President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1144: Acquaintance

Gong Yuning and Gu Yu went to another place to distract themselves. Gu Yu was very depressed and looked down. Gong Yu Ning did not know how to comfort him. she was

There is also some anger in my heart. How is He Lingchu so unreasonable? Is he really ruthless, or is she wrong with him? "

Yu Ning sister, you still don't worry about my affairs, this matter, I will handle it myself. "Gu Yu also worried that she was not happy because of him.

"What are you going to do?" Gong Yuning asked.

Looking at the waves in front of him, it was like his love road, he couldn’t see the exit, and the old man thought about it. "If he really has to deal with my family, then I can only break up. I can't let my family suffer from me."

Gong Yuning saw that he made this decision. She also sympathized with him at the moment. She patted him on the shoulder. "You don't be so pessimistic. Maybe things will turn."

Yu Ning, you don't want to offend He Lingchu for me. He really doesn't bother. ”

"Do you know why he is so strongly demanding that you break up?" Gong Yuning asked curiously.

"He is worried that he will be a family."

Yu Ning blinked and had no choice but to ask. Two

The individual stayed in the tea restaurant for a while and then separated. It was about to go to the next pier. palace

Yu Ning can't decide his stay, she needs to go to the terminal of the cruise ship, because the end of the pier is the place she wants to go this trip, a beautiful city like a paradise. Gong Yuning returned to the room, but some did not feel worried about He Lingchu's injury, but think about it, Nie Jungu is with him, what is the problem, he should help.

Gong Yuning held her chin and sat in front of the window, looking at the empty paper in front, and she suddenly wanted to draw something. painting

What is good? Landscape? But in my mind, the face of He Lingchu came up. because

For a few close encounters, his face was clearly reflected in her mind, and Gong Yuning stunned and suddenly thought of painting him. painting

Painting is a very free thing. If you want to draw, you will be able to draw a pen. Gong Yuning began to paint. she was

One painting is just one night. She has been painting until the morning of the morning. Outside the window, it is already a splendid galaxy. In front of the window in the window, Gong Yuning tired and cleaned up the brush. On the drawing paper, a vivid man’s face is quiet. Presented. palace

He Lingchu in Yu Ning's painting did not have a strong and cold atmosphere. His deep eyes gazed a little, his face was lazy and charming, and he had a card in his hand.

This is what he looks like in the casino. At that time, he didn't have a slight aggression, and he was full of self-confidence and calmness. He smiled from time to time and had a must for everything.

Gong Yuning gathered, could not help but glance at the man on the drawing board, painted very like, she really hopes that He Lingchu is like her painting, converges his breath of refusal and becomes easy to get along with. First

Two days, when the ancients came up, she took the picture, and two people strolled around the boat, and one day passed. palace

Yu Ning did not meet He Lingchu, and the last time she was not happy, she did not think about taking the initiative to find him.

This cruise ship is about to be close to a pier. Some people come and there are tourists coming up. Gu Yu and Gong Yuning said goodbye in a restaurant, and Gu Yu went to pick up things first. palace

Yu Ning also went back to the room. When passing through the door of He Lingchu, Gong Yuning suddenly had a heartbeat. Will he disembark at this pier? palace

Yu Ning could not help but know that she bit her lip and pressed the doorbell. Over

After about ten seconds, the door was pulled from the inside. He Lingchu stood behind the door and looked at her. The look was not as aggressive as the last time, but the tone was a bit stiff. "Miss Gong has something?"

"I am going to land soon. Are you going to disembark here?" Gong Yuning directly asked.

He Lingchu screwed his eyebrows and asked, "Would you like to get off the boat?"

"No, mine is the terminal." Gong Yuning did not mind telling him.

He Lingchu looked at her, and the dawn of the complex flashed a bit, and returned, "No." Palace

Yu Ning’s mouth is slightly raised, “Oh! So, we can still do a few more neighbors.”

After that, Gong Yuning turned and left, she would not tell him, the ancient scorpion is about to disembark.

He Lingchu closed the door and picked up the ipad to check the position of the terminal. At this time, his mobile phone rang and he reached out and picked it up. "Hey."

"I packed it up and I saw it in the elevator." The end was the voice of Nie Jungu.

"Jun Gu, go back first! I still have something to do, stay on board for a while."

what? Say good to get off the boat together! How did you suddenly change your mind? "At the end, Nie Jungu asked a little wonder."

I am out of this time, and there are still a few days. I don't want to waste. "He Lingchu returned a sentence."

okay then! I will go back first, and you will slowly distract yourself and wish you a chance to come. Nie Jun Gu said to him at that end.

He Lingchu snorted, "No."

You are so fun, oh! Miss Nagome is still on board, at the beginning of the year, take advantage of the opportunity, don't miss it. ""

What are you talking about! He Lingchu gritted his teeth.

"Good, don't say it, goodbye." At the end, Nie Jungu hung up the phone.

Gong Yuning sat in the room, and the dock left for half an hour to leave. Gong Yuning was bored standing on the deck and seemed to be a frequent visitor. Her bodyguard protected her 50 meters away. half

After an hour, the wheel re-launched, and Gong Yuning did not have the old man on the boat. She became a little lonely, but it was only ten days away from her destination. palace

Yu Ning returned to the room from the deck and saw her room next door, and then entered the new guest. The new guest carried the box, facing her back, and was inserting the card into the door.

Hearing someone coming behind him, the new tenant couldn't help but look at it. Gong Yuning was staring at him, and his eyes were directly opposite.

It was also big, and the joy of meeting shone in the eyes of two people. "

Andrew. ”

"Miya Yu Ning!"

Two people screamed out the other's name, and then Andrew immediately took off his backpack on his shoulder and hurried over. "How come you are here?"

"Probably the same purpose as you." Gong Yuning laughed.

“In order to complete the final work of the exhibition?” Andrew guessed. "

Ok. "Meng Yuning nodded."

Sure enough, our goal is the same, I also went to the city of heaven to collect the wind, I did not expect to meet you, the fate is really wonderful. ""

The teacher said that it is the place where every painter should go and see, I have no time, this time, I finally want to go. "Meng Yuning exclaimed."

Ok, let's go with it! After that, Andrew immediately opened his arm and asked him to smile at the palace. "Don't you have a love hug?" ”

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