early morning.

Ji Tianci used the breakfast outside to return to the office. When he passed the office of Ouyang Mengyue, he took a subconscious look. However, this time, he suddenly stayed in the footsteps and thought that there was no one in the office.

Who thought that a slender figure was already sitting there, facing the computer and doing something seriously.

Ji Tianshen’s face is slightly sinking. Doesn’t he not allow her to come to work? Why are you coming?

He unpleasantly pushed the door open, pushed the door, and shocked Ouyang Mengyue inside. She looked up and saw the gloomy quarters of the face.

"What's wrong?" Ouyang Meng Yue asked.

"Who made you come to the company?" Ji Tiantian's gaze locked her cheek on the side, as if looking at the injury.

Today, Ouyang Mengyue has a clear and light makeup, and the cheek has already swollen. At this moment, he only saw her a pink and fragrant face, but he knew that the redness left by the slap was still .

"I said that I have nothing to do, I can work, Ji Zong, may I ask if there is any work for me today?" Ouyang Mengyue smiled and asked.

Ji Tianshen’s eyes stunned. He suddenly forgot one thing, that is, he ordered her to enter the company. He wanted to force her back to her country instead of letting her come here to enjoy, or be lazy. of.

"Fifty minutes later, my office." Ji Tianci finished, turned and left.

Ouyang Mengyue took the mirror and took a photo to check if her makeup was in good condition. She planned to go to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, Ouyang Mengyue walked into a lattice room and heard the sound of footsteps coming in. The office in this film was Ji Tianci's assistant. She thought, who will come in at this time?

However, the voices of the two girls came in, all of them were applying makeup. I saw one of them as if I was applying lipstick, with some weird and sharp voice. "Isn’t that slap that stunned her? How is she doing this? Come to work soon?"

"Who said no! I thought she had to take at least a few days off!"

"Hey! What do I say, she just wants to try to stick to the season! The rumors in this company are not groundless."

"It’s also said that it’s all over the place, but it’s something for everyone! It’s not the same thing!”

Ouyang Mengyue, sitting in the plaid, immediately separated the voices of the two women, one is Yang Chun, the other is assistant Jenny, Ouyang Mengyue is slightly squatting at the moment, the two assistants are talking about She?

What do they say that they have been rumored? Why didn't she know? Ouyang Mengyue tightened her face and did not dare to speak out, so she waited for them to chat.

There are two rows of lattice rooms in the bathroom. The two chatters did not go to see if there were anyone. However, they talked about it and they forgot to read it.

"I want to say that the season is really not to sneak her! The total identity of the season is noble, watching abstinence, not like the kind of man who is going to the door." Yang Chun couldn't help but sneer. "Then why do you say that she can do the first special help when she comes? I will handle all the project materials for the total generation of the season. Moreover, the Ministry of Personnel also said that the first time in the Ming Dynasty is the refusal to hire. Her, how did it last for a few days, and agreed to come to work? Say no

I am tired of it, I don’t believe it! I am sure that people will take the initiative to send it to the door. ”

"Hey! You are right, you must be in this world! Knowing people knows nowhere, people are separated from the belly! Her appearance is pure and pure, who knows how many waves are in the bones."

"Just wait! Look at her sooner or later to make a gossip in the company and the season."

Two people said that they pushed the door out, and in the cubicle, Ouyang Mengyue became a pretty face, and she did not dare to listen to the conversation between the two people before she realized that she was in the company. It turned out to be such a bad reputation.

Where are the paranoia of these people? She took the initiative to send it to Ji Tianshou, and then got the job?

Ouyang Mengyue was crying and laughing, but she felt very weak. Indeed, she was valued as soon as she came, and it was in a more important position than other assistants. It turned out that this would make people guess!

Ouyang Mengyue came out. After Yang Chun’s office door, Yang Chun’s eyes glanced at her from the window. Ouyang Mengyue’s cheeks felt hot. When she first entered the company, she heard some people whispering behind her. I am talking about this!

When she first arrived at the office, the inside line rang. She picked up and answered. "Hey, hello."

"Come to my office." Ji Tianci’s voice sounded.

"Okay!" Ouyang Mengyue responded and went to the office of Ji Tianshen.

Ji Tianshen sat in the office chair, and the slender figure reveals a kind of king-like atmosphere. Just sitting there gives people a commanding momentum.

Ouyang Mengyue stood opposite his desk, and his hands could not be twisted. She didn't know if she should tell him what she had heard in the bathroom.

Ji Tiantian lifted her eyes and swept her. "What happened?"

"Nothing, what task do you have for me today?"

"I will go out to meet customers later, you will accompany me."

“Hey? See the customer?”

"Go to a golf course to play together, you should play!" Ji Tian asked her.

Ouyang Mengyue nodded and "learned."

Ji Tianci stood up, and the slender legs stepped toward the door. Ouyang Mengyue followed him. When he first came out, he saw Yang Chun and Jenny look at it with a very clear look. Her heart was straight. Jump, my god! This is even more misunderstood.

"Quiet, where are you going?"

"Going out, there is something to call me." Ji Tianci, Yang Chun, gave a voice.

"Ouyang Assistant will accompany you to go?" Yang Chun asked with a smile.

"Yes." Ji Tiantian gave a natural response, and turned back to Ouyang Meng Yue Road, "Go!"

Ouyang Mengyue's pretty face couldn't help but flushed her. After she was behind Ji Tianshou, she felt the two eyes behind her eyes, very uncomfortable. Along the way, Ji Tianci did not drive himself, his driver waited at the door, so he and her all the way through the hall, Ouyang Mengyue will not pay attention to the dynamics of the surrounding members, this time, she had to pay attention After all, it’s hard to say that she’s looking around her.

The complexity is said, some envy, some taboos, and some embarrassment.

Ouyang Mengyue sighed, she didn't like the feeling, and it was really uncomfortable to be misunderstood.

She and Ji Tianshen sat in the back seat, and the driver drove slowly and drove out of the gate of the Ji's group building. Ouyang Mengyue sat aside, and some of the hurriedly twisted his hands, as if he was in a state of mind.

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