President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 102: Angry and giving flowers

Cheng Haoyue bit his lip and opened the door and said to him, "Look down."

The palace was stunned and looked at her mockingly. "I am a little worried about my son's future height index, will it be pulled down by your dwarf."

The three characters of the dwarf directly insulted a woman. She was very angry. "I am 1.65 meters tall and standard body. You are too strong and grow so tall."

Gong Ye night looked at the woman who was provoked into a small beast, and the thin lips swelled. Then, he reached out and pushed her door, and brought her in by the way.

Cheng Haoyue’s door was gently slid and closed, and the man also took her to the door frame.

"If you are not tall enough, let me take the initiative!" Gong Ye night said some grievances, but the sight, when it fell on her lips, was much darker.

The word "not..." has been blocked by the man's cover.

The soft lips of the man immediately slammed the man's chest, and he wanted to take more impulses to burn. He immediately opened her lips wildly.

Cheng Haoyue exclaimed, rationality was bitten away by a man, she pushed him, struggled, wanted to refuse...

However, the man's eyes are hot, the kiss is tough, and she is not given a chance.

The man’s hegemony directly reflects the weakness of the woman, and Cheng’s eyes are blurred...

It was even hard to say a snoring sound.

The kiss of Gong Ye night lasted for five minutes. Cheng Haoyue directly let him kiss him softly in his arms. If his arm did not support her vigorously, she would faint.

In the blank of Cheng Haoyue's thoughts, the man's **** thin lips swam to her ear. "Give me okay?"

With the meaning of pleading.

Cheng Haoyue’s embarrassed consciousness immediately woke up. Although she was dizzy, she was still sensible. When she pushed him away, she was annoyed. “Miyagami, you will kiss me like this next time, I will never again. Will kiss you."

The eyes of the palace night are so deep that they want to swallow her.

Cheng Haoyue was not breathing well, his chest was ups and downs, and he stared at him with some anger.

"Don't tell me, you didn't respond just now." Gong Ye night calmed his face and gritted her teeth.

Cheng Haoyue has a pretty face and red, what reaction does not respond, she is forced to be forced, she is not a stone, his kiss like this, which woman can eat?

"We even have sons, why do you care about this? As long as we are not happy with each other?" Palace night slowed down the voice, lure.

Cheng Haoyue squinted his face, turned his back and answered him with a conscience. "With you, I am not happy."

"Cheng Haoyue, is this your truth?" The cold voice of Gong Ye's night came from behind her.

Cheng Haoyue’s heart pumped a bit, and she bit her lip, “Yes, the truth.”

"Good." A sneer.

The door seemed to be pulled away by a strong wind, and then the man stepped away.

In the room, Cheng Haoyue felt a bit cold. She hung her arms and covered her with a faint chill.

She knew that the sentence had hurt the man, but what about hurting him in order to prevent him from getting close to him in the future? In short, she does not have the idea to be with him now.

early morning.

It was time to go to work. Cheng Haoyue got up and pushed open the door. He saw the palace night holding the little guy ready to go out. It didn't seem to want to wait for her.

"Mummy, how do you get up? You can sleep for a while! I will send me to school." The little guy said to her.

Cheng Haoyue frowned, what does Palace Nightmare mean?

Is that the sentence last night? She wants to see the expression of this man.

At this time the door was closed and his son was taken away by him.

Cheng Haoyue has some big heads. Obviously, she offended the man, and she still offended a transparent one.

Cheng Haoyue did not have a car to work, she had to call Linda, if Linda just came to work, she could upload her on the road ahead.

Linda is on the road and has a twenty minute drive.

Cheng Haoyue immediately went back to the room to dress up, white shirt, little black dress, simple, revealing a touch of workplace atmosphere, now is autumn, she did not have the habit of hair.

She was also agile and sleek, and she put a pair of flat shoes out.

Ten minutes later, I waited for Linda’s car.

Sitting in the car, Linda was a little surprised, "What? Didn't you take the car at night?"

"Don't mention it, I got him." Cheng Haoyue looked out the window, some helpless.

Linda looked at her and smiled and shook her head. "I am afraid that there are not many people in the world who have the courage to offend him. You count one!"

Cheng Haoyue didn't want to have this honor. She was really helpless and would offend the palace nightingale. Otherwise, she would like to get along with him.

All the way to the company, Cheng Haoyue sat in the office, the thing that flowed in his mind last night and the palace night, obviously he did not care about her willing to kiss first, why did she say those words behind him, he wants to be like this?

Obviously he forced her to say it!

Good contradiction.

In the general office of the Gongshi Group.

Gongye Nightingale stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and a pair of eyes seemed to be two bunches of frost on the opposite building.

Behind him, Yan Yang walked in. "Gonggong, do you need to write a card today?"

Gong Jun’s handsome face turned cold and looked at her.

Yan Yang immediately shocked, what happened to Gong Gong today? Who provoked him?

"I mean, write a card to Miss Cheng, do you want to write today?" Yan Yang could not help but ask, for fear that he forgot about it.

"Don't send it." Palace night sizzling thin lips lightly open.

Yan Yang is secretly surprised. Is it because of Cheng Haoyue who is offending the boss?

"Okay!" Yan Yang also wants to stay away from it, so as not to be attacked by the boss's anger.

When Gong Yang’s figure approached the door, she suddenly stopped her. “Wait a minute.”

Yan Yang turned back and looked at him. "Grandma, what else do you want to order?"

Gongye’s gaze fell back to the opposite building, staring at the condescending eyes. “I don’t send flowers today, you let the florist send something else.”

"Others? Is it not good to send flowers?" Yan Yang feels that as a woman, she must have a preference for flowers!

The palace night is cold and clear, "She is allergic to pollen."

"How about sending chocolate with cute little animals? Girls should also like it! Very cute." Yan Yang made her suggestion.

“Yes.” The palace night faints.

"What about the card?"

"Do not write." The man's face sank again, as if the anger came up again.

Yan Yang immediately came out, but his face was already shocked. Miss Cheng provoked him to be so angry, the palace always wants to send her something? It seems that Gong Gong is really different for this Cheng Miss!

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