President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1445: Have him at

This hospital happened to be Du’s long-awaited visit. His attending doctor heard the sound and immediately sent Du Youwang into the rescue room.

"What about his family? It is best to call his family immediately."

At the time, several of the staff members next to each other looked at each other, Du hopes that there seems to be no relatives! Only Xiao Chen knew, Xiao Chen immediately said, "Well, I will call them over immediately."

"Xiao Chen, does Du Li have a loved one? How can I hear that he lives alone?"

"Yes! He has a foster daughter, a adopted child. However, the adopted son is studying abroad and raising a woman in the city." Xiao Chen did not have Yan Luoyi's phone call. He immediately asked the nurse to take Du Youwang's mobile phone out.

Xiao Chen searched again and finally found the number that wrote the name of Luo Yi. He reached out and pulled it over. this

Engraved, Yan Luoyi, who is reading on the balcony of the island, her cell phone is next to it, and there is also a strong signal here, her cell phone immediately rang. Yan Luoyi quickly picked up the phone and glanced at it. It was the righteous father. She was busy reaching out and picking up, "Hey, righteous father."

"I am Du's assistant, my name is Xiao Chen. Are you Miss Loy?"

Yes, it is me! My righteous father? "Yan Luoyi quickly responded."

"Miss Loy, Du Li has just fainted in the office. It is being rescued. Can you get to the hospital immediately? The situation seems to be serious."

Yan Luoyi stood up in horror, "What? My righteous father is salvaging? What happened to him?"

"The doctor said that the family is best to be present immediately, Miss Loy, please come to see me as soon as possible!"

"Well, I will come over soon." Yan Luoyi finished, and thought of something, hurry, "Xiao Chen, you take care of my righteous father first, I am a little far away, I need some time."

"Okay, I will take care of it here." Xiao Chen Yingsheng. Yan

Luo Yi held the phone, stood up, and saw the balcony door, Pan Lizhen stood here, seems to hear her phone. "

Li Xiaoge, my righteous father fainted, rescued in the hospital, I have to rush back. Yan Luoyi was so anxious that his face turned pale and he begged him.

Pan Lijun comforted, "Don't worry, I will arrange a helicopter to go back immediately. Which hospital is your father in? I let my assistant Qin Zheng first pass."

Yan Luoyi was grateful to the heart and reported the address of the father's hospital.

When Pan Liqi picked up the mobile phone, he informed his assistant Qin Zheng that he immediately passed, and then he prepared the helicopter according to the bodyguards. They immediately set off for the city. Yan

Luo Yi hurried upstairs to pack things, Pan Lizhen also packed up several important documents, waiting for her downstairs. Yan

Luo Yi took the bag downstairs and looked at him. She was busy. "Lie, this is your vacation time. I will go back."

It is his rare holiday that cannot be destroyed because of her. Pan

Li Wei stood up and looked at her firmly. "Your thing is my business. How can I not care? Go back together and save your father."

Luo Yi is really excited at this moment, he knows? The righteous father once set up a bureau to find him, but at the moment, what she felt was this generous mind.

Along the way, the car went straight to the nearby helicopter landing site, and three helicopters have been waiting to continue.

Take the helicopter and head straight to the direction of the city centre. Qin

I was already at the door of the rescue room. Xiao Chen looked at him. He only felt that he was familiar, but he did not know where he had seen him.

"This gentleman, have I seen you there?" Xiao Chen went to the front and smoked a few words.

Qin Zheng put a hand, "I don't smoke." Small

Chen immediately revealed his doubtful look and looked at him. "I am familiar with you, I just can't remember where I have seen you."

Qin Zheng could not help but remind him, "You probably saw me on TV."

Xiao Chen slammed his eyes. "I remembered, yes, I saw it on TV."

Chen discovered that the young man in front of him is very different in identity, because he follows the entrance and exit, which is the most important occasion meeting of the country. Qin

Asked Xiao Chen, "How is Du's recent physical condition?"

"Not very good, he always wanted to apply for retirement, but the above did not approve, the mental condition is relatively poor, and several times in the past few days, the report was mistaken."

