President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1417: Peace of mind

Yan Luoyi came to look at it, although it was only the guest room in the annex building, it was still neat and clean, very stylish, she should have a sentence. "

You can do what you want to do here during the day. At night, the vice president will come back, you will have to wait for his life, Miss Yan, please take this job seriously. This is not a simple job. "Qin's positive color began to open her mouth seriously.

Yan Luoyi also nodded seriously, "I know."

The waiting person is the vice president, and even simple things become complicated enough. "

Well, you are familiar with it all around here. There is no food and beverage here. Therefore, you and the vice president will have a daily meal in a restaurant in front, where the staff is responsible for your daily meals. Yan

Luo Yi glanced in the direction pointed by Qin Zheng. Just a hundred meters away, there was a restaurant-like building. She said, "Okay."

“The restaurant will prepare three meals a day for you from today. If you are hungry, you will be able to eat in advance.”

"I don't pick." Yan Luoyi smiled. Qin

I was looking at the watch. "Then I used to work. If you don't understand anything, you can call me."

"Good! Go and be busy! I will be familiar with it first."

“You can get familiar with the place where you can make tea or make coffee in the villa. This is what the vice president needs when he works at night.”

"Okay!" Yan Luoyi understood.

Qin Zheng left, Yan Luoyi breathed a sigh of relief, standing here, she really was very restrained. vice

In the president's office, Qin Zheng knocked on the door.

Pan Liyi looked up at him. "Have you brought her in?"

"Yes, Miss Yan is familiar with the environment in your living room. She will go back to collect the ceremony tonight and officially move in tomorrow."

Pan Lizhen’s eyes flashed a complicated struggle and looked up at Qin Zhengdao. “Xiaozheng, do you say that I am doing this, is it inappropriate?” Qin

Just laughing, "You don't have to worry, Miss Yan is pure and kind, she will be with you, you will not be too lonely."

"It can be unfair to her." Pan Liyi's eyes, there is a hint of self-blame, but did not want to let her leave. "

Lord, why do you want so much? Being able to accompany you, this should be the blessing of Miss Yan! Pan

Li Wei sank for a few seconds and said to him, "Go ahead!"

Qin Zheng left, Pan Lizhen still fell into a pondering, Yan Luoyi has a kind of temperament that is particularly attractive to him. She is like a beam of light in the sea, pulling his heartstrings and making him want to be close to her.

Pan Lizhen has been paying in politics, seldom considering his own private affairs, and Yan Luoyi, probably the first time he has been selfish for so many years. Pan

Li Wei thought that she was in his room at the moment. He couldn't help but think about it. What is she doing? Yan

At this moment, Loy is in the open kitchen on the first floor. She studied this and looked at it. The whole counter on the counter is the two things.

One is tea, the top tea, from all countries, one is coffee, one can of coffee beans. and

Next to the clean counter, there are tea making tools and a very personal coffee machine.

Yan Luoyi couldn't help but get upset. She was just a raw hand. She hadn't brewed tea yet, and she didn't know how to make a cup of delicious coffee.

Such a woman, is there a point that allows the vice president to recruit her? Didn't anyone do this job?

These questions are in her heart, but I can't get any answers. eye

Looking at twelve o'clock, she didn't eat anything for breakfast, and now her stomach screamed. Yan

Luo Yi did not want to go through the stomach, she went in the direction of the restaurant. At the moment, in the quiet and spacious hall of the restaurant, there is a long table with a golden table mat. The table is filled with red wine, goblets, flowers, and at the moment, the chief position is still sitting. An elegant man.

He was reading the information, Yan Luoyi did not have any preparations to come in, saw the man on the table, she immediately rushed. he

How is it here? Pan

Li Wei looked at the documents and noticed that she was lifted up, and the deep and charming ink shackles locked her.

"Come on!" In his voice, it seems that he is waiting for her. Yan

Luo Yi’s brain was blank for a few seconds. Is it only in the restaurant in the future that they only have two people to eat? "

His Excellency Vice President. Yan Luoyi greeted him nervously and walked over. Pan

Li Wei pointed at the position around him, "Sit here!"

