President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1370: Shangguan Bingman car accident

The atmosphere in the hall was complicated and stiff. Pan Li sat on the sofa and couldn't see what emotion she was at the moment. She was silent and seemed to be trying to accept everything she knew today.

On the side of Shangguan Bingman's face, it gradually became very pale and ugly. Her atrium was stabbed by a knife, and her blood flowed like a note. After she was sensible, she hated others and said that she was not Shangguan. People, mentioning that she is an outsider. and

Just now, this sentence was spoken by Shangguan Chenxu. As the blood of the real Shangguan family, Shangguan Chenxu’s words are more hurtful than any other person’s words.

However, at this moment, everyone is paying attention to Pan Li’s mood. He did not notice that Shangguan Bingman’s face has changed and changed his face. Shangguan Bingman is already in a state of collapse.

She clenched her fists and bit her lip, and she looked up at He Lingchu, her favorite man. and

He Lingchu worried about Pan Li's gaze. When she noticed that she was looking at it, his eyes immediately became cold and angry and stared at her.

He Lingchu’s eyes are more painful than killing her.

Suddenly, Shangguan Ningman was sobbing, she squinted and screamed, "I hate you!" After she finished, she ran away. Pan

Lizheng was immersed in the mind. When he heard this sentence, he was immediately shocked. When he looked up, he saw only the figure of Shangguan Bingman disappeared at the door. "

Condensed man. Pan Li still called her a word.

None of the people here are sympathetic to Shang Guan Ningman, because what she did tonight is not worthy of sympathy. "

Chen Xu, you are going to stop her, she is so late, this is where to go! Pan Li said anxiously toward her son.

"Mom, let her go! She is not worthy of being your daughter." Shangguan Chenxu said with a bite.

Pan Li certainly knows that Shangguan Bingman was interested in stimulating her. She looked at Shangguan Bingman’s sharp tone and was taken aback.

It was supposed to be told by her son, but Shangguan Bingman said it first. "

Chen Xu, between you and Conden, what happened? Pan Li asked with amazement.

Guan Chenxu saw that his mother seemed to be slowing down and his expression was calm. He had to say, "Mom, there is something, I have to say it."

"What about condensate?" asked Pan Li. "

Yes, she threatened me to do something for her in the morning. If I don’t agree, she will tell you about the loan user and the kidnapper. So, I let Xiaoxiao come over and just want to bring him personally. Come to see you. ""

What does he threaten you? He Lingchu asked in a deep voice.

Guan Chenxu bit his teeth. "He is threatening me, let me take you to the hotel at 8 o'clock tonight, give you medicine, let you sleep."

This sentence made the people present shocked and wrong, especially Gong Yuning. She only felt a blood rushing straight from the soles of her feet, causing her to leave her anger. Shangguan Bingman dared to use such an idea?

Even Pan Li was shocked. "You said it is true? Ning Man, why did she really say that?"

"She is crazy at all. She said, if I don't promise her, she will tell me about it. I persuaded her. It will stimulate you. However, her tone at the time did not treat you as her." The mother looked at her, she was as cold as an outsider," Shangguan Chenxu said angrily. He

At the beginning of the year, the whole body exudes chill, but his expression has always remained calm. What makes him gratified is that Shangguan Chenxu’s maintenance and concern for his mother is more important than before.

"How can she have such a silly thought?" Pan Li was also upset. "

Mom, I hope that you can get her back to her biological parents and not stay with us. "Shangguan Chenxu asked."

This..." Pan Li sighed, she raised Shangguan Ningman from a young age, whether she saw her as a mother, she still treated her as a daughter.

Chen Xu, tired tonight, let her take a break! "He Lingchu is low out of the channel. Said

When he finished, he turned his head to the ancient Yue sister, "You will go back to the hotel first!"

He went to the palace and said, "We will go back first."

Yu Ning nodded and walked to his side. He Lingchu headed Shangguan Chenxu Road. "You take care of your mother."

What about the condensate? Pan Li looked at the ran out, and Shangguan Bingman, who had not returned, could not help but worry.

She is an adult, it’s not too late, she wants to do anything for her! He Lingchu advised Xiaoyan, "Oh, you can consider letting her return to her parents." Pan

Li nodded, and some tired, "You go back! Let Chen Xu accompany me."

Gu Yu looked up to Shang Chen Xu, Shangguan Chen Xu smiled at him, "See you tomorrow."

The ancient donkey nodded and went out with Gu Yue. He

At the beginning of the Ling Dynasty, he took the hand of Gong Yuning and let the A section of the car send the Gu Yue sister to the hotel, while Gong Yuning sat on the car of He Lingchu and returned to his villa. Want

Said Shangguan Ningman, she ran out of the house, she originally wanted to drive away from here.

It can be found that when she rushed out, she didn't even bring the bag, and the mobile phone didn't bring it. She was annoyed with anger, and at the same time, she didn't want to go back to the hall to show her eyes.

She thought for the first time that her parents lived in a hotel not far away, and she planned to go to them. on

In Guan Ningman’s heart, at this moment, she is full of despair. She knows what she has done today, how vicious and how hurtful she is, but she can’t control herself.

Now, what she has done is done. She thinks that the Shangguan family can't hold her anymore. He Lingchu's disgusting and indifferent eyes made her think of pain and despair, even if she would never want to see her again in this life! she was

Just ruin everything about yourself.

Shangguan Ningman walked on the street, her mind was full of He Lingchu's eyes, and he and Gong Yuning had to have children. on

Guan Ningman is passing a traffic light. She looks at the pedestrian green light. She only glanced at it and went down. Of course

However, she did not find that the above shows only three seconds from the green light.

At this moment, under the staggered lights, Shangguan Bingman's figure was shrouded in a shadow of light, so that a car waiting for the traffic lights was not found, and the driver in the car immediately slammed the throttle and rushed straight ahead.

Shangguan Bingman heard the sound of the throttle, and she immediately turned her head and found out that there was a car rushing to herself.

She widened her eyes and made a scream, "Ah!"

However, the driver of the car was unable to stop when he found someone. The front of the car directly went up to Shangguan Bingman and threw her whole person. on

Guan Ningman was terrified for only a few seconds, and felt the back of his head slammed into the ground. Her whole person was in a darkness.

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