President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1213: Shangguan Ningman makes bad

Shangguan Chenxu sat down to Shangguan Bingman's side and reached out and patted her on the shoulder. "Well, don't be angry. This time I am wrong, I don't bring you a gift, I will take you to pick one tomorrow."

Guan Ningman’s happy eyebrows, “Is it really?”

of course. Shangguan Chenxu smiled and smiled. Now, he has to start to be good to his sister. Only then will she listen to him in the future.

"Cousin?" Shangguan Chenxu asked curiously.

"Hey! Go for a walk." Shangguan Ningman pouted red lips, and the vinegar was obvious.

"Cousin walks with his girlfriend, what kind of anger you are! They didn't get you!" Shangguan Chenxu curiously asked. on

Guan Ningman’s face was slightly flustered. She lowered her head and bit her lip. “I don’t like this palace Yuning.”

Guan Chenxu immediately leaned over to her ear and whispered, "You don't like her! Just, I don't like her very much."

"Do you not like her?" Shangguan Ningman immediately seemed to find a friend. In this family, finally someone and her stood on the same line. "

Don't like it very much. Shangguan Chenxu raised his eyebrows to answer.

Shangguan Ningman stunned, and now she wants to drive away Yuu Yuning, and she is thinking of a way to punish the palace Yu Ning. "For a while, I took out my mother's tea and greeted her."

What do you want to do? "Shangguan Chen Xu asked her in the ear."

"I want to put some vinegar in the tea and let her die." Shangguan Ningman sneered. "She certainly can't speak out."

Shangguan Bingman wants to run the palace Yuning. "

OK, brother supports you. "Shangguan Chenxu is optimistic about the expression of the play."

Gong Yuning and He Lingchu scattered a circle, watching the time is almost to the point of the meal, just walked from the garden direction to the hall side, Shangguan Chenxu sat on the sofa, watching a pair of wall people walk in, Gong Yu Ning is very beautiful. It is the kind of girl that he has seen, the kind of girl who is extravagant and fascinating. and

Moreover, from the eyes of He Lingchu looking at Gong Yuning, he even knows how much He Lingchu likes her and simply regards her as a treasure. "

Cousin, watch, come and sit. "Shangguan Chenxu greeted them. He

At the beginning of the early day, he took the hand of Gong Yuning and came over to her. "Sit down and rest for a while."

Gong Yuning nodded and smiled and sat down. "

I am thirsty! Shangguan Chenxu asked, to the side of the Shangguan Bingman Road, "Bing Man, Miss Gong is our guest, you go to take the tea from the mother's treasure, and please call Miss Palace, lest we say that we are slowing down the guests." ”

He Lingchu screwed his eyebrows, and Shangguan Chenxu’s attitude was quite abnormal. on

Guan Ningman also got up very well to get tea, she was in the tea room next to her, and she gave it to Shangguan Chenxu, a cup in front of He Lingchu, and the last cup in Gong Yuning. In front of her, she also holds a cup. on

Guan Ningman is facing Meng Yuning, she raises a glass. "Miss Gong, I didn't have a good attitude before, let's have a cup of tea! Forget the previous unhappiness."

Yu Ning has always been depressed with her rigid relationship. At this moment, seeing Shangguan Ningman’s initiative, she will not refuse. She laughed at the tea. “I didn’t care.”

At the end, Gong Yuning sipped a drink and saw that there was a sour smell in the tea that was clear and transparent. She smelled like adding white vinegar. palace

Yu Ning's frown was twisted, and his eyes looked at the opposite Shangguan Bingman.

Shangguan Ningman is drinking tea, and the eyes above the teacup are clearly sparkling with a smug smile.

Gong Yuning's heart could not help but feel angry. It turned out that she had just said those words, that is, she lied to drink this cup of tea, and she did not want to make a good deal with her.

"My mother's tea is planted by her own hands. It is very precious, is it delicious?" Shangguan Ningman seriously asked for his voice. palace

Yu Ning licked his lips and smiled. "Good drink, very sweet."

Shangguan Bingman stunned, but did not expect that Gong Yuning was not angry, she clearly put half of the vinegar, can not enter. "

Good to drink, then drink it! Shangguan Bingman smiled very viciously.

Gong Yuning put down the tea ceremony. "However, I can't drink tea now and come to relatives."

On the side of He Lingchu, he immediately came together and said, "What do you want to drink?"

"Can you pour me a cup of warm water?" Gong Yuning smiled at him sweetly.

He Lingchu got up and poured water on her. Shangguan Chenxu also drank tea. His eyes also turned a bit of surprise. Gong Yuning became a big lady. She was treated like this. She was so shocked that she could bear it. palace

Yu Ning's gaze looked at Shangguan Bingman, and Shangguan Bingman, also looked up at her without fear, with a hint of arrogance. He

At the beginning of the year, the water came over. At the same time, the tea in front of Gong Yuning was moved to the side. At this moment, He Lingchu smelled a hint of sour vinegar, and his face sank. on

Guan Ningman immediately jumped into the heart, did He Lingchu find it? This

At the time, Gong Yuning saw that He Lingchu had to find out. She reached up and took the cup of tea and got up. "It seems that this tea has fallen into dirty things. I will dump it."

At the end, Gong Yuning endped in the direction of the bathroom, and He Lingchu’s face was stunned. With that, he knew that this was Shangguan Ningman’s ghost, and his eyes immediately pointed to the official Guan Ningman.

Shangguan Bingman immediately scared him, and He Lingchu got up and followed Gong Yuning to the bathroom.

Gong Yuning had already poured the cup of vinegar tea and washed the cup, but the acidity in the air could still be smelled. He

At the beginning of the early age, the heart was hurting. He reached out and held her hand. "Why don't you tell me?"

"Forget it, I only paid one bite and didn't drink it all."

"It's made by Conden." He Lingchu bit his teeth and his eyes flashed with anger. palace

Yu Ning reached out and patted his shoulder and whispered, "Well, don't make the atmosphere too stiff. You are so enthusiastic to ask me to come over. I don't want to let my mother and daughter hurt because of me."

He Lingchu really felt very distressed. "We will leave after dinner."

it is good. "Morning rain smiled and smiled.

Guan Ningman originally thought that Gong Yuning would drink a cup of vinegar tea. I did not expect that Gong Yuning cleverly made excuses and did not drink it. Moreover, it was discovered by He Lingchu. She looked up to Shangchen Chenxu for help. on

Guan Chenxu smiled at her and smiled. "Reassure, you are the master here, afraid of anything."

Gong Yuning and He Lingchu came out from the direction of the bathroom. He Lingchu held a teacup in his hand. Gong Yuning re-sit on the sofa and took up the boiled water that He Lingchu had poured to her. "

Condensed, don't be too much. "He Lingchu's voice is low and there is a thick warning."

Shangguan Bingman bit his lip and looked at him innocently, "Cousin..."

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