President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1448: Noble brother-in-law

Du expected to hear this sentence unbelievably. He thought that Pan Lizhen would be angry with him. However, he never thought that he would hear from Pan Lijun’s mouth and thank him.

"Mr. Vice President, you..." Du is expected to breathe and the emotions are a little excited.

Pan Liyi smiled slightly. "I didn't blame you. Maybe it was God's will, let you bring Luo Yi to my side."

This step made Du hope that he would not dare to go down. His original ambition was not the will of God, but his unscrupulous behavior for his own self-interest.

However, his heart is indeed a lot easier, and Pan Lizhen is not angry, he is already very grateful.

Pan Lizhen comforted him a few words, he went to pick up the phone next to him, Yan Ziyang walked in and sat down to Du Youwang's side, and asked with some surprise, "Father, how can Mr. Vice President come here!"

I hope that I can't help but smile. "Zi Yang, this vice president is likely to be your brother-in-law in the future!"

After Yan Ziyang finished listening, he immediately opened his eyes with surprise. "What? Father, do you mean that my sister and the vice president are in love? Really?"

I hope to smile and nod, "Ye!"

Zi Yang couldn’t help her sister to be happy, so that her sister’s future life would be very good.

Yan Luoyi packed up some clothes. She heard that Pan