunhua was scared to death. She did not expect that the girl who asked her to come to the lesson was not Ji Ning. What happened?

Someone was on the side of the police, and Liang Chunhua was scared and shook his face. "I... I don't know... I don't know if I made the wrong person. I am looking for Ji'an Ning... Where is Ji'an Ning?"

"If there is anything, we will go to the police station." The security guard also knows that the situation is serious. If the woman is not controlled, they will not say anything, and they will not work.

Joro took Ouyang Mengyue out of the hall and went straight to a taxi who had just left the guest. He hurried to the driver. "Go to a nearby hospital, fast."

In the general office, Ji Tianci arrived in his private elevator. He had been in the office for a while. He thought that the information was still in the hands of Ouyang Mengyue. He wanted to use her inside to call her, but he made a pass. No one answered.

He twisted the eyebrows, did she not come up yet? He pushed the door out and prepared to pick it up. He saw one of his assistants, Su Shi, rushing over. "Ji, it’s not good, just... just now Ouyang’s assistant was stunned in the lobby on the first floor."

Ji Tianshen’s face changed slightly, Shen Shen, “What happened?”

"It seems that there is a woman coming over to find Miss Tai's trouble. Miss Ouyang has been mistaken for Miss Ji. The heavy fan has slapped her. Now Miss Ouyang seems to have been seriously injured and was sent to the hospital by Jolo."

"Contact Joro, which hospital? Tell me later." Ji Tianci finished, his mind was slightly blank for a few seconds, turned and went to his office to pick up the car key.

Su Shi quickly called Joro, and Joro answered, just in a nearby hospital, when Ji Tian gave it, he let Su Shi follow.

In the ward, Ouyang Mengyue woke up, but her cheeks were very swollen, and she was beaten with a squeaking sound in her ears. She couldn’t hear clearly, and probably hurt the eardrum.

Joro is very self-blaming. "If I come early, I will not let the woman hit you."

"Cholero, thank you, you have done a good job." Ouyang Mengyue is strong, under the slap, she did not cry, no tears of grievances, she not only hurts her eyes from time to time, even There is no more than one sentence.

At this time, Miss Nurse sent an ice pack to Chaoluo. "This gentleman, can you help this lady apply?"

"Of course." Joro was very happy. Looking at Ouyang Mengyue's face, he was so sad that he couldn't wait for this slap in his face.

Ouyang Mengyue's hand is in a bit of anti-inflammatory, can't use ice, so it can only help Johor.

In order to better apply her face, Qiao Luo naturally sat intimately on the edge of the bed, and the upper body should be closer to some, in order to be better applied.

"It hurts, I will be lighter." Joro gently put it on her face.

"No pain, more comfortable." Ouyang Mengyue chuckled.

At this time, the man who walked out of the window, through the window glass, saw the intimate men and women in the ward, and even the Su Shi next to him was secretly surprised. I didn’t expect Qiao Luo and Ouyang Mengyue to develop so fast. It looks like an intimate couple.

Moreover, Qiao Luo is so gentle to Ouyang Mengyue to apply his face, and Ouyang Mengyue is slightly shy, it is difficult to misunderstand.

Ji Tianci’s gaze stunned. He walked to the door and pushed the door straight in. The chorus in the ward saw him coming. He immediately stood up with an ice bag and shouted reverently. “Ji, you are here. ""

Ouyang Mengyue was ashamed, even if she didn't have to look in the mirror, she knew that her face was swollen and ugly. She held out a hand and gently blocked the half of her face.

"Let Su Shi come to give her a face." Su Shi, who was around the side of Ji Tian, ​​said that the girl was more thoughtful.

Su Shi had to come over and smiled at Ouyang Mengyue. "Miss Ouyang, I will come to you."

"Okay." Ouyang Mengyue did not have a point, naturally refused. In fact, Joro gave her a dress, she was a little embarrassed.

Ji Tianshou stood next to him and looked at the girl who was wronged and looked at the bed. "What the **** is going on? Do you know that woman?"

"I didn't know her at all. She also said a lot of unpleasant words. It was a bad thing for me... Ji Anning's mother." Ouyang Mengyue almost said that my sister had two words, and she was corrected.

"Why don't you say that you are not peaceful?" Ji Tiantian twisted his eyebrows. If she said it, she would not have to suffer such a crime.

"I was very angry at the time, I forgot to say that I am not." Ouyang Mengyue looked up at him, others did not know her mind, he knows best!

Her sister's mother was so embarrassed, how can she have time to explain? Of course she will be angry and just want to refute.


This is Ji Tianshen’s evaluation of her in her heart. If she says her identity, do she need to go to the hospital?

"In addition to the injury on the face, is there any other place uncomfortable?" Ji Tiantian's voice line revealed a touch of concern.

"Ms. Ouyang said that her left ear was a little squeaky. The doctor said that the eardrum may be hurt and needs to be observed." Joro said.

Ji Tianci looked at Ouyang Mengyue. "You don't have to go to the company today, so check it in the hospital."

"Can I talk to you alone?" Ouyang Mengyue ignored someone next to her, she asked directly to him.

Ji Tianci's gaze locked her, narrow and narrow, toward Qiao Luo and Su Shidao, "You go back to the company first!" Joro immediately surprised, is the season always planning to stay alone to take care of Ouyang Mengyue? (http://)

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