President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1188: He Lingchu hits people

Gu Yue turned and smiled. "I know your heart, you can rest assured! I don't blame you. I am now meeting with He Lingchu. I don't know what to talk about. It's so embarrassing. It's hard to do it when you are in the middle. You go. Let's have fun."

"Do you really go?" Gong Yuning had some helpless questions.

"You are not in front of He Lingchu, don't mention my brother's things, so as not to hurt your feelings. I will deal with this matter." Gu Yue is also worried that she is too loyal and affects her feelings.

"Then where you want to go, be sure to let my bodyguards send you, don't run around." Gong Yuning said. "

I will. "Gu Yue nodded and gave her peace of mind."

At 5:30 in the evening, Gong Yuning left the hotel alone, because in the afternoon and He Lingchu had a good dinner, so she could not make a good date.

Sitting in the car of He Lingchu, He Lingchu was a little surprised. "Do you not come with your friends?"

Well, she won't come. "Yu Yuning said helplessly.

He Lingchu also knows the reason, does not force, the sports car goes straight to the direction of his booked restaurant. in

In the car, Gong Yuning looked at the traffic in front of her, and she was thinking about some things in her mind. What should I do in Shangguan Chenxu and Guzhen? "

Have you found your cousin? "Meng Yuning asked curiously."

No, he has to be careful to hide from me. I can't find him in a short time. "At the beginning of the day, Ling Ling said something annoyed.

Gong Yuning did not know how to comfort him. She is now an outsider and cannot interfere with his family affairs excessively.

He Lingchu reached over and stroked her head and comforted. "You don't have to worry about this thing."

Gong Yuning licked her lips and smiled. She didn't want to be impossible. Gu Yue is also her good sister! late

After the meal, He Lingchu sent Gong Yuning back. The time was already 9:30 in the evening. Gong Yuning also brought some desserts back and shared them with Gu Yue in the room.

He Lingchu’s car drove to the direction of his villa. He’s car was driving to a corner and entered a spacious and small avenue. The throttle under his foot immediately stepped down, just in the lively neighborhood. Depressed by traffic jams, you can get some relaxation at this time.

In the night ahead, there was also a car coming and going. He Lingchu’s car was driving on the main road, squatting, next to a fork, and a car rushed out. He’s pupil’s pupil slammed and he slammed on the brakes, but because of this The car was too close to him, and even if he stepped on the brakes, the car ran into the car. There was a metal crash, which was ringing in the night, and the car in front was almost hit by his head.

He Lingchu almost got off the door at the first time. He rushed to the driver's seat door of the red car. When he saw the window half-open, he immediately reached out and opened the door. He opened the door, in the illuminated warning light, a woman's The figure fainted in the driver's seat, and because of the protection of the airbag, the impact force was not too heavy. she was

Just scared the past. He

At the beginning of the year, she reached out and took her out and sent her own back seat to the nearby hospital.

In a car hidden in black light not far away, He Haiyi clenched his fist and looked at the girl who was rescued by He Lingchu. His eyes shot a sneer and the plan was perfect.

The woman who was pushed into the emergency room, under the light, a beautiful and exquisite face, very young, with a trace of green at the forehead.

He Lingchu called Xiaosu, and Xiaosu immediately rushed to the hospital. "He, you are fine!"

"I'm fine." He Lingchu shook his head and thought that the accident happened. It can only be said that it was an accident. There were two rows of trees covering the intersection. It was a dead end position, and the girl immediately took the bus without seeing the road. Caused this accidental collision.

Soon, the doctor came out and headed to the beginning of He Ling. "Mr., very glad, this lady has not been injured except for the forehead, and she has already woken up."

Thank you doctor, can I talk to her? ”

"Yes." He

Standing at the door of the early hours, I saw a pitiful figure lying on the cart that the nurse had pushed out. Her eyes were still full of surprises. When she saw He Lingchu, her eyes were deep and there was a surprise. she was

It was He Haiyi who was placed next to He Lingchu. She used another identity and changed her name to Song Rongrong. She was able to get close to He Lingchu and get a good impression.

I chose this dangerous crash accident, and only let He Lingchu produce guilt, it will be more successful for her future approach. "

Miss, you are fine! "He Lingchu went to her bed, looking for it, and she was concerned."

"Headache!" Song Rongrong caressed his head and pretended to be very painful.

"Probably after the impact, there was a sequela of concussion," the doctor explained.

“Are there any headaches, is there any uncomfortable?”

I am afraid..." Song Rongrong was born beautifully. She was so distressed that even the doctors treated each other gently. "Miss, don't worry, you have nothing. ”

Xiaosu also secretly stunned. Unexpectedly, He always ran into a woman, and it was quite beautiful. "

I will compensate you for all the losses. You stay in the hospital tonight and I will leave my people to take care of you. In addition to caring about her injuries, He Lingchu did not think about it.

Song Rongrong's eyes were blurred and she suddenly reached out and grabbed the hand of He Lingchu. "Sir, can you stay and take care of me?"

At the beginning of the first mile, he looked down at the hand that was being held. He almost broke away instinctively. He didn't like the touch of strangers. small

Sue understood this very well. He immediately laughed. "Miss, I am his assistant. You can rest assured that I will take care of me all tonight." Song

Rong Rong’s heart was shocked, and the embarrassed one was taken back, so he nodded, “Thank you.” She

Don't worry, because this is just the first meeting between her and He Lingchu. Next, she will have the opportunity to go to his side and appear in front of him.

At that time, with a sense of guilt about her, he certainly would not reject her too much.

When He Ling first came out, he drove the car of Xiaosu back to the villa, leaving Xiaosu to take care of the injured Song Rongrong. He

When he arrived at home at the beginning of the year, his cell phone rang and was called by Gong Yuning.

"Hey, I am home." He Lingchu smiled and picked up.

"Is it just arrived? I thought you were here soon!"

"The traffic jam on the road just took a moment." He Lingchu did not intend to tell her that he had hit someone, lest she worry.

"Then you go to bed early, see you tomorrow." Gong Yuning sweetly said good night.

He Lingchu responded with a low response, "Good night."

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