President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1440: Invite her vacation

In the room, Yan Luoyi heard the knock on the door. She had already put on her pajamas. She hugged a coat and went to the door and opened the door. door

In addition, Pan Lizhen took the bracelet in her hand and held the bracelet. "

Why take it down? Pan Lijun’s eyes are particularly aggressive under the dark corridor lights.

Luo Yi was shocked, she felt like he was very angry! "

I can't ask for this bracelet. I have checked the similar price, more than five million. I feel this is more expensive. I don't dare to wear it out. I am afraid that it will be lost. So, take it back! "Yan Luoyi tells the truth. Pan

Li Wei didn't know whether it was good or funny. He sighed. "The gift is not important. The important thing is, I give the gift to you. Do you understand?"

Yan Luoyi blinked, but she really didn't understand it. However, she quickly smiled. "It doesn't matter if it is expensive. Then I will take a cup on your cup holder tomorrow! It's all about you!" I understand."

Pan Lizhen slightly stunned, this woman still dares to explain? He grabbed her wrist and wanted to re-enter it.

Yan Luoyi was shocked and prepared to withdraw his hand. At this time, the man pulled hard and Yan Luoyi squatted, and the whole person plunged into the man's arms and slammed into him.

“Hey!” Yan Luoyi’s face was red, and she quickly stood back, and on her wrist, the man re-inserted the bracelet and lowered his voice. “Here, you must wear it if you want to feel It’s not convenient to go out, you can pick it up, but you can’t return it to me.”

Finish, and then start again, "If you want a cup, you can take it yourself! I will give it to you."

Yan Luoyi looked up and the door was closed. Her whole person stayed at the door and some did not know it.

For a long time, Yan Luoyi could not help but think that he was too big!

Yan Luoyi put her back on the bed wearing a bracelet. She didn't think about it in other directions. She only felt that she refused to accept the gift and made him angry. and

Not because of his intention, but also what this man said. Pan

Li Wei took a shower and lay in bed, with his arms folded and his eyes on the ceiling. He was a little troubled. Should he directly express his own thoughts, or continue to hint at his own thoughts, waiting for her to understand?

In fact, he still hasn't seen it. Yan Luoyi is really fond of him, or because of his identity, she has a cult. Such as

Suddenly speaking through the mind, she can't accept what to do? Or did she refuse? Pan

Li Wei was insomnia for the early hours of the morning, and he slept. clear

morning. Yan

Luo Yi hid the bracelet, went downstairs and took a cup of drinking water on the cup holder and went to the internship department. Even the breakfast was prepared to be solved in the dining hall. Pan

Li Wei used breakfast alone, and the owner of the restaurant said that Yan Luoyi called and didn't prepare her.

Pan Lizhen felt that she was deliberately hiding from him. Did she want to understand his mind last night? Start consciously avoiding him?

In the office of the president, Pan Lijun began to regulate his first life vacation in so many years, and Qin Zheng is also making his trip. "

You, are you sure to choose this island? Qin Zheng found that Pan Lijun’s vacation was only on a small island in China.

“Well! It’s safer in the country, you’ve made the work of deploying security in the past. After three days, I’m going to leave.”

Qin Zheng immediately responded, "Okay! I will go to the row immediately."

"By the way to the internship department, let Yan Luoyi go with me and give her a good time." Pan Lizhen added another sentence. Qin

Just laughing, "Okay."

This is the first time that Pan Lizhen has been in power for a girl.

Yan Luoyi was interviewed by the director after listening to the afternoon class. Yan

Luo Yi was really nervous, standing in front of the director. "

Director, you call me. ”

"Loy! It's like this, we decided to give you a week's holiday, you enjoy it."

Uh? My fake? Are our internships on holiday? Yan Luoyi asked in surprise. Lord

Shake his head and shook his head. "No, I just got a call from the president's office and said that you need a week's holiday, we approved it."