Nodded, I was not expected to feel sympathy for Duo.

On the helicopter, Yan Luoyi was worried because his eyes were always looking far away, and he urgently wanted to arrive immediately.

The man around her, reaching out to take her, silently comforted. Yan

Luo Yi sat in the hospital with Pan Lijun's team. In this case, Pan Lizhen was not suitable for appearing in a large number of hospitals. However, after Yan Luoyi rushed to get off, he pondered for a few seconds. I am still getting off the bus immediately.

"Hello, you can't go." The bodyguard advised him. "

I am looking for a channel for young people immediately, I am going in. Pan Liyi told the bodyguards.

The bodyguard immediately went looking for it. Finally, he found a passage for a small number of people. The bodyguard also contacted Qin Zheng in the hospital. Qin Zheng immediately informed the dean to let the doctor cooperate.

Pan Lijun's car drove to the front of the passage, and the bodyguard guarded him in the direction of the rescue room. this

Engraved, Yan Luoyi has arrived, Xiao Chen explained the situation to her, Yan Luoyi stood at the door, his eyes anxious. Righteousness

How can a father suddenly faint? Is he sick?

Waiting for the staff here, only Xiao Chen is alone, and the others go back to work. small

Chen heard footsteps coming over and looked up quickly. This way, his whole person was stunned. He didn't read it wrong! Mr. Vice President?

Yan Luoyi was staring at the door of the rescue room and heard the footsteps. She turned her head and felt shocked. How did he come in? "

Hello, Vice President. "Chen Chen is busy not saying hello."

Pan Li took a look at the head and went to Yan Luoyi's side. "Don't worry, wait for the results, I will let your righteous father get the best treatment."

In his words, Yan Luoyi's heart is more stable. When he is there, she feels safe.

Finally, the doctor pushed the door out. When he was ready to report the situation to his family, he looked at the man waiting at the door. Is this not the vice president? He was shocked, and then he instinctively spoke to Pan Lizhen. "

Mr. Vice President, are you a family member of the patient? ”

"Yes, talk about his situation." Pan Li sighed.

"Not very good, Mr. Du's stomach has reached the advanced stage, the stomach is already very fragile, and there is a danger of cancer spread." The doctor thought that they all knew the physical condition of Du Youwang, so he directly said the reason.

On the side of Yan Luoyi, her face was pale and papery, and she trembled out. "What do you say? My righteous father has advanced gastric cancer? How is this possible?"

"Miss, don't you know?" The doctor is awkward. How can a family member not know about such a big thing?

Xiao Chen on the side was also shocked. "This big thing, I don't see Du Li told us! We don't know."

"It seems that the family is concealed." The doctor sighed. "Now, I have done some rescue work. When the patient wakes up, we have to discuss the surgical treatment."

Hard work. Pan Liyi said to the doctor. At the same time, he felt that the girl around him was stimulated and his mood was unstable. He reached out and let the people around him know his relationship with her.

A little Chen Xiaoxin jumped a few copies on the side. It turns out that Du Yang’s adopted daughter turned out to be the girlfriend of Vice President.

Even Qin Zheng is somewhat unprepared, and it seems that the Vice President has already acquired the love he wants.

"No, his body has always been very healthy, how can this be?" Yan Luoyi's uncomfortable eyelids are red.

"This disease, it is hard to say that some people find out that it is late." The doctor comforted.

"Loy, don't be afraid, as long as your righteous father cooperates with the treatment, there is hope to overcome it." Pan Lijun comforted her. One

The doctor next to me also rushed to the sound. "Yes, there is still hope."

Luo Yi looked up and asked, "Can I see him?"

For the time being, we need to go to the intensive care unit and take care of the nurse. ”

Yan Luoyi's eyes were red, and Pan Liyi helped her. "We will wait patiently."

It is hoped that it will be pushed out in a short time. He is still in a coma. He is completely like a sly old man. He just had a high hope for his political career a few months ago. He thought he could Jumping a step further, but the world is unpredictable.

Yan Luoyi pouted, forced to cry, and followed Du’s cart until he was placed in the intensive care unit and looked at him through the window.

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