President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1179: Arriving in his country

Time flies to the time when Gong Yuning should leave. In the morning, she packed up the ceremony. At 10:30, the bodyguard drove her to the airport. This time, Gong Yuning traveled on the private plane of the palace. In the spacious and luxurious cabin, only she and the four bodyguards she carried, but they all sat in the back cabin and would not bother her.

The flight attendant prepared very delicious cakes and drinks for her. Gong Yuning looked at the clouds of cotton flowers outside the window. The heart was very beautiful. Her heart was always tightening a nerve. How did she appear in front of He Lingchu? What?

Did you suddenly go to the company to see him, or pretend to be on the road with him for an encounter? when

Of course, what she wants to see most is his expression. He must be surprised and not small! palace

Yu Ning thought about it, while bending his red lips, he had already thought about it many times. The exhibition time, the whole time, will last for about a month. At that time, she may stay longer. Anyway, this trip is very much for her. He

In the office of the Group, He Lingchu came out of the conference room, and his assistant Xiaosu stood at the door waiting for him. "

Mr. He, Miss Gong’s private jet has already taken off in the country of Z. It will arrive at our national international airport in about four hours. Would you like to meet her in person? ”

He Lingchu’s eyes flashed a smile, and he meditated for a few seconds. “When she is going to give me a surprise, then I don’t want to interrupt her thoughts at random, otherwise it will make her feel very boring. ""

Then... then we don't have to wait for people to greet it? ""

What is the specific arrival time? ”

"It is half past two."

I am going to go to the airport. ”

"He, don't you want to destroy the surprise she made?"

At the beginning of the early lingering eyes, there was a strong miss. "I can't meet her, but I want to **** her back to the hotel from the airport, even if I just look at her from afar, it is enough."

At the beginning of the day, the mood of the day was all in Gong Yuning's body. If he didn't solve it, he really couldn't help it. Before she came to him, he would appear in front of her. when

However, she did not tell him for so long, he did not intend to destroy her mind.

He Lingchu took a look at the time. He originally planned to read the documents for a while, but at the moment, he had no thoughts at all. It can be said that from now on to the airport, he will be left to wait for the arrival of Gong Yuning. He

When I returned to the office at the beginning of the early year, sitting on the sofa, he took out his mobile phone, opened the photo album, and turned to the last time he photographed her on the cruise ship. His heart seemed to fly back to the cruise ship. also

There were a few close encounters with her. This is that he lived for twenty-seven years old. For the first time, there was a woman who occupied his heart so strongly. palace

Yu Ning watched the air scene for a few hours. The flight attendant came over and told her that she still began to fall in half an hour. Her heart was hard to conceal and waited for the plane to land in his country.

In the corridor outside the airport, a black low-key Toyota Prado stopped, and Susu sat in the driver's seat, and some helplessly looked at the big boss in the passenger seat.

He did not expect that the boss actually took his car to track and peek! However, the boss's cars and which ones are open are all eye-catching. Driving his car is indeed the best choice. "

He, are you going to drink something? I got off the bus and bought it for you. Xiaosu glanced at the time, and there were still twenty minutes before the plane landed.

He Lingchu also took a look at the time, "Give me a cup of coffee."

Ok! Please wait. Xiaosu quickly pushed the car out of the car and went to pack him coffee.

He Lingchu's gaze looked at the exit of the VIP passage. Before he arrived, there were three black luxury cars occupying the driveway in front of the corridor. He foresaw that this was the car that was transported by the palace to the rain.

The industry of the palace is biased globally. Almost all developed countries have their industrial fields. Even in this country, there are large communication companies whose family shares. He

At the beginning of the early days, the eyes fixed on the entrance, looking down at the watch from time to time, feeling the heart was tight, looking forward to, looking forward to the long-lost figure appeared in his eyes. small

Su immediately took two cups of coffee back and put them in the driver's seat. In fact, Xiaosu was an assistant in the hands of He Lingchu for three years. He was also very curious about the girl the boss liked. To

What kind of girl is the bottom, can the boss like to like this? One

The luxurious private jet was parked on the runway of the international airport and was drawn to the nearest apron from the VIP passage room. Gong Yuning had an apricot-colored dress with a small vest on the upper body and smooth vertical hair. Behind my head, as she stepped down the machine, flying behind her head, like a fair-skinned fairy. sit

The shuttle bus of the last VIP shuttle arrived at the entrance of the VIP room. Gong Yuning was surrounded by four bodyguards and walked out of the passageway. Under the **** of four mighty bodyguards, the lining appeared as a shadow of Gong Yuning. It is extraordinarily petite and charming, and at the same time, an aristocratic elegance emanating from her body is also revealed between her smiles.

Xiaosu’s car is behind these three cars. In order to fight for this position, he has been negotiating with the previous two taxi drivers for a while!

He Lingchu’s heart could not help but be anxious. He watched the time and showed that Gong Yuning’s plane had arrived, but why didn’t she come out?

However, at this moment, he saw a staff member coming out first, and then, a figure that made him think about it was so unpredictable in his eyes.

His eyes locked the figure tightly, and he was not willing to leave for a second. Even blinking felt that he was wasting his time.

A staff member gave Gong Yuning the door of the car in the middle. Gong Yuning politely smiled at his dagger. The sweet smile made He Lingchu immediately jealous. feel

Where did the staff member come from the blessing, and she gave her such a beautiful smile?

Xiao Su on the side also slightly widened his eyes. In just a few ten seconds, Gong Yuning’s stay, smile, and the temperament radiated from her directly conquered his eyes. it is good

Beautiful girl, she is a princess! he

Suddenly I thought, why my boss would be so fascinated, and I was very happy to promise investment in the exhibition. It turned out that the boss is the one who needs to use all his strength to pursue! "

Boss, do you need to keep up with this team? Xiaosu looked at the team and was leaving."

Keep up, keep the distance, don't be found. "He Lingchu's low order."

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