President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1393: Worried about marriage

She must have been raised by her parents to inherit her family business. What should she do if she is not with them? ancient

The color of worry that flashed in Yue’s eyes was seen by Nie Jungu. He couldn’t help but worry, “What’s wrong?”

I used to marry my mother to marry this thing, they... they don't seem to be willing to let me marry. Gu Yue sighed. When she was talking to her mother, she was also determined to stay with them, or to marry the nearest place, but now, it is exotic.

Jun Gu’s eyes flashed a bit of anxiety, he was busy, “We brought them to live with us, so that we can often accompany them and take care of them.”

Yue still has a more optimistic attitude. "Go back and talk to them and see what they think!"

The heartstrings of Jun Gu are still tightened. Is the relationship between them still subject to the test of a regional country? But no matter what, he will not give up Gu Yue.

Gu Yue looked worried about his eyes. She smiled and comforted. "You can rest assured that my parents are also reasonable people, and they will also consider my life."

Jun Gu reached out and took her, and surrounded her waist. "Okay, no matter what, in this life, I will set you up."

Yue's apex is very sweet, she rarely accepts men so close, but he is different, his closeness makes her very comfortable.

"Okay, I will not give up." Gu Yue should have a sentence, when her face was branded with a moist wet print. Yes

Nie Jun Gu’s kiss.

Gu Yue’s body was immediately taut, and the light was so slight that he was obviously shocked by the kiss.

Nie Jungu felt that her whole body was stretched into a line. He couldn’t help but smile. "What happened?"

The breath of Yue was slightly messy. "Nothing."

She just hasn't adapted to the moment when men are too close. "

Go, go on! My parents are ready for dinner. ”

"Yeah!" Gu Yue nodded.

Nie Jungu’s parents are very knowledgeable and self-cultivating people, just like Gu Yue’s childhood, his character is good, his studies are better, and his history of growth has been linked to Xueba, which makes Nie Jun Gudu I heard it, I didn’t expect that such a delicate person would have so much knowledge in his mind. Do not

After, Gu Yue had a bad saying that, according to her own, it was just reading a book, and reading was so stupid that she was so big, and even the man’s hand was embarrassed. Nie

Jun has an idea at the moment, he has got a baby.

Nie’s parents were very satisfied with Gu Yue. I just wanted to marry her son immediately and took her home to live with them. Do not

However, this matter is also urgent, and it must be approved by the Gu Yue parents. late

In some cases, Nie Jungu sent Gu Yue back to the hotel. In order to protect her safety, Nie Jungu also opened a room next to her, and two people also took care of it.

However, after understanding the history of Gu Yue’s growth, many of Nie Jun’s thoughts had to be crushed first. Otherwise, he was afraid to scare away Gu Yue.

Therefore, he must cultivate his feelings with her heart and slow down this love. Many men around him will tell their love. They are all enthusiastic, stalking, and using money to get the woman's heart. Nie

Jun Gu knows that these things are not used for Gu Yue, because Gu Yue is not a girl who advocates material. This is also appreciated by Nie Jun Gu. She is a girl with slow feelings and needs a little touch. She, step by step to get her heart.

When she fell in love with him, he thought that this love must have been born. It was a night that came, and He Lingchu and Gong Yuning came back after dinner at the house. although

I have lived a lot of two-person world, but the life after marriage is something to have. This

Just got off the car and entered the door, Gong Yuning felt that the man around him was like a fire. She felt her own figure, which is where his eyes chase. she was

When I came to the cloakroom, I just put the bag and the jacket down, and I felt a clear male hormone behind me. In the next second, she was given a man on the wall. palace

Yu Ning giggled, deliberately not rushing, trying to escape, which aroused the man a conquering heart, immediately chased over, chasing jokes in the master bedroom.

Until Gong Yuning wanted to escape, he was directly smashed by the man. The next second, he was pressed on the bed. At this moment, both of them had smiles in their eyes, their breath was rushing, but in their eyes. The warm fire, but the two people will burn.

Gong Yuning reached out to his neck and did not let go. She took the initiative to kiss him on his side. "Husband, I have a small request."

Ok! ”

"Can you not be so physically strong?"

Early Ling, "..." Palace

Yu Ning snorted and laughed. He Lingchu leaned down and gave a hint of punishment. "No, how can I satisfy my wife?"

Yu Ning regretted it, and knew it would not mention it.

This man is clearly oppressed for too long, so that once it is dizzy, it can't stop the rhythm. must

Actually, people have been guarding for so many years, can they not be enthusiastic? clear

Morning, University Department.

A charity sale is being held. This is what the students have created. They are handmade, have clothes, have spare parts, and various commodities. This is an annual donation activity. The students are not taking points, the profits, all Donate to seriously ill people in need.

"Loy, hurry up, let's go." There was a energetic girl who took out a coat with a charity service written on Yan Luoyi. Yan

Luo Yi was late for the clothes for her friends. She wore a light blue long hooded suit and long hair with one waist and waist. All of them were combed to the back of the brain, revealing a white goose. The little face of the egg, still with a girlish atmosphere, can't be seen at all. She is already 23 years old and is about to leave the university.

"Today's charity sale will be very successful." The female classmate who sorted out her clothes said very confidently.

Yan Luoyi nodded, "Yes, it will be."

Thanks to Luo Yi, I made a hundred keychains all night, and her keychain was the most beautiful. I bought it all the time! ""

Our dormitory is Luoyi, beautiful, beautiful, and smart. Yan

Luo Yi licked his lips and smiled. "You praise me again, I will be proud, let's go!"

In the second bazaar school, more than 30 people were organized, all of them were young and full of passionate college students. They did the manual work, the price was cheap, and it was quite practical. Yan

Loyy took the school-wrapped bus and went to a very crowded street where there was a charity shop for students, and it was still facing the street. "

Loy, who are you watching? Yan Luoyi was turning to look at the scenery outside the window. Bai Zhen, a friend around her, reached her arm with her elbow.

Yan Luoyi looked up and saw a boy in a black casual jacket stepping up. His eyes darted into the car and went straight to Yan Luoyi. His eyes sparkled with joy and smile. "

School grass yeah! For you, he also came to help. "White Jane said haha.

Yan Luoyi squatted and shook his head. "Don't talk about it, this is the activity of the school."

Bai Zhen does not fight with her. Who doesn't know Yan Luoyi's reputation in school? If she is not too low-key, she has long been in the university of the country, sitting in the first school flower position. also

One thing is that her life is more mysterious. Everyone knows that she should have money at home, but she is in school, she lives a very ordinary life, and, like this kind of hard work, but also a hard charity sale, she always It is the first one.

This time they just came over and bought it. There are only a dozen people who actually make these handicrafts late at night. Due to the short time and large quantity, Yan Luoyi has been working day and night for more than a month. on

At this time, Bai Zhen saw the school grass blue dazzle coming over here, she quickly got up, "Blue dazzling classmates, sit here."

Yan Luoyi immediately stunned and held Bai Zhen dead and pressed, "You sit here." Blue

Hyun sees it and smiles. "I am sitting here."

Come, next to it, Lan Xuan had already occupied one for him, the closest position to Yan Luoyi.

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