President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1226: Found a daughter secret

"You are not the way to escape." Gong Yuning sighed and was as distressed as him.

He Lingchu did not want to escape. In this case, he must let Shangguan Bingman recognize his heart early and cannot let her continue to misunderstand.

"Yu Ning, I will send you back to the hotel, I will first see my little family." He Lingchu said to her. "

Need me to go back with you? "Meng Yuning asked curiously.

"For the time being, I will go back first." He Lingchu said, this matter, Gong Yuning's involvement, will only make her embarrassed and blocked. by

He came out to be the best.

"Okay, then I will wait for you in the hotel." Gong Yuning nodded. He

At the beginning of the early year, she sent her back to the hotel. After his body, he followed three black cars and went all the way back to the hotel.

Gong Yuning was downstairs, letting He Lingchu leave, and she went back to the hotel to wait for him. The mobile phone of He Lingchu was ringing again this time, and it was still called by Shangguan Ningman. This

Second, He Lingchu chose to answer. "

Hey. ""

Lingchu, where are you? Are you not at the company? "At the end, Shangguan Bingman’s voice is a little charming. He

In the early days of the early age, she was able to treat her as a sister. Now, Shangguan Ningman deliberately reveals a trace of pro-intimacy, which makes his instinctive emotions even more cold.

"I am going back to your home now, where are you! Go back together!"

"What are you doing at my house?" Shangguan Bingman at the end asked a little nervously. He

At the beginning of the early days, I didn’t bring any feelings. "Condensed, I want to tell you about the things between us." want my mom to know about us? "The official Shang Ningman was a little excited. I didn't expect that He Lingchu would take the initiative to ask her to go back and open this matter?"

"Well, I will go home immediately, I am in the shop where I can buy snacks." At that end, Shangguan Bingman was very happy. He

At the beginning of the early days, the enthusiasm for Shangguan Ningman, the eyebrows tightened even tighter. on

Guan Chenxu was also at home this time. She received a call from Shangguan Bingman and told him that He Lingchu was on his way home. on

Guan Chenxu is waiting for this thing to let the mother know too! He let Shangguan Bingman come back immediately. "

Brother, can you mention my things to Mom first, I am afraid that Mom will suddenly know it and will not accept it. ""

Ok, let me talk to mom first. Shangguan Chenxu promised her.

Hanging up the phone, Shangguan Chenxu came to the room of Shangguan Bingman and picked up the note she put in the drawer. He felt that it was better to let her mother take a look at her diary.

In that diary, every word is recorded about the love of He Lingchu! Pan

Li Zheng and the gardeners chatted about doing the canal. Shangguan Chenxu immediately stopped her. "Mom, do you have time? I have something to show you."

Li came over, "What?"

"Mom, you should look at this." Shangguan Chenxu handed her a pink diary to her.

"What is this?" Pan Li looked at the pink diary and asked questions.

"This is a diary of Condenman. There is also a secret inside, which is about people who like Confucius."

what? Does condensate really have someone you like? Pan Li’s heart was happy. She asked her the last time. She said yes, she has always been curious about who her daughter likes!

You also let me see her diary. Isn't it just that you brought the boy she likes home directly? Pan Li smiled.

"Mom, do you know who the person I like is? And, as far as I know, Ningman likes this person for nearly ten years!" Shangguan Chenxu said with a look.

Pan Li immediately shocked, "What? Condensed people who liked for ten years?" So, did the daughter not like the other person at the age of fourteen? "

Yes, Bingman liked it for ten years. ”

"Then you hurry to take the boy home and introduce it to me!" Pan Li couldn't wait to see what her daughter liked.

"Mom, do you really have to look at this diary? I think you should look at it first, look at it from the very beginning! Condenman allows you to see it." Shangguan Chenxu put the Japanese in his mother's hands. He turned and left.

Pan Li couldn't help but see what happened to her son and let her see the diary?

She also knows that her daughter has the habit of keeping a diary, but she does not know that this diary is written about the boy she likes.

Pan Li chose a chair to sit down in the garden. With a mother's delight and expectation, she opened the first page of her daughter's diary and saw the date written on it. This diary is still new. The date of the first page is only half a year ago.

Pan Li looked at the writing above, and her daughter was beginning to write her voice. "He is coming home again. I am so happy that I don't know what to do. I haven't seen him for some time. He is more and more mature and charming. His figure is always in my mind. I miss him, but I don't dare to bother him. I can look at him secretly and wait for him to come home."

"But I know, he will come. He came with a bunch of flowers yesterday. He said to his mother, but I received it first. When he sent the flowers to my arms, I The heart is rushing, so happy! If this is what he gave me as a boyfriend, how wonderful!" Pan

Li looked at these words and could feel her daughter's rich heart. However, in this line, she did not say what the man called. and

Half a year ago, Pan Li was not a man for this man, and she did not find any clues. She continued to read.

"Mom made his favorite dish, and I, wearing the best-looking dress, sat beside him, secretly watching his every move, every move he made was so Elegant, with a male masculine scent, in my heart, in my eyes, all is him."

Pan Li looked at the day, her chest could not help but tightened up. Inexplicable, she seemed to know who the man in her daughter's diary was, but she was not sure. she was

After reading a daughter’s inner monologue, she opened the second page. Finally, when she saw her daughter’s words, she wrote very clearly, “Ling Chuge, I really want to tell you all my feelings, tell You, I like you, I like you for a long time." Pan

Li immediately closed the notebook, and her heart was chaotic. She really didn't expect her daughter to like it. It was really He Lingchu, the son of her sister.

"How is this possible? What is going on?" Pan Li held her forehead and felt that this matter was too sudden. She had no mental preparation at all.

The person that my daughter always liked was Lingchu? How can this be?

I already have a girl like it at the beginning of the year!

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