President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1374: I want to play with him.

The plane landed safely on the tarmac of the airport. He Lingchu and Gong Yuning, Gu Yue and Nie Jungu took off the plane.

And their bodyguard team has arrived by flight in advance, waiting in the airport's outer hall.

Gu Yue took hold of Gong Yuning, and the two girls whispered from time to time, and occasionally made some snickers. This

The two men around are curious, and they are talking about something.

When I got out of the airport, the two pairs were booked. I got a five-star hotel from the auction house recently. When I made a reservation, when I booked a room, many of the guests came here from around the world to participate in this auction. The room is limited, there are only two sets of presidential suites, and He Lingchu immediately ordered it without saying anything.

He and Gong Yuning usually live together. At this moment, in order to match the good things of a good friend, when she booked the room, she went to the ancient Yue Road. "Xiaoyue, you will live with Mr. Nie." I lived with Lingchu. "Ancient

Yue Yi’s eyes are wide and silently protesting. She can’t live with Nie Jun! What are the differences between men and women! palace

Yu Ning reached out and held the arm of He Lingchu, smiling at Mimi. "I don't want to live separately from the beginning of the year."

He Lingchu heard this sentence and couldn't help but feel the heart. Although he saw the acting of Gong Yuning, he was very warm. ancient

Yue immediately pulled her off and smiled at the beginning of Heron. "Take your girlfriend a few words."

After that, pull Gong Yuning aside, "You see the color and forget your friends! You will live with me!"

No, I am coming out with him this time. It is also a sweet vacation. How can I separate it? I believe that Nie Jungu is a gentleman, big deal, you sleep in the master bedroom, he sleeps in the room. ""

No. ""

how? You won't live for twenty-five years, and you won't even dare to live in a room with a man! "Morning rain immediately provoked her."

Gu Yue immediately set it down. "Who said I didn't dare?"

Then prove it to me! See you dare not! "Meng Yuning smiled and looked at her. Ancient

Yue immediately understood, she secretly twisted her, but, Gu Yue's heart is still somewhat nervous, looking at Gong Yuning and He Lingchu you yell at me, she is blessing her, of course, also envy It is. "

okay then! Gu Yue bit his lip.

Turning his head and looking at the two tall figure standing in front of the counter, Nie Jun Gu was smiling at her with a pair of deep eyes, and Gu Yue’s face was red. palace

Yu Ning took her over and said to Nie Jun, "Mr. Nie, these days, I will give Xiaoyue to you for care."

Jun Gu smiled and smiled, "Do not worry! I can take care of people."

At the beginning of the year, he reached out and patted his shoulder, secretly supporting him to pursue Gu Yue.

Because of the eagerness to book a room, the room for two people happened to be in two opposite directions, very far apart. in

After getting off the elevator, I recognized the road. Gong Yuning and He Lingchu went to their room. Nie Jungu and Gu Yue went to another corridor. palace

Yu Ning pushed the door open, and the bodyguard pushed the gift box behind them and left.

Gong Yuning stood on the balcony and breathed a sigh of relief against the wind in the balcony. The holiday feels so good.

Behind him, He Lingchu looked at her flowing dress, facing the wind, and the skirt fluttered. He couldn't help her to surround her waist and put her chin on her shoulder. palace

Yu Ning passed his face and his face sighed in his face. He said with a smile, "I hope that Jun and Xiaoyue can get along well, I really hope they can be together."

"Do not worry! I can see that I like Gu Yue, although he is generally more cynical, but this time I think he is serious."

Yu Ning licked his lips and smiled. "It's good."

He Lingchu kissed her beautiful face and kissed her. "Is it tired, do you still have to rest?"

Ok! Ok, let's take a break and let them have dinner together later. "Meng Yuning nodded."

He Lingchu reached out to her shoulder. When she got to the bed, Gong Yuning couldn't help but give birth to a playful heart. She reached out and pushed He Lingchu to the bed. He

When the slender body of the early age was dumping, his palm immediately buckled her wrist, pulling the bad one together, and fell heavily into the soft big bed.

Gong Yuning immediately giggled, reaching out and tightening his neck, and his body immediately pressed against him, trying to gain the upper hand in this battle. He

At the beginning of the ear, the arms around her waist, two people overlapping the bed, the atmosphere of the original play, immediately became subtle and smashed.

In particular, both of them were a little asthmatic, and Gong Yuning’s gaze looked into a pair of deep and hot eyes. The smile of her mouth slowly became shy, and she discovered that she actually pressed him. Under the body. palace

Yu Ning saw a storm in his eyes flashing. She immediately predicted the danger and thought about getting up. At this moment, the man would never give her a chance, immediately take her arms and take the initiative to turn over. Hold the dominant position in your hand.

Gong Yuning really regretted this, and should not play him like this.

At the moment, in the quiet room, the breathing of the two people was a little breathless.

He Lingchu's gaze tightly locked her a small face, watching her eyes still flashing a stubborn and unyielding smile, he had an idea to punish. palace

When Yu Ning leaned down, she closed her eyes gently and greeted his kiss. This

A kiss made the two people breathe apart. In the end, both of them had restraint, and they did not make this kiss, and they became out of control.

He Lingchu put her in her arms and muttered, "Relax for a while." Palace

Yu Ning snorted, and now she can only rest.

In another suite, Nie Jungu was very gentleman who gave the master bedroom to Gu Yue. Gu Yue took the ceremony and stood in the master bedroom to clean up. After she finished, she saw Nie Jungu sitting on the sofa. .

"You didn't sleep all the way, don't you take a break?" Gu Yue asked him. Nie

Jun Gu is a little tired, but at this time, he feels that rest will waste time.

It is rare to have such an opportunity to get along with her. He wants to grasp it.

"Do you want to rest?" Nie Jun Gu asked her.

Gu Yue slept on the plane, she shook her head. "No, I am not tired." Nie

Jun Gu said to her, "Would you like to watch the movie to pass the time?"

Yue felt that it was quite good to pass the time, she nodded, "Okay!"

Nie Jun Gu asked her, "What kind of movie do you like to watch?"

"Look at a sci-fi! I like to watch big movies." Gu Yue finished, sitting next to him. Nie

Jun Gu gave the remote control to her choice, he got up and went to the refrigerator and asked her, "What kind of drink do you want?"

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