President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1142: Become a stranger

Gong Yuning looked at the man on the bed. She bit her lip and was puzzled. It was clear that she was still good last night. Why did she suddenly become cold to her?

"I don't leave, unless I am sure that you are fine." Gong Yuning said that his eyebrows were somewhat domineering. Next to

On the side of Nie Jun Gu stunned, curious, "You are not surnamed Li? How is the name of the palace?"

Yu Ning saw being dismantled. She said that she was apologetic. "Sorry, Mr. Gu, I lied to you, I am not surnamed Li, my name is Palace."

palace! A rare surname! However, I seem to remember that there is a Gong family, very famous, you will not be the family! Nie Jun Gu was guessing alone.

He Lingchu returned to him, "She is the lady of the palace, the sister of Gong Yuze."

Jun looked at the slightest attention, as if he felt unexpected, he smiled and said, "No wonder!"

"No wonder what?" Gong Yuning asked a curiosity. "

No wonder you look so beautiful, your temperament is so good, and you are so rich. Nie Jun’s mouth praised her sweetly.

Yu Ning was teased, squinting at the man on the bed, but slammed into a pair of cold and unpleasant eyes, her smile was frozen for a second, she stiffened for a few seconds, and some helplessly looked at He Lingchu "Would you like to go to the infirmary again?"

"No! Let's go!" He Lingchu directly rushed.

"At the beginning of the Ling Dynasty, how did Miss Gong offend you?" Nie Jungu also could not stand on the side. He

At the beginning of the early morning, the gaze shot at Nie Jungu, indicating that he shut up. Nie Jungu shrugged and had no choice. Gong Yuning felt that the atmosphere in the room was pressing her, and some of her breathing was uncomfortable. She had to say to the man on the bed, "Okay, let's rest!"

When she finished, she went to the door and crossed Nie Jun to go out. When she heard the door slamming, Nie Jungu couldn’t help but sit in front of the bed and stare at He Lingchu. “Really, what happened last night! You and this palace lady. What kind of fate has it produced?"

Bored, nothing to say. He Lingchu closed his eyes tiredly.

"You have this gun, really blocked for her? This time, I feel that Miss Palace will fall in love with you!" Nie Jungu smiled enviously. He

At the beginning of the early age, he glanced at him. "Do you know that there is a saying that you die from words?"

The cold struggle at the beginning of the early age was acceptable to others, but Nie Jungu, who grew up with him since childhood, was useless. Nie Jungu asked him in front of him. "You really don't like this palace lady! That's OK! Let's give I, I am chasing her." He

At the beginning of the early hand, he almost buckled his wrist in the next second, and his teeth chilled. "You don't want to provoke her."

Nie Jungu’s eyes have a successful smile. He broke his hand. “Do not chase after chasing, keep it for you! I obviously like people, and I have a cold face. It’s very difficult for you. Do you know the chasing girl?"

Who said that I want to chase her? "He Lingchu whispered."

Then what are you doing with her cold face? After Nie Jungu finished speaking, he immediately figured it out. He was speechless. "You shouldn't be because her friend is Chen Xu's, so you plan to deal with them as coldly!" Are you worried that if you are too close to Miss Gong, there is no way to deal with your cousin coldly? He

At the beginning of the early age, the mind was seen through, and some were annoyed. However, who was Nie Jungu who grew up wearing a pair of pants? Therefore, his mind, seven seven eight eight was seen through him.

Indeed, he did not forget that Gong Yuning has been defending the ancient Shu, so he will not make any concessions at least on this matter, so he will not be with Gong Yuning now. There is a friend relationship closer to the next level.

Only by treating her as a stranger is he better handled. on

At this time, He Lingchu’s phone rang, and he picked it up and took a look at it. “Hey, boss, last night, the young Master Xu and the old cousin talked for more than an hour, and it’s the young Master Chen’s first call to the old man.”

He Lingchu's handsome face was directly gloomy like water. He hung up the phone, the alveolar bite, and the whole face looked gloomy and angry. Nie

Even if Jun Gu did not hear the contents of the phone, he guessed that it must be related to the ancient Shu. It seems that the feelings between Shangguan Chenxu and Gu Yu are really not so easy to break up.

"At the beginning of the year, calm down, you are still hurting." Nie Jun took the channel.

As he said, He Lingchu’s body was full of anger, and it made his wounds have a shattering pain. He reached over his shoulder and Nie Jungu reached out and held him. "Okay, don't worry about this now. It is a good thing to take good care of your injuries."

He Lingchu lie down slightly, closed his eyes, and gasped his teeth. "I really don't let me worry."

In the suite of Gong Yuning, Gu Yan looked at her and said that she had finished the experience of last night, scared him to say nothing for a long time, "God! Those people are too courageous! Even dare to kidnap you?" Don't want to live!"

Gong Yuning has been fascinated by the danger of last night. Now, she is worried about the wound of He Lingchu. "He Lingchu blocked the bullets for you, and others are really good." Gu Yan raised his mother finger and sighed.

Gong Yuning breathed a sigh of relief and said to him, "Gu Yu, do you know why he suddenly became cold to me? He was not like this last night."

"Hey? What was he like last night?" Gu Yan curiously asked.

Gong Yuning’s mind flashed through the picture of last night. In the gambling hall, they smiled several times and when they were kidnapped, he kneel down and give him a rope. Behind the pillar, he tightly protects her. When she was pointed at the muzzle, he rushed out to block the bullets for her. All the pictures were played back in Gong Yuning’s mind, but she faced the curious face of Gu Yu, but she said Not coming out, "we..."

I squinted and waited for the following. "What happened to you?"

Gong Yuning shook his head and sighed. "In short, we have experienced a life and death, he should not be so to me."

I still didn't hear what he wanted to hear. Really, he really wanted to hear something about He Lingchu, because he was too strong and cold in his heart. If you know more about him, it would be fine. "

Then what do you think he should do to you! "Gu Yu asked again.

"At least we will be friends!" Gong Yuning said with his chin. "

Yu Ning sister, not what I said, I feel that He Lingchu will not have friends at all. "Gu Yu bite his lip.

"Why? Nie Jungu is his friend!"

"Nie Jungu is his childhood playmate, growing up together, the relationship is of course good! But, you only know him one night, just want to be friends with him, it may be difficult!"

Gong Yuze knew that this matter was not clear to the ancients, but the feeling of being protected by He Lingchu last night was only known to her.

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