Yan Luoyi opened the chair and sat down. She immediately turned into a nose and a nose, and she looked at her heart. She didn't even have the courage to look at the man. she was

I feel that God must be teasing her. She clearly prays in her heart, don't see him, don't see him, but why, God wants to push her to his side?

Pan Lizhen looked at her shy expression, and he appeased, "No need to be nervous, we will get along with friends in the future."

Uh? "Yan Luoyi lifted up, friend? Where is she qualified to be friends with him!"

Pan Lizhen looked at her dull expression, inexplicably felt comfortable, as if to appreciate a painting that made him pleasing. "

No... no! I... You can rest assured that I will work hard to do a job that a servant should do and will not let you down. Yan Luoyi immediately retorted and expressed his own opinion. After he finished, he fell down and didn't dare to look at him.

Just ask the servant to behave. If you please the Vice President, you can make the plan of the righteous father smoother.

This is Qin Zheng gave her the wrong guidance, thinking that the Vice President is punishing her, let her come to be his maid, redeeming the father for her relationship.

Pan Lizhen slightly twisted the eyebrows. It seems that Qin Zheng said something to her in order to get her here.

Why is she afraid of him, like a tiger he will eat? Or crushed capitalists?

Pan Lizhen did not say much. In fact, she was brought into this place. She has already been named as a servant and she is allowed to work with peace of mind. no

Then, in addition to the identity of the servant, he can not give her other identities. "

Ok, I am looking forward to your performance. Pan Liyi replied in a low voice.

At this time, the waiters in the restaurant successively put on four dishes, three desserts, one soup, which are all exquisite dishes in the top restaurants, and they are very appetizing. Yan

Loy looked at the few desserts and suddenly felt that working here was not bad! At least you can eat such a delicious dessert. she was

I can't help but swallow, so hungry.

Pan Lijun’s afterglow swept to her slender neck and swallowed him. He said, “Eat!”

Luo Yi saw that he also took chopsticks. She also picked up the chopsticks and sandwiched a red bean to make the pastry entrance. The delicious food made her eyes bloom immediately. true

good to eat.

Pan Lizhen’s gaze fell on her expression, and her mouth twitched slightly. He moved in here for more than half a month. The taste of dining alone is really boring. Such as

Today, there is a person to accompany, and a girl who is pleasing to the eye, this mood is naturally different. Yan

Loy found that these sweets were placed in front of her. She immediately felt that it was not good. She reached out and removed a few sweets from the front of the man.

At this time, a low voice blocked her. "These sweets are for you, I don't eat."

"Don't you eat?" Yan Luoyi was surprised and secretly surprised. So, is it hers?

"Yeah!" Pan Liyi nodded.

Yan Luoyi's eyes are clearly flashed with a greedy smile. For delicate and delicious sweets, it is probably a woman, and there is no way to resist it.

"Thank you." Yan Luoyi was grateful. "

Eat some dinner first, then eat sweets. Pan Lizhen made her voice.

"Yeah! Good." Yan Luoyi obediently answered the words and picked up the chopsticks and sandwiched the entrance.

After eating a few mouthfuls, Yan Luoyi put down the chopsticks and looked at the man beside him. "Mr. Vice President, please don't blame my righteous father. He is just for me, he will make mistakes."

Li Wei’s gaze swept over, and the kind of majesty that he took with his eyes made Yan Luoyi immediately obedient. “You can rest assured that I will work for you and compensate you, as long as you eat and live without receiving wages. Row."

Pan Lizhen probably understands what Qin Zheng said to her. It seems that she is threatening her with her father's future. Let her think that she is here to work for him. It is to compensate for this matter. Qin Zheng, I have to talk about it. he.

"Wage will not deduct you, as long as you work hard, I will not treat you badly." Pan Liyi comforted her.

How can Yan Luoyi not work well? There is also a salary for the package, which is much better than the position that will be assigned in the future.

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