Yan Luoyi’s brain was slightly blank for a few seconds. It seems that Pan Li’s greetings, but she did not think about taking time off!

Yan Luoyi came out of the office, and there was still some sorrow in her mind. When she looked at the time, she began to go toward the direction of Pan Liyi’s house.

Yan Luoyi has a fake, of course, happy, but why did he suddenly give her a leave of absence? Yan

Luo Yi sat in the restaurant waiting for Pan Lijun. At 6:30, he saw a handsome figure coming over the sunset. Yang

The light sprinkled behind him, making him look dazzling and deep, and every step of his life was full of power. Yan

Luo Yi quickly stood up and greeted the man. When he was coming to the front, she couldn’t wait to ask, "Lee brother, are you giving me a leave of absence?"

Pan Lijun’s gaze fell on her slender wrist and nodded. “I have a week of vacation time and want to take you with you.”

Yan Luoyi gave a slight glimpse of his vacation time? She also has a blessing to enjoy the holiday? "Where to go for a vacation!" Yan Luoyi asked curiously.

"On an island in China." Pan Lijun answered her while looking at her clothes. She didn't seem to have a few vacation clothes, she was wearing a suit, and her usual clothes were exceptionally ordinary. Look

Come and prepare for her.

Yan Luoyi’s eyes immediately lit up a few surprises. Who wouldn’t expect such a holiday? "

How many people go together! Yan Luoyi inquired. Pan

Li Yi stunned and smiled and answered, "You and me, plus my assistant."

The fascinating light of Yan Luoyi’s eyes immediately became a surprise. Are they three people on vacation on the island? "

However, most of the time my assistant will not be there. Indeed, for both of us, are you afraid? Pan Liqi asked with a smile.

Yan Luoyi does not want to be too timid, "I am not afraid of it."

Very good, we will leave the afternoon after tomorrow, you will pack up important personal items, clothes or something, I will prepare for you. ""

Then can I bring a few books to your bookshelf? "Yan Luoyi thought that the vacation must be a book that passed the time."

can. Pan Liyi saw her still have a learning attitude and could not help but praise.

Yan Luoyi was a little absent-minded in the internship department for the past two days. A Xiang also found out that she also said that she had to take a month off. "

Loy, you are too happy, and there are holidays. ”

Yan Luoyi was a little embarrassed to mention the holidays too much, and at this moment, there was a girl passing by her side, some loud voices, "Who knows what is behind the people! I feel like coming to the presidential office for an internship. Just like playing."

correct! Is it beautiful, but what privileges do you really have? "A

After listening to the fragrance, I couldn’t help but say, "What are you talking about! At least Loy is so beautiful! You are jealous!"

Yan Luoyi pulled La Axiang and shook her head slightly toward her.

"A Xiang, then why don't you ask her, where is the privilege of her coming? You want to ask for a day's vacation, but people are a week!"

The two female colleagues left, Axiang’s eyes came over. “Loy, you’ve been a little strange recently. I last saw you going to President Dong Wan, why are you going there?”

Ashanti! I have a loved one working here, I am going to find him. Yan Luoyi said.

A Xiang smiled. "Is you a relative who lives in his house? You are so lucky."

Yan Luoyi smiled, she is indeed very lucky! star

At about 3 pm on the third day, the Pan Lijun team set off and went to a nearby base where there were helicopters that specially transported them to the island.

Yan Luoyi looked at the mighty four helicopters, wowed, and when she put on her helmet and sat in, her heart was up and down, and her heart beat faster. Pan

Li Wei was sitting next to her, watching her face in the middle of the face eclipsed, nervous, do not know where to grab, his big palm immediately took her little hand, tightly interlocked with her fingers.

"Don't be afraid, it's safe." He calmed down.

Yan Luoyi looked at him and eliminated the tension little by little, and the moment the helicopter got out of the ground, the weight loss made her hurry to hug the man around her.

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