President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1405: Implementation plan

"One time I was taken to a bar by my friend! Chen Xu saw it. I ignored it. I used this trick. My friends recorded him all the time. This made me see how much he loves. Oh, I love him too much." Gu Yan looked happy. ancient

Yue still wants to think about it. If you look at your father’s attitude this evening, if your parents can give them a chance, it’s best, you don’t have to take this bitterness. in

When I went downstairs, Gu Yu still took his pills in his hands to prevent his sister from needing.

Around six o'clock, the ancient father came back, and the ancient mother also had a table of good food. For a long time, no family had a reunion dinner.

Before the meal, the ancient father had been asking about the recent life of the ancient Shu, the atmosphere was not bad, probably the son was weakened from a small personality, so they did not ask too much for his son, as long as he had a good life. but

Yes, compared with the strength of Gu Yue, and the other roads are superior, they only cultivate their focus on their daughters. rice

It is also almost over, the ancient father and the ancient mother exchanged a look, looking at a pair of full-fledged children, the ancient father began to ask.

"Xiaoyue, how are you doing it? My mom and I don't want you to marry."

Mom and Dad, you just don't know him enough. He is really good. I also like him very much. In the tone of Gu Yue, she has already said her recent treatment results.

The father’s face sank, “So, you are not going to break up with him?”

Gu Yue was afraid of his father from a young age. She immediately did not dare to refute her father. She bit her lip and nodded reluctantly. "I don't want to break up."

You... Mom and Dad are trying to raise you up, I hope that you can stay with us. There are also excellent boys around me. I can introduce them to you. ”

"Xiaoyue, don't marry you. When we were abroad, we learned a lot of girls who are married to other countries. They are not happy, we are worried about you."

"Parents, true love does not know national boundaries!" Gu Yan interjected. "

You shut me up, I haven't taken care of you yet! "The ancient father looked across the son. Ancient

I immediately shut up and looked at my uncomfortable sister. He bit his lip.

"I don't care how much you like him, we won't accept you to marry him, what kind of person he is, we don't know."

Then you try to understand him! "Gu Yue has some excited rebuttals."

It’s not that we don’t want to know him. What we are discussing now is that you don’t want to marry. "The ancient father said firmly.

Gu Yue’s eyes were immediately red, and her father’s words made her wonder what to do. One

On the side of her lover and her family, she is hard to find.

At this time, the ancient cockerel took a glass of water and came to the ancient Yue Road. "Sister, don't quarrel with Dad, come, drink a glass of water!"

Gu Yue was really anxious at this moment, and did not detect anything. She picked up and drank half a glass of water.

"Xiaoyue, give you a few more days, let this Mr. Nie go back to the country, don't contact again in this life." The ancient father firmly ordered the death.

"I don't want to... I don't want to leave him." Gu Yue's tears immediately poured out. "

Xiaoyue..." The ancient mother looked at her daughter with a distressed look."

I said that I scored. "The old father immediately drank a sentence.

"I..." Gu Yue stood up and wanted to say no, but her head suddenly turned dimly, she was shocked to see what she was looking at, and the old man immediately gave her a look, and Gu Yue has already The back of the chair fell down.

"Sister... sister, what's wrong with you?" Gu Yan gave a worried exclamation and immediately reached out and caught her. "Dad, you stunned your sister."

"Xiaoyue..." The parents of the ancient family immediately rushed to come over.

"Quickly squatting..." The ancient father still had experience, and immediately stunned people. However, Gu Yue’s efficacy was really not able to wake up. "

Dad, what happened to the sister? Is the sister sick? You see her face is pale! Am I going to lose my sister? "The ancient acting school, immediately shed a line of tears, as if to tell Gu Yue immediately dead. He

This said that a pair of fathers and wives who were originally frightened would be scared of heart disease.

"What are you doing, send the hospital!" the ancient father said in a hurry.

"Yes, send the hospital quickly, Xiaoyue can't do anything." The ancient mother was also anxious.

The old man was busy, "I know the nearest hospital to our home." After that, he said to the ancient Yue, "Sister, you hold on! You must not do anything! Hold on!"

