President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1170: Have to part

Gong Yuning drank a little wine and returned to the room. His head was slightly dizzy and he was trapped.

When she entered the room, her footsteps slammed, but fortunately, Heron Ling’s eyes quickly caught her. palace

Yu Ning immediately smiled and said, "I am fine."

I think you are a little drunk. "He Lingchu looked at the light, her red face, obviously drunk."

Gong Yuning shook his head and said, "I am not drunk! You can see if I can walk."

After that, Gong Yuning walked two steps forward and only felt the floor swaying. She immediately supported the sofa and asked the man behind him, "Is the hull just shaken a little."

At the beginning of the early Ling, some speechlessly replied, "The hull is very stable, it is your mind that is somewhat unclear."

But I really didn't wake up, I am sober! "Yu Yuning does not admit that she is drunk."

"You go back to the room to rest!" He Lingchu said to her, she is like this, it is best to lie down and rest, do not run around, otherwise it is easy to touch.

"What about you?" Gong Yuning turned to ask him. "

I am sleeping on the sofa. He Ling’s voice is slightly dumb, and tonight, he must not stay with this woman.

It is not a good thing for alcohol. "

Good night then. "Meng Yuning walked into the room with the door frame. She was so dizzy and fell on the bed. She felt very comfortable."

Then, Gong Yuning fell asleep on the bed like this, and the two white legs were still hanging on the edge of the bed. He

At the beginning of the early days, she found that her door was not closed. He got up and came to see her, and he saw a woman who fell asleep.

And the two legs still hang down under the bed, he could not help but sigh, can not let her sleep like this all night. He

Ling Li squatted down, put her high-heeled shoes aside, grabbed her shoulders with one hand, crossed her knees with one hand, and hugged her. palace

Yu Ning made a squeaky voice, probably being picked up, and her hand naturally reacted to the man's neck.

He Lingchu gently put her out of bed, Gong Yuning's arm was tightened, his face instantly close to the face of Gong Yuning, more and more close to appreciate her beautiful face. "

Yu Ning, let go. "He Lingchu's low mouth."

Gong Yuning's two thin arms are entangled, asleep, and tightly wrapped. He

At the beginning of the first breath, the breath was slightly stunned. If she didn't let go, he couldn't guarantee that he would do anything special.

He is not a gentleman who is not chaotic. If she is so stunned, he will really. . . Conform to my heart and do something to her.

"Meng Yuning, let go." He Lingchu's voice has a warning atmosphere.

However, this is ineffective for the sleeping girl. He Lingchu’s dawn is a little blurred. He whispered his thin lips and muttered. “If you are holding me, then I will...” Say

When he finished, he leaned over and kissed the rainy red lips of Gong Yuning.

"Oh..." Palace

Yu Ning made a snoring and did not reject him. For her, it was just a lingering dream. A few minutes later, He Lingchu looked a little embarrassed out of the room, and Jun face had been restrained to the extreme. he

Breathing low, he only allowed himself to do something, just kiss her, so the result is that he is very uncomfortable. clear


Gong Yuning opened his eyes, and the pretty face was blushing. What dream did she make last night? She even dreamed that she and He Lingchu had been kissing. . . also

Ok, just a dream, Gong Yuning secretly celebrated himself. but

I don't know, it's not a dream, it's something that happened.

Gong Yuning looked at the time. At 8:30 in the morning, her heart could not help but lose a few points. Is it immediately separated? fruit

However, the broadcast began to broadcast the time of departure, and Gong Yuning’s things have not been cleaned up. After she finished washing, she pushed the door out and saw that He Ling’s arm was still sleeping on the sofa. she was

If she didn't want to bother him, she would close the room and pack the clothes. She had two boxes. She packed it up and it was half past nine. palace

Yu Ning was squatting down and pulling the box zipper up. Behind him, there was a cold male voice coming from the cold. "Is it packed?"

Gong Yuning turned his head and glanced at him. "Well, pack it up, do you want to pack up?"

I do not need. "Hello's salute was lifted as early as the last pier, even though he bought a few sets of clothes here, but for him, he just managed to cope with it. Any of his wearing supplies have special custom-made products to complete. .palace

Yu Ning's bodyguard came up later to pack her suitcase and disembark.

There are bodyguards, there is almost no communication between the two people, and Andrew meets at the ferry terminal.

He Lingchu’s bodyguards also came over. They were very worried about his safety. When he saw that he was safely disembarking, he could not help but relax.

Standing in front of the team on both sides, Gong Yuning looked up and looked at He Lingchu, "Be careful all the way."

He Lingchu’s gaze also fell on her body. “You too, you must pay attention to safety.”

"Well! I will." He

At the beginning of the early Ling, she extended her hand and "give me your phone."

Gong Yuning immediately handed the phone unlock to him. He Lingchu deposited his private number on it and dialed it again, returning the phone to her.

"This is my private number, I can find me at any time, remember to contact." He Lingchu's deep eyes locked her.

Gong Yuning nodded, put the phone back in the bag, looked up, and there was some sourness in the eyelids. Did you say goodbye? This

There are too many people in it, and she is not suitable to hug him. "

Goodbye. "Meng Yuning said first, because she was afraid of him, she was even more uncomfortable."

"Wait a minute." He Lingchu screamed at her. "

Ok? "Meng Yuning turned his head and looked at him. He

At the beginning of the early gaze, she stared at her deeply. "I believe we will meet soon."

it is good! "Meng Yuning strongly resisted the chest of the hairpin. He Lingchu’s slender body turned and walked toward the door of his bodyguard. When he sat up, the side face slightly tilted, but he did not look carefully at Gong Yuning. His body sat in. One

Three black cars were quickly removed from the parking lot.

Gong Yuning’s tears poured into his eyes. At this moment, Andrew patted her on the shoulder. “Reassure, he can’t bear to drop you, he will definitely come back to you.”

Yu Ning licked her lips and laughed. This sentence made her happy. She and Andrew turned and sat on the off-road vehicle they set off. he

The destination we went to this time took two hours. On the way, Gong Yuning sat in the back seat and was in a daze. she was

Looking back at the encounter with He Lingchu, it seems like a dream, so incredible.

From the beginning of the two look disgusting, to misunderstanding, and then being kidnapped together, he blocked her bullets and injured. This

All the way down, from two strangers, to each other, have a good impression, is this love?

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