President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1161: Ask for reward

"Maybe my bodyguard, maybe Andrew." Gong Yuning guessed that he was going to open the door. At this time, He Lingchu suddenly buckled her wrist and pressed her body. "Don't go, maybe it is dangerous." ."palace

Yu Ning's hand was caught and the body was pressed tightly by the man. If the light was on, she could see her little face, all in red.

"He Lingchu, you let me go." Gong Yuning was a little angry, she didn't want to go down with him.

He Lingchu had to sit up and stretch her hand. Gong Yuning sat next to him and listened to the door that was still ringing. She insisted, "I want to see who it is, maybe Andrew, she must be worry about me."

When He Lingchu saw that she had to open the door, he still worried about holding her arm and holding her. "Miya Yuning, you listen to me, at this time, you can't open the door."

"Why?" Gong Yuning really did not understand. He

At the beginning of the early sigh, I sighed. "Okay! I tell you the truth, I didn't stay on the boat because I missed the time to disembark."

"So what are you because?" Gong Yuning's heart is slightly tight, is it because of her? No, certainly not possible.

He Lingchu’s voice answered directly, “I left because of you.”

Gong Yuning’s breathing was so quick that he really left for her? However, he has a girlfriend, why should he do this?

"Because when I was disembarking, I saw a man boarding a ship. Someone accidentally bumped his bag and rolled out an iron cylinder from his bag. In the eyes of others, it was not dangerous at all. Weapons, but I know that the iron cylinder can assemble the guns, and on the back of the man’s hand, there is a gangster flamingo tattoo, which has a very powerful mercenary killer.

Yu Ning’s heart was stunned, and she swallowed her throat. “Do you think the killer is coming to me?”

It may or may not be, but I can't care about it, and your identity will be too conspicuous. "He Ling first out of the channel. Palace

At this moment, Yu Ning also hesitated for the knocking on the door. "

You don't have to worry, if the target of the killer is you, you will never be able to start your bodyguard and Andrew, and he will not want to scream. "palace

Yu Ning listened to the news, she sat down, in the darkness, her face was tight, her eyes flashed with gratitude, she turned her head, the first time I wanted to see the man's expression. can

Yes, under the dim light, she could only see his radiant eyes and looked at her.

"Why are you doing this?" Gong Yuning suddenly wanted to know that between her and him, it can only be regarded as a match! He stayed with her because of an uncertain danger.

"Because I don't want you to have an accident." He Lingchu's voice was low and firm.

"Then you don't want to go back to see your girlfriend? She may be waiting for you to go back." Gong Yuning thought, because she, let him stay on the boat and waste a few days, will this stop? They meet?

He Lingchu suddenly laughed and said nothing. "

Why are you laughing? Is there anything funny about this? "Meng Yuning blinked, some annoyed, not good to answer her words, but also laugh. He

I didn't smile at the beginning of the lingering. I couldn't see his look in the dark, but his tone was absolutely serious. "I don't have a girlfriend yet."

"What? But you clearly said that you have someone you like." Gong Yuning whispered and asked, this is what he said, don't think she didn't hear.

"Yes, I want to stay with you. In order to avoid suspicion, I must say that I have a woman I like. Otherwise, you will treat me as a prodigal son. I just said a panic." He Lingchu was in darkness. The gaze in the eyes is still staring at her. palace

Raining’s breathing, panic? He doesn't like a woman? No girlfriend? He just lied to her? "

You..." Gong Yuning was so angry that he didn't want to talk to him. "You actually panicked at me. ""

Sorry, in desperation, except for saying that I am swindling you, I can't find other ways to stay with you safely. Only then will you not drive me out. He Lingchu apologized, and he must have sneered at her.

Ben, Gong Yuning is angry, but after listening to this sentence, her angry mood suddenly disappeared, replaced by a kind of touching, difficult to say, and difficult to name.

The ultimate goal of everything he did was to protect her safety, and she actually disliked him, did not trust him, and suspected that he was a bastard..."

You..." He Lingchu wants to ask her, is she still angry?

At this time, He Lingchu only felt a fragrant scent. In the next second, his arms embraced a soft body, clutching his neck and holding him tightly.

He Lingchu was overwhelmed by this sudden hug. He couldn’t react. He stretched his arms slightly and felt that his arms were tight...

"Miss Palace..."

"Thank you!" The sweet female voice rang in his ear. He

Suddenly, at the beginning of the early days, I was somewhat eager to know how she would like to thank him. So, when she blurted out, she asked, "How do you thank?"

"You don't think about it by your body..." Gong Yuning gritted his teeth. "

Uh! I didn't think so..." He Lingchu rushed to clarify, but he thought about it, and it was not bad.

"But..." Gong Yuning was in the dark, laughing. The next second, she held his face, and the red lips kissed his side on his side. "This way."

He Lingchu only felt that he was not enough. He suddenly turned passive and took the initiative. He did not know the long arm of his hand. He held her waist and grabbed her back with one hand, so she pressed her back to the sofa. palace

Yu Ning has not reacted yet, and the overbearing thin lip has been posted. This thank you gift, or he has to ask for it. palace

Yu Ning’s head slammed into a blank space, and her lips were a strange and incomprehensible kiss. It was not her own breath, but it was clear and good...

Outside the door, the knocking of the door disappeared, probably thinking she was asleep!

However, "啪哒...", the entire six-story cabin light was on, and the circuit repair was successful. Burst

However, the glare of the light, shot into the clear sputum of Gong Yuning, stabbed her brain into a starlight, and also saw the man’s eyes close at hand, deep and charming, while exuding a The kind of burning that made her blush. Two

Individuals still touch the lips.

If in the darkness, Gong Yuning's shame is not so obvious, then at this moment, her pretty blush is incredible, and she also slammed the man on her body. "Repaying enough!"

He Lingchu sat up and smiled with a thin lip. "Not enough."

That won't work either. "Meng Yuning turned his head and yelled at him. What does this man want?"

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