President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1228: Threatening each other

Shangguan Chen Xu was more powerful than him, so he was pulled out by the door. He pulled the car near the parking lot and he barely broke the wrist of He Lingchu.

"He Lingchu, you are crazy, what are you doing!" Shangguan Chenxu grinned. "

Do you still think these things are not messy? He Lingchu was somewhat angry and reproached.

"Yes, I just add chaos to you. I want you to pay for the taste I have received. I am with Xiaoyan. I am opposed by you, obstructing. You still ran to threaten Xiaoyan to leave me. He Lingchu, this is you. Self-acceptance."

"So, have you thought about your mother's feelings? She wants to know about you, how angry she will be."

"He Lingchu, she is my mother, do you know? When you are brought back and live with me, I feel that my mother no longer loves me alone, you know that kind of being taken away by motherly love. What is it like? So, I became the cool person of the present sex, this is also your fault." Shangguan Chenxu sneered. He

At the beginning of the early linger, there was a pleading in his eyes. "Chen Xu, it is better for your mother, she is the one who loves you the most."

I don't need you to teach me how to be a son, He Lingchu, how do we make a deal? When you leave Gong Yuning, I will take care of my mother and not tell her about her, but you are not allowed to stop me and Xiaoxiao from living abroad. ”

He Lingchu’s handsome face changed, “I will not leave Yuning.”

"Then I will let my sister hang around you, and it will end up in the end of your relationship with Gong Yuning." Shangguan Chenxu threatened.

"You..." He Lingchu’s fist was tight for a second.

Shangguan Chenxu found the dangerous atmosphere on his body, and he immediately stepped back a few steps, lest he really suffer a meal. "

You dare to try me and see if my mom will feel bad. "Shangguan Chen Xu raised his eyebrows and provoked the road. He

Ling Li really wanted to beat him and wake him up, but he still didn't move.

"These things, you better not to blend in, otherwise, I really won't be polite to you."

Then how can you treat me? You can't threaten me anything now. Instead, I can threaten you. Shangguan Chenxu smiled proudly.

He Lingchu found that what he said was correct. He really can't do anything to him. However, there is one thing he can do.

"Don't forget, the card you have now is drawn from the account in my hand. I can freeze your money." He Ling began to bite his teeth. on

Guan Chenxu’s face changed slightly. “No, you can’t do that.”

"If you are too much, I will do this."

You said that you should be good at raising my mother. ”

"I am meeting, but I did not promise to raise you." He Lingchu finished, sinking into his car.

Behind him, Shangguan Chen was so angry that he had done some business, but because of his poor management, there was no money at all. Instead, he had a card in his hand. It was He Lingchu’s monthly money for him. Spend.

Now that He Lingchu has to break his funds, this is really threatening him.

He couldn't help but itch.

In the living room, Pan Li looked at the daughter who was crying sadly. She sighed and comforted. "Okay, condensate, don't cry, why didn't you tell me about this thing soon?"

Mom, Lingchu brother, he doesn't want me. He would rather marry an outsider than me. " Shangguan Ningman only has wronged, endless grievances.

Pan Li reached out and handed her a piece of paper. "Condensed, the emotional things can't be forced. At the beginning of the year, I like Yu Ning. This is his choice."

However, I like him for so long, does he not care at all? " Shangguan Ningman charged a sentence.

Pan Li sighed again, facing a daughter who was stunned by reason, she was helpless. "

Ok, don't cry anymore, crying is useless, you still stop the feelings of Lingchu! There are so many excellent men outside, you can find another one. ”

"I don't, I want Lingchu, I want him." Shangguan Bingman is like a three-year-old child. For the beloved, it is the stubbornness.

He Lingchu’s car headed for the direction of Gong Yuning Hotel. His mind was worried that Shangguan Chenxu’s character was really difficult to get along with.

There is him in the middle to stir things up, Shangguan Ningman's feelings for him, I am afraid it is not so easy to deal with.

Gong Yuning waited for him in the hotel. She had some moods to draw. However, since she knew that Shangguan Bingman liked him, she was depressed in her heart. No one wants a man who likes herself. Remember it! which is

I also know that He Lingchu didn't like her, but this thing was still stuck in the chest like a stone. This

At the time of Gong Yuning’s newsletter, a video call was invited from Gu Yue. she was

Reaching out, the face of Gu Yue appeared on the other end. "

Yu Ning, have fun? "Gu Yue asked."

I am OK, you? How is it in China? ”

"It's good, just miss you!"

"Think of me? Do you think about Nie Jun Gu!" Gong Yuning asked with a grin. ancient

Yue’s pretty face is red, “I don’t have it.”

Then did you contact afterwards? ""

No. "Gu Yue shook his head."

why? Have you not become friends? ”

"Not counting, can only say better than strangers!" Gu Yue is not sure, in short, she did not receive the information of Nie Jun Gu, she will not take the initiative to contact him.

"The one who is with you and your family? How is the relationship developing?" Gu Yue asked curiously. "

We are okay! Very sweet, after two days, he wants to take me around his national scenic spot. ”

"Then you are quite romantic! Take more pictures and come back, and I hope to have a drink of yours!"

"I haven't introduced him to my family yet!" Gong Yuning was a little dumbfounded.

"Then you will bring him back this time! Let your family meet him, he is so good, sure your family will agree soon."

"I hope so! I believe my parents will love him." Gong Yuning smiled.

"Okay, then let's talk about it first."

A good sister hangs up the video, and Gong Yuning glances at the time. At five o'clock, He Lingchu should come back soon!

I don't know if he went to Shangguan Bingman this time and said clearly that he wouldn't give up his feelings for him. and also

Really sad, cousin likes cousin, even if there is no blood relationship, it does not meet the rules.

Gong Yuning sat on the sofa in the room waiting for him, thinking about the banquet tomorrow night, she was still looking forward to it.

Of course, she did not know that there were a group of people who were plotting to kidnap her, and He Haiyi’s man was preparing.

At the moment, in a black business car downstairs in the hotel, I stared at the hotel door.

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