President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1402: Accompany him alone

Yan Luoyi stood under the stage, Li Meichun's words made her face hot, where did she come from? If she can, she would rather give this opportunity to others.

She secretly tapped her own head with her hand, and she really had a pit in her head, and she would just throw it into his arms on the stage. she was

Can't help but think of the last dream, her face is red, can her dreams come true? Thinking of this, she herself laughed at herself, how could it be?

On the stage, Li Meichun’s solo dance also made the Taiwanese male students look at their eyes. When Li Meichun’s big eyes were jumping for every movement, her eyes looked at the first row of the central table. Pan Lizhen, that look made her whole person seem to be jumping to him.

Pan Lizhen can feel the female student's warm attraction, but he is purely enjoying it, without any fluctuations in his heart. anti-

However, his gaze will fall from the side of the squat from time to time, his eyes are deep and unpredictable.

At this time, Du Youwang also made a row to the vice-president next to him, because Pan Liyi also had a tour of the campus for a while. At that time, there must be a student representative to follow. Du is expected to let the vice-presidents arrange it. Let Yan Luoyi follow it as well. vice

The headmaster nodded, this small thing, he can easily follow the row, but can get Du is expected to be a good person.

After Li Meichun’s solo jump ended, there were several song and dance performances. Then at the end of the day, the top student representatives gave a speech. The time passed unconsciously for two hours. The celebration was coming to an end. The principal was on stage. Said a conclusion.

The students will be free to move. Next, he will follow Pan Lizhen and the senior school and politicians present here to take a trip to the school. Yan

Luo Yi finally breathed a sigh of relief, finally can go back to the dormitory to sleep, there should be no her thing. and

Just then, she saw the vice-president coming towards herself, and she immediately got up. "

Vice President, do you have something? ”

“Yan, you are honored to be selected as the student representative and accompany the vice president to the campus.”

Yan Luoyi was stunned, how did she get to her again? She thought, this is probably the row that the righteous father made with his rights!

"The vice principal, I am a little tired, can I not go?" Yan Luoyi asked carefully. "

How can this be? Such an honor, other students can't ask for it! You come with me quickly. The vice principal did not allow her to quit.

Yan Luoyi squatted, nodded, listening to the command. "

Ok. Pan

Li Wei spoke at the door of the school celebration. There were bodyguards escorting around him, and students left in an orderly manner, but they all stayed around and could not wait to accompany the vice president. Do not

However, the route taken by the Vice President this time stipulates that students should avoid and not follow the crowd. plus

The bodyguards are protected around, and the students are afraid to cause trouble. If this is really a suspect, it is not a joke. Pan

Behind Li Wei, Du is expected to stand in a later position, which is also based on the identity of the team.

At this moment, his eyes are full of eagerness, and he wants to stand in the place where Pan Liyi is close and participate in their topic.

Yan Luoyi had the privilege of standing with the top students of several schools and became one of the representatives of the students accompanying the park.

Among the several representatives, she is the most eye-catching, but the expression is the most calm, not like the excitement of several others.

Du is expected to walk to her side, whispering, "Loy, take the opportunity."

Yan Luoyi was shocked, and Du was hoped to say that she would be farther away from her.

He is also afraid that his own thoughts will be discovered. He must have so many eyes in his presence. He only wants to give Yan Luoyi a wake-up call. Yan

Luo Yi touched the serious eyes of the righteous father, and she immediately ignited the spirit.

Her eyes looked at the man who was talking to the headmaster and talking about the wind. She was nervously squinting. On such an occasion, what chance does she have to grasp? "

Vice President, please, let's go visit some libraries first! ""

it is good. Pan Liyi nodded. As he looked back at the eyes of the crowd, he saw a slender figure and followed him. He snorted slightly.

Luo Yi’s expression is clearly unwilling to follow. When Pan Liyi turned back, no one was watching him excitedly. she was

Good, pouting, yawning, a dull look.

Du Youwang saw it and immediately glanced sternly. However, Yan Luoyi did not see Pan.

Li Wei’s eyes flashed a faint smile, and others couldn’t see why. Only he knew it was amused by the girl. One

After a celebration, how did she get tired like this? What did you do last night?

Walking into the library, this piece is very quiet, because today the library is not open to students. Pan

Li Wei’s figure walked in it, and the gaze swept through a row of bookshelves, like checking the school’s collection of books. At this time, Yan Luoyi was suddenly pushed out. “Yan, you used to Mr. Vice President explained the explanation." Yes

Vice-president, he was very eye-catching and introduced Yan Luoyi.

Just on the stage, Pan Liyi’s hug to her, everyone saw that he seemed to like the female classmate. This opportunity, Yan Luoyi can make the vice president happy, and there is no harm to the school. Yan

Luo Yi nervously stood in front of Pan Lizhen, let alone explain, at this moment, she is a bit sloppy, twisting a pair of hands, can not say anything.

Pan Liyi saw through her nervousness. He smiled. "You don't have to explain it, you will be with me!"

In other words, the solution to Yan Luoyi’s embarrassment also indicated that she should be with her.

Du is expected to be annoyed at the side, how is Yan Luoyi so clumsy to this point? If she can be as good as a bead, then the finger may even make Pan Liyi like it.

"You are here waiting for me, let this Yan classmate accompany me to go and go." Pan Liqi started.

The people present are clear, how dare you bother?

Yan Luoyi’s breathing was promoted, but he had to follow his footsteps and walked to the depths of the unmanned library. The library was very large, like a church design, in front of a neat shelf, with a patchwork of tables. The chair, the sun is transmitted through the blinds, making the entire library very bright. Pan

Li Wei's pace was elegant, and he was lazy. He looked up at the bookshelves around him. Finally, he looked back and looked at the girl behind him. "

What did you do last night? "The low male voice seems to be deliberately driving down some volume.

Yan Luoyi blinked, and some accidents he chatted so casually. "

I... I wrote a thesis late last night. Yan Luoyi answered honestly.

"After the night, don't think that young people don't take their own body as one thing." Pan Lijun's voice, revealing a trace of concern, and embarrassment.

Yan Luoyi's heartstring couldn't help but loosen a few points. Without those people to follow, the feeling of being with him is not so much pressure.

"Thank you for the concern of the Vice President, I will remember." Yan Luoyi said with gratitude. "

Have you ever greeted your righteous father? Pan Liyi looked back and looked at her with gaze.

The heart of Loy immediately jumped up, just like his eyes, and everything was seen clearly, as if the plan of the righteous father did not do anything in his eyes.

Yan Luoyi's pretty face brushed red to the ear, she felt a cold sweat coming out of her back, she swallowed, "had greeted."

Pan Lizhen had previously leaned against a row of wooden bookshelves, and his slender body was like a noble god. he

The gaze, there is a kind of oppressive power that dares not directly look at it. It seems that in front of him, any trace of thought must be seen through. Yan

Luo Yi's small hand twisted the knuckles white, hanging down, like a child doing something wrong, at a loss. "

Are you afraid of me? Pan Lixiao smiled and asked.

Loy is of course afraid, especially in his tone, the power that does not break, but sees everything through, makes her get along with him, has a very large pressure.

"Afraid!" Yan Luoyi will not panic, can only tell the truth.

Listening to her so honest and well-behaved answer, Pan Liyi could not help but smile. "Don't worry, I won't eat people."

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