President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1191: Carelessly looked at him

Gu Yue only felt the blood on his head and looked at his younger brother. She was like a chicken blood. She looked around and did not find a way to go to the second floor. She could not help but pull a waiter. The shoulder immediately asked, "How is the second floor?"

Miss, the second floor is the exclusive VIP VIP, only the card can go up. The waiter replied.

"Is there any other way?" Gu Yue asked again.

"Nothing." The waiter replied indifferently.

"Where is the elevator?"

No, there. The waiter then pointed to it, it was an elevator door with two security guards.

Gu Yue breathed a sigh of relief, because the entire hall is full of violent music, she even wants to call her brother, but also hidden in a crazy scream.

Moreover, she does not want to be a stunned snake. She has to go back to her brother this time.

She looked around and didn't expect that this bar would be connected to an elevator and had a vip VIP card. Look

Come, she can only find someone to help, but who will help her here?

At this moment, she saw a figure coming out of the shadow of the corridor. His figure went straight to the direction of the elevator. It seems that he is going up. ancient

Yue brain was hot, and she didn't care much about what she thought. She rushed to the past. When the man opened the card and the elevator door opened, she quickly squeezed in.

"hi." Gu Yue sweetly smiled and greeted him, pretending to be familiar.

The man leaned against the wall of the elevator, and his tall body was placed under the dark shirt, showing the shape of his perfect abdominal muscles. The black trousers seemed to be straight and slender. ancient

Yue looked up and saw his face, her face was red, how is it? The man she just hit. "

We don't seem to know it! Nie Jungu looked at her and recognized it. He

Reaching the elevator door open button, asked the lips and smiled. "Don't you know that the second floor is not for ordinary guests?"

That, I went up to find someone, can you bother me... take me up. "Gu Yue face is looking for help."

"This lady, our bar does not allow you to do this kind of elevator, please come out." The security guard immediately rushed to catch people.

The bar itself is a high-end consumer place, but in order to distinguish between ordinary guests and distinguished guests, the establishment of one or two different areas of enjoyment, but often there are ordinary guests want to mix into the second floor, it is not allowed. ancient

The opportunity to look at the whiteness was so missed, and her heart was anxious and panicked. When the security guard rushed, the elevator door suddenly closed. original

Come, this man released the button, which means he is willing to take her up. "

Thank you. "Gu Yue was relieved, a pretty face was red because of panic. Nie

Jun Gu is just in a good mood. Besides, he is not a ruthless person.

When the elevator door opened, Gu Yue quickly stepped out. Behind him, Nie Jungu walked lazily toward a railing, and his other friend was waiting for him to drink.

After the ancient Yue came up, he immediately looked for the younger brother on the seat set around the railing. The old man who was still at the railing stand was gone.

Gu Yue was very sure that the younger brother was here. She looked at the box of the row of doors next to her, and she swallowed. Did she push the doors of these boxes? Nie

Jun Gu drank a few mouthfuls of wine and patted the shoulders of his companion. "Go to the bathroom."

Gu Yue bit his teeth. At this time, he saw a young man like a younger brother pushing the door out of one of the boxes. Gu Yue’s eyes were happy and he finally got caught. ancient

In the direction of the Yuestand, the back of the old man turned into a corridor, and Gu Yue immediately caught up.

Then, at the end of the corridor there was a door, and Gu Yue stared at the door, and the younger brother was inside. ancient

Yue Yixin only wanted to grasp the ancient pipa, but did not find it at all. On the top of the door, the words "men's bathroom" were written. Because of the design of this door, she mistakenly thought that this was a box. She said nothing, went to the door and pushed the door directly.

In the clean and tidy washroom, before the man designed the urinal on the wall, only one man was solving the trumpet, and he stood in the second position.

Nie Jungu thought that someone came in and glanced at him casually. However, he was seeing the figure who rushed in.

He flustered back in two seconds, finishing his pants, and angered, "Woman, what are you doing?"

Gu Yue thought it was a box door, so she rushed in with a push. However, she did not expect it to be a men's toilet.

What did she see? Although only one second, but the picture is still straight to her mind, her brain is blank, stunned looking at the man facing her back, panicking the pants. "

Sorry, I went wrong. Gu Yue squinted and shivered to go.

Nie Jungu’s face was very ugly. When she watched her escape, he directly snorted. “You stand for me.”

After reading him, still want to run? How can there be such a cheap thing? "

Sorry, sorry..." Outside the door, I can hear the sound of Gu Yue’s apologizing.

Nie Jungu was calmly screaming with a beautiful face, and there was a craze on his face. From small to large, he had never suffered such shame, how can he swallow this breath?

He was annoyed to find that it was wrong to bring this woman to the second floor. She was a voyeur, and she was self-confident. ancient

Yue is going crazy, how can a male toilet? Moreover, I also saw a man who could not stand this kind of stimulation.

Gu Yue has forgotten to come to find his younger brother, because the situation that has happened now is really lost.

She just fled to the railing and blew the cold air to try to calm down. At this time, Nie Jungu, who was chased out, saw her. He walked over with a handsome face, even if his temper was good, he could not tolerate it. A woman peeked at him. ancient

Yue's slender arm was stunned by a rude force. She turned and scared and turned to see a dark face staring at her. Gu Yue took a breath and how was it? "

Sorry, I didn't mean it just now. Gu Yue once again apologized to him.

Nie Jungu sneered, "I didn't expect your hobby to be so special, specifically stealing men to go to the bathroom."

Yue’s face was red for a second. “I didn’t... I just went wrong, I didn’t want to see you.”

"When you look at it, what else do you have to say?"

What do you want? "Gu Yue is undeniably seen, but the sight of that second makes her want to forget selectively.

Although Jun Gu’s anger was caught, she could catch her and wanted to punish her. I still haven’t thought about it. but

In order to teach her well, she naturally has to punish her.

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