The family hurriedly sent Gu Yue into the car. Gulu drove, and he drove directly to the hospital where he agreed to a good friend. ancient

Yue made a phone call on the road to prepare the hospital. At the same time, he quickly sent an edited message to Nie Jungu’s mobile phone, and even the address was clearly written. Nie

Jun Gu is in the store at the moment, he is waiting for the information of Gu Yue, naturally is next to the phone. hand

When the machine information rang, he picked up a look. Although the strange number, but the information indicates that it is ancient, the following said that Gu Yue fainted and sent to the hospital. Nie

Where can you hesitate to hesitate for half a second? He rushed to grab the phone and rushed out of the hotel, heading straight for the hospital.

At the door of the hospital, Gu Yu and his good friend glanced at the screen and let him play the script, and the young and promising doctor, with his assistant team, played very seriously. Push

With the ancient Yue, the pace is flying fast, all the way straight to the rescue room, this speed can scare the parents of the ancient family, I feel that the daughter is really dead.

When the lights in the rescue room are lit up, the ice-blue door, the ancient father and the ancient mother are all wheezing, sweating.

The ancient mother’s tears were rushing out, rubbing their eyes and saying, “Xiaoyue can’t do anything!”

The old man was also anxious, aware of his own mistakes, and fainted his daughter.

Ten minutes later, Nie Jungu, who was at a nearby hotel, rushed in. Guzhen was waiting for him. When he saw him, he was busy welcoming him. "Nie, you are here, my sister. My sister is dizzy. fall down."

"Why did Xiaoyue faint?" Nie Jungu’s face was also a mad feeling.

"I don't know. I fainted when I was eating at home. Now people are still in the rescue." from

From the last time I saw Nie Jungu in the restaurant, the parents of the ancient family did not see him again. At this moment, when watching the late autumn, everyone wore two pieces of clothes, and he only wore a shirt, and it must be time, too. Anxious, even the clothes did not care to wear more than one!

At this time, watching Nie Jun Gu come, they did not have the spirit to let him go, and all of them care about Gu Yue. "

Uncle, aunt, you can rest assured that Xiaoyue will not have anything to do. Nie Jungu walked to a pair of anxious couples and gave a comforting voice.

The mother nodded at him, and the old father stared silently at the emergency room.

At this time, the door suddenly opened, and Gu's friend came out with a message. "Are you all family members of the patient? The patient initially determined that there was a problem with the liver, and we may need to do a liver transplant for her immediately." "

Doctor, use mine. The ancient father immediately stood up and did not hesitate.

"No, we need a young liver."

In other words, the parents of the ancient family were panicked. "

Can my liver disease be? "Gu Yu quickly asked."

No. Nie

Jungu rushed to the doctor. "My, use me, I am very healthy, when can you do it."

In the words, the old parents on the side looked over. "

This gentleman, this is a life-threatening donation. Are you sure you should not consider it? The doctor said deliberately.

"I want my life to do." Nie Jungu did not hesitate to speak out.

Gu Yu’s eyes quietly looked at his parents, and as he expected, his parents’ eyes were full of incredulity and gratitude. "

Who are you patient? ”

"I am her boyfriend, I can only let her live, what I donate." Nie Jun Gu's gaze, because of too much worry, facial expressions are a little trembling.

I can't wait to take my own life and change the life of Gu Yue. "

Sir, this is really a big risk to your life. If you are not doing well, you will need to take medicine to treat it in your life. The doctor is persuading again.

The old parents at the side are also anxious at the moment. It is unfair if Nie Jungu loses his life's health in order to save his daughter.

Even if he does not accept him as a son-in-law, he does not want him to be a medicine jar. "

I said, my life can be taken, just save her. "Nie Jun Gu's eyes and tone, without a trace of hesitation.

Gu Yu was also moved in the side, and Nie Big Brother really loves her sister. From this point, I can see enough. sister

My sister’s fainting was really worth it, and he was happy for her sister, and finally found a man who was willing to pay for her life.

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