President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1334: Shangguan Bingman unreasonable request

He Lingchu returned to the ward and sat on the sofa. He looked at Shangguan Bingman's face without blood, his lips were white, and she was feverish. The whole person was pale.

He Lingchu looked at Xiaoyan’s worries, and his heart was only helpless. He was the least likely to have such a thing. in

In the villa of He Lingchu, Gong Yuning had a cup of milk, sat on his sofa and turned on the TV.

In the home of He Lingchu, she was really not afraid. Although his villa was also very big, but this room has his breath, she feels safe.

At this moment, Gong Yuning’s cell phone rang, and she picked it up and looked at it. "

Hello, A section. ”

"Miss, there are two suspicious cars outside the villa, you try not to come out."

"Is it also those who are trying to kidnap me?" Gong Yuning's eyes sank.

"Should be, I will inform Mr. He immediately about this matter."

"A section, he is in the hospital now, don't let him worry, you can do it, don't bother him." Gong Yuning disapproved. Such as

If Shang Guan Ningman is fine, He Lingchu will come back to accompany her the first time. If Shangguan Ningman is seriously ill, even if he calls him, it will only make him difficult.

At this time, she believes in the power of her own.

"Okay, we will do our best to protect the safety of the lady."

Ok! "Yu Yuning should have a sentence, hung up the phone.

Gong Yuning was absent-minded watching TV. She felt that He Haiyi was too much. He Lingchu’s character was just and justice, not as sinister as he was.

How long does she stay here, how long will it have been stared at by his row? This is not the way.

Gong Yuning now has only six bodyguards around him. Although their ability is very strong, if they have been protecting her only in a protective state, it is inevitable that they are very passive.

Gong Yuning bit his lip, the girl in the palace, naturally not like the usual girl's thinking, she also saw how his father picked up other unfaithful people.

Always do something, you can't always be passive. palace

When Raining thought about it, she thought of a wonderful idea. She could find a paragraph tomorrow and they came over and talked. on

At this time, her mobile phone sent a message, she picked up and saw it was sent by He Lingchu. "Sleep? Is it convenient to call?"

Gong Yuning reached out and pulled out his number. The voice came from his low and gentle voice. "Sleep?"

Not yet, what happened to you over there? ""

Ningman hasn't woken up yet, I might want to stay here until she wakes up. ”

"She's fine!"

"She has a high fever and is still sleeping."

Ok, take care of her! I am fine, she is your loved one. "Yu Yuning said seriously, there is no sense of anger in the tone."

He Lingchu sighed, "I really want to be with you."

"Take care of her first, don't let your little worry."

Yu Ning...” He Lingchu’s voice is full of complex feelings.

Gong Yuning knew what he was going to say. She laughed. "Okay, I know what you want to say, go! I am sleepy, I am sleeping now, take care of her!"

Gradually deeper, at 11:30, He Lingchu let Shangguan Chenxu send Pan Li back. "

At the beginning of the early age, are you really ok? ""

I am fine, you pay attention to your body, give it to me here. "He Lingchu comforted."

Well, Bingman has to wake up, no matter how late, you have to call me. Pan Li shouted at him.

Cousin, Conden is handed over to you, you have to take care of her, she is very emotional, you better not to say anything to hurt her. "Shangguan Chenxu said. He

At the beginning of the early gaze, he glanced at him with an annoyance. "You go back and take care of your mother!"

I will. "Shangguan Chenxu finished, and helped the mother to go out. In the hallway, Shangguan Chenxu said, "Mom, wait a few minutes for me, I will go and talk to the nurse." ”

Shangguan Chen Xu smiled and went to the nurse station. With his charm, he immediately confuses a nurse lady and looks at the situation of the ward for him. In particular, if Shangguan Ningman wakes up, he has a close relationship with He Lingchu. Be sure to take pictures of him. that

Miss nurse saw him in deep affection, a heart has been messed up, where is there any reason to not agree with him? on

Guan Chenxu sent Pan Li back home. In the hospital ward, He Lingchu sat on the sofa and watched Shangguan Ningman wake up.

Shangguan Bingman also slept for a long time, and she opened her eyes, and the dim light was stabbed in her eyes, causing her to move back.

"You are awake." At this moment, a familiar male voice rang in the room.

"Ling Chuge, are you here?" Shangguan Ningman looked at him with joy.

"What the **** is going on? How do you suddenly have a high fever?" He Lingchu walked to the bed and asked. on

Guan Ningman thought of the big brother's words. The bitter meat meter will surely let He Lingchu stay with her. Now, the result is really like this. She opened her eyes and He Lingchu was around. "

I... I opened the air conditioner to sleep last night, probably didn't cover the quilt. Shangguan Bingman’s guilty bite on his lips.

"You are already sensible, you should learn to take care of yourself, don't let Xiaoxi worry about you." He Lingchu screamed. "

My mom and my brother? ”

"They went back."

Guan Ningman’s heart immediately jumped up. “So, are you left to take care of me?”

I called the doctor over. He Lingchu looked at her and got up and went to the doctor.

The doctor came over and gave her a temperature, and she was not happy, and she was still at a relatively high temperature. "

Mr. He, Miss Shangguan’s condition is unstable. You may have to stay here tonight. You can also call a care worker. ""

Nothing, make sure she just has to quit and it's okay! ""

Yes, look at the situation tomorrow morning, let her take the medicine for a while, then drink some porridge and have a good night's sleep. ”

The nurse came to the porridge and took the medicine in front of the bed. Shangguan Ningman immediately opened his face. "I don't eat."

If she takes medicine, she will get better soon, then Ling’s brother will have to leave, and she will not accompany her. Place

So, she decided not to take medicine, so that the disease is slower.

"Condensed man, don't be willful, eat the medicine." He Lingchu ordered a sentence. "

Ok, I can eat, but Ling Ling, will you feed me? Shangguan Bingman looked up and his eyes were barely.

"I won't feed you, you eat it yourself." He Lingchu's eyes flashed a clear rejection.

"You said that I am a sister. Now, if I take care of me, this sister will not be willing?" Shangguan Bingman could not help but sobbing.

He Lingchu also hopes that she will get better, so that he can return to Gong Yuning's side.

He took the water, picked up the medicine, and handed it to her. "Eat!"

Feed me, feed me one by one. Shangguan Bingman continued to ask. He

The handsome face of the early Qing Dynasty was slightly sinking, and it was a little scary.

Shangguan Ningman’s stubborn request, “You feed me one by one, I only eat.”

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