President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 106: He is worried

"Well, I will accompany you to the puzzle."

Sitting on the mat of the little guy's room, Cheng Haoyue just finished a cartoon pattern, a small sense of accomplishment, and then look at the side, the son spelled a more complicated picture, she smiled and looked at her son.

Suddenly the door was pushed open, and a tall, tall figure appeared in her eyes.

The breath of Gong Ye night was a little bit rushed. His eyes swept to Cheng Haoyue, who was sitting on the ground. Her high-strength ball head had a few centimeters of gauze on her forehead and she was injured.

"What happened?" Gong Ye night walked in, her eyes fixed on the gauze on her forehead.

Cheng Haoyue was shocked. How did he come back? And, when I come back, I ask about the wound?

Cheng Haoyue looked at his son and looked at him with some anger. "Ozawa, are you carrying me on the phone?"

"Mummy, I am distressed by you! I want to come back to take care of you."

Cheng Haoyue was speechless. She said that she didn't need it on this road. The son had to call the palace nightingale. This is good. She didn't know if she wanted to say it.

"Aunt Linda said that Mommy and the two bad women were fighting." Ozawa looked up and answered.

Cheng Haoyue was even more surprised. The little guy even called Linda to ask, she was speechless.

Gong Gong night squats, staring at her a white jade-like face, two claw marks on the left and right cheeks still appear, the palace night 霄 霄 eyebrows tightened, staring at the wound under her gauze asked, "Is it serious here?"

"Sewed three stitches." Cheng Haoyue did not know which string was wrong, and actually answered him.

"what is the problem?"

"Nothing, women fight." Cheng Haoyue did not want to say the details.

"What woman?"

"There are two women who are looking for me."

"Name." Gong Ye night asked.

Cheng Haoyue looked up at him and asked with some surprise, "What are you doing?"

Gong Ye night tweeted, "Let them pay the price."

Cheng Haoyue immediately stood up, stretched out his arm and left his son's door, and pulled him to the kitchen. She only hugged her arms. "Thank you for your concern, but this matter really has to be dealt with. The two people who beat me are not good enough."

"Who?" asked the palace night eyebrows.

"No matter who, Palace Night, don't you intervene?" Cheng Haoyue begged him, this matter is over here.

"If you don't say it, let me check it out the whole thing." After the palace nightmare finished, she reached out to her gauze, and Cheng Haoyue was afraid of the painful subconscious hiding. And put the hand on the four claw marks on her face, eyes condensed a cold, "No matter who, must pay the price."

Cheng Haoyue stunned, this man cares about her injury this time? She blinked. "You are angry with me this morning, why should you send flowers to my office?"

"I didn't send flowers this time, did you throw it again?" The face of Gong Ye night was immediately gloomy.

"I didn't throw it, when I was fighting, I broke it." Cheng Haoyue has some guilty eyes hanging down, God knows that it is the war caused by his bunch of flowers!

If Lu Yaqing does not touch the bunch of flowers, she simply does not want to pay attention to her.

The night of the palace night fell on her forehead. "Where did you get the wound?"

"The table corner."

"Is the wound deep?"

"It's deep." After answering Cheng Haoyue, he looked up at him. "I have to cook, do you want to be your share?"

The palace night licks the thin lips and sighs a little, Kaikou said, "Don't cook tonight, go out to eat a meal, I treat."

Cheng Haoyue squatted for a few seconds, and there was too much bleeding today. She still had some dizziness caused by lack of blood. Going out to eat it, she nodded. "Okay!"

Called the little guy, the family went downstairs again. Cheng Haoyue changed a long t-shirt. He casually dragged a pair of sandals, scattered hair and a piece of white gauze on his forehead, which made her a pathological beauty.

Gong Ye night saw her several times, and the eyes flashed in amazement. This woman seems to be a landscape that he will never see tired.

Land house.

Lu Yajing came back from the door, her face was greasy and greasy, and her walking posture was a bit strange because her **** fell so badly.

"Hey! My God! How did you get this? What happened to your face? Who caught it?" Chen Xia stood up from the sofa and looked at her daughter's cheek-marked face, which made a big jump.

"Who can be who is Cheng Haoyue's monk." Lu Yajing was also suffering from this time. From small to large, he did not fall so badly.

Chen Xia was distressed to see her daughter's face like a flower, and was caught a few ugly blood marks. She immediately jumped on her feet. "What? Cheng Haoyue scratched you? Are you going to find her?"

"I and Xiaona went to her. Who knows that Cheng Haoyue is a mad woman, and when he rushes up, he hits me." Lu Ya’s eyes were red.

"Then you hit her?"

Speaking of the record, Lu Yaqing sneered, "Of course, I pushed her hard, her forehead hit the corner of the table, and the blood of her face!"

"That's Xiaona! Didn't help?"

"The fake nose she had just made last time was snorted and she was bleeding." Lu Yaqing said that when she was here, she still had a smile on her face, because Xiaona’s nose was more beautiful than her. .

Chen Xia looked at her daughter's face carefully. "Will you leave scars or something?"

"No, the doctor said that as long as it is rubbed for a few days, it will be fine if it is red and swollen, but I think Cheng Haoyue’s forehead must be stitched."

"How come the end of the fight? You don't bring a little more people, let her bully you." Chen Xia said bitterly, her daughter will marry into the prospective giants in the future, this face can never do anything.

"I don't think there is a bunch of chocolate flowers on the table of Cheng Haoyue! I watched Cheng Haoyue so care, I threw a slam on the ground, and I knew that she would rush to me like a madman, and then I started playing." "Lu Yajing finished, sneer, "I will never let her go in the future. I will let her come back sooner or later."

"The next time I remember to bring more people, let others deal with her, you can watch a lively." Chen Xia Education.

In the dining room.

The atmosphere is good and the food is great. Cheng Haoyue has a fight today and his appetite is better.

Gong Ye night gave her a bird's nest to fill the body, Cheng Haoyue is also welcome to let go, anyway, not her treat, do not eat white, do not eat, some small dark thoughts.

"Mummy, do you want to eat my ice cream?" The little guy took a spoonful of spoon and handed it to her mouth.

Cheng Haoyue immediately smiled and said, "Good!"

The little guy took a spoon and took a sip, and immediately walked up to the palace night, "Oh, you can take a bite!"

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