President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1357: Disliked

I don’t think it’s a high-level person. If it’s not a mother’s introduction, she doesn’t want to know it! Tang

Mei was so excited that she stood up and she was so excited that she was shaking. The child in front of her was the daughter she had made through her hard work.

The eyes are so long, I can’t believe it, just like a dream. "

Child..." Tang Mei reached out and tried to touch Shang Guan Ningman's hand, but her hand reached over, and some rough hands just touched her, and she abandoned her hand to hide behind her.

"Mom, who are they!" Shangguan Bingman asked with some anger. Pan

Li did not intend to conceal, she looked at her seriously, "condensed man, they are your biological parents."

what? "Shangguan Bingman's face changed greatly, squinting, and immediately stepped back, as if instinctively refused to believe this fact."

Children, we are your biological parents. Zhang Zefu nodded wetly.

I don't believe, you are a liar! You have nothing to run to my house to talk nonsense? "The Shangguan Bingman whispered."

Condensed, what are you talking about? Pan Li could not help but be angry with her words.

The husband and wife on the side, I was sorry for her. When I heard this sentence, they could not say anything except blame.

"Mom, you drive them away. They are not my parents at all." Shangguan Bingman said to his mother in horror, what kind of parents, such parents are simply her nightmare. "

Children, we really are the ones who gave birth to you. Twenty years ago, we were unable to take you because we fled abroad. Therefore, we have fostered you here. ""

You panic, I don't believe it. "Shangguan Bingman’s emotions were very fierce, and when she finished, she turned and rushed to the direction of the stairs."

Condensed man, condensed man! Pan Li hurriedly called her.

However, Shangguan Ningman did not care, she went straight to the second floor.

Zhang Zefu and his wife looked at each other and regretted it. They really should bring their daughters to their side. Otherwise, it would not happen. "

Don't worry, Connaught is probably not accepted for a while, give her some time, let her calm down. Pan Li said comfortably.

"It is our fault, that is, we abandoned her first." Tang Mei burst into tears. "

Don't be sad, I understand you very much, I believe that Conden will understand you. "on

At this time, outside the door, stepped into a tall and straight figure, He Ling came. "

At the beginning of the early years, you are here. Pan Li said to him.

Zhang Zefu and his wife looked at this tall and handsome man and wondered if Pan Li’s son was.

"This is the son of my sister, he came over and see."

At the beginning of the early gaze, I looked at a couple of worried and sad couples, softening some facial expressions. "Is it really a natural parent?"

Yes, we are. "When finished, what Zhang Zefu thought of, took out a silver bracelet from the bag. "This is my daughter wearing two hands at the time. I took one and took it away." Pan

When Li looked at the silver bracelet, he nodded. "Yes, when I was holding a man, I had a bracelet in her hand, it was a pair."

He Lingchu looked at the lady, his face experienced a scent of wind and frost, but the facial features and Shangguan Ningman are somewhat similar. "

What about condensate? He Lingchu asked, seeing her car in the yard."

Just now, I said to Bingman. I couldn’t accept it. Then I went to the second floor. I have to persuade her. ""

Sorry, I am sorry to bother you, we will stay in a nearby hotel. We are coming back this time and hope to see this daughter. ”

"Look at the condensate man! If she wants to come back to you, I would love to see your family reunion." Pan Li also expressed her meaning, lest the couple think that she raised the children, will not return them. Two

After the couple listened, they immediately burst into tears. At the end of the day, He Lingchu looked at the biological parents of Shangguan Bingman, and he also let go of his heart.

"Don't worry about it, my little sister is a very good person. He also loves growing up from your childhood to your daughter." He Ling started. "

Thank you, the young master, we know that the lady must be a good person. "Tang Mei nodded."

Madame, young master, please persuade Connaught Man, we will not bother. ”

The two couples also saw the reaction of their daughter. They stayed here and could not forgive her. Therefore, I only hope that the lady can persuade him to persuade them to return to their relatives.

"Well, I will send you out." Pan Li finished, and sent them away.

In a room on the third floor, Shangguan Bingman cried a pair of eyes. She did not expect that the couple would be her biological parents. It was impossible. She did not believe that she would be born of them.

At this moment, she would rather believe that she is Pan Li’s own. he

What do you want to do here? Want to bring her back? No, she doesn't leave this house, she doesn't want to go anywhere. on

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. She didn't respond. The outside was Pan Li's voice. "Hey, it's me, open the door?"

Guan Ningman sucked his nose, walked to the door, opened the door, and watched only the mother alone. She immediately plunged into her arms and cried out. "Mom, I don't want to leave you, I don't want to leave this house, I don't recognize them, I don't want to be taken away by them."

Li’s heartstrings were immediately tightened, and some were surprised that she would say such things. "

Condensed, how can you think so? They are your biological parents, you brought them to the world, even if they gave you to raise for the sake of escape, you should not hate them so much. Pan Li screamed and advised.

Guan Ningman continued to twitch. "But they have not raised me, I don't want to live with them."

You are their child, even if they have not raised you, they love you. ”

"I don't want, I only want you to love me, hurt me." Shangguan Bingman cried.

Pan Li sighed, "Bulman, you can't go on any way, you should be mature and sensible."

Guan Ningman raised his head and asked in panic. "Mom, are you not wanting me? You want to send me away?"

"I don't have this meaning. Here, it will always be your home. However, I hope that you can treat your parents well, at least not to abandon them and resent them. It is justifiable for them to leave you."

Guan Bingman’s eyes are really heard. At this moment, in her heart, just resentful of the parents, they should not appear here, and should not let the mother give birth to her mind. "

You Ling Li also came, would you let him persuade you? Pan Lidao.

"Lin Chu brother came?" Shangguan Bingman immediately happy.

"Condensed, I hope you understand that he is only your cousin, he and Yu Ning are the real lovers, you do not reproduce what you think." Pan Li also advised.

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