President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1195: Come to the rescue

Looking at the figure that Nie Jungu left, I heard the door slamming and shutting down. Gu Yue and Gong Yuning looked at each other and they all sighed.

"How is it so smart? You are hurting Nie Jun Gu!" Gong Yuning asked incredulously. "

I know who he is! In the bar that night, I didn't react to anything, and I offended him. "Gu Yue wrinkled a small face, feeling that God must be joking with her."

I also said that the world is very big, you will not meet him, I did not expect that the world is so small, in such a big bar, you offended him. "Wang Yuning finished, immediately thought of something, said to her, "You wait, I immediately call He Lingchu immediately, let him come." ""

Didn't you just say that he will come over? Gu Yue asked with a wink. Palace

Yu Ning reluctantly said, "I am here to stabilize Nie Jun Gu, afraid that he is not good for you, I have to call He Lingchu!" After she finished, she grabbed the phone and ran to the balcony. palace

When Raining was on the phone, he only prayed for one thing. He Lingchu is best not to be in a meeting or to do important things. It is best to come over here. "

Hello, Yu Ning, what happened? "The sound of He Lingchu's voice was gentle and low, with a hint of pleasure."

"He Lingchu, can you come to save a field? I need you very much here." Gong Yuning pleaded with him.

“Need me?” He Lingchu’s voice was filled with a smile that was unclear. palace

Yu Ning's face is slightly red, where does he want to go? She is busy, "Not the kind of need, but, I need your help, very urgent."

Listening is a very urgent matter. He Lingchu did not marry her. He quickly asked questions, "What happened to you?"

Not me, my good sister, Gu Yue, she offended a person, and now that person is very angry to come to her to settle accounts. ”

After listening to He Lingchu, the voice was tight. "Are you having something wrong?"

"We are fine now, I have to tell you one thing, the man who Xiaoyue offended is your good brother Nie Jungu."

what? Jun Gu? "He Lingchu was obviously caught off guard, and the voice was full of surprises. "How did your good sisters offend the monarch? ""

This matter is long and it is not convenient to tell you. In short, I just told Nie Jungu that you will come to me for dinner at noon. Now, he is waiting for you in the hotel lobby. Can you come over now? He

At the beginning of the year, I laughed low. "Good! I will come now."

"You have no important things!"

"The more important things are better than yours." He Lingchu replied, "I will come now." After that, I hung up.

Gong Yuning returned to the hall with his mobile phone. Gu Yue sat on the sofa and hugged a pillow. His expression was very depressed and worried. Nie Jungu would find the door. This matter, I really don’t know how to solve it. ! "

He Ling came over soon, don't worry! With us, Nie Jungu should not be like you. "Meng Yuning sat next to her and reached out and patted her to comfort her."

I know! But... but you said, how can I compensate him for some losses? I must not be able to live with him first. I think about it, he is very poor. ”

"How do you plan to compensate?" Gong Yuning really can't help much in this matter. ancient

Of course, if you want to lose money, it will be fine! However, this man had spoken before, which made her angry, so she did not know if there was any way to solve it. "

Otherwise, how about your body? "Meng Yuning said jokingly. Ancient

Yue immediately became the cat of the fried hair, loudly, "I don't want it, Yu Ning, you are not allowed to say this, let alone such a joke."

Yu Ning didn't expect her to be like this. She immediately raised her hand and surrendered. "Well, I don't say no, I don't say anything."

What kind of good man is he who makes a bar every day? Moreover, you don't even know how much he said in the bar, it's a metamorphosis. The first influence of Gu Yue on Nie Jungu can be said to be very bad.

Gong Yuning blinked, "But Nie Jungu looked at it, and he was very modest and gentle."

Don't you say good things for him, just because he is a good brother of He Lingchu? He Lingchu is a good man, not for him. "Gu Yue is holding a small mouth. Palace

Yu Ning suddenly thought that Nie Jun Gu and He Lingchu were good brothers before. Now Nie Jun Gu will go to the bar to play in this place, then He Lingchu can't go?

Gong Yuning was a bit troubled. She didn't want to over-examine He Lingchu's past, but she couldn't help but wonder. liqueur

In the hall on the first floor of the store, the female front desk greeted Nie Jungu very carefully and thoughtfully, and sent him snacks and coffee. "

Thank you. "Nie Jun Gu smiled at the front desk."

you are welcome. "The front desk shy back to the job, a pair of beautiful eyes from time to time to cast to him, flying to the autumn wave. No

After that, Nie Jun was absent-mindedly drinking coffee, looking at a place with a gaze, as if immersed in his own mind. Nie

Jun Gu is also unexpected, Gu Yue will be a good sister of Gong Yuning, where is there such a clever thing in the world? he

In the bar, Gu Yue was mistaken as a waiter. She fell into his arms, and when he got on the elevator, she begged to run in. This

There was no intersection in the original, but who knows, what happened later, he can no longer bear it, first peek at him, kick him again, as a man, if he can bear this, he really does not count What man is up. miss you

At this point, he also felt that the lower body was a little uncomfortable, although he checked in his private doctor that there was no problem, just need to be rested, but he clearly saw some sympathetic eyes in the doctor's eyes.

From small to large, he was a great young man who was pampered, and when he was so insulted, it was a shame and shame. original

He found her and rushed over, and he was able to vent his anger. Now, this woman turned out to be a good sister of Gong Yuning, and Gong Yuning is the woman of his good brother He Lingchu on the apex of the heart. How can he still? do? he

This huge grievance can only be swallowed back temporarily. He only hopes that he will be able to compensate him back in the future. Otherwise, he will be too embarrassed.

He Lingchu's location from the company to the hotel is not very far, plus it is not the peak road conditions at noon, his car went all the way to the hotel.

It took fifteen minutes to arrive. He walked in quickly and opened the phone of Gong Yuning.

At that end, the voice of Gong Yuning was sweet and looking forward to, "Are you there?"

"Well, I am here, just downstairs, what about you?"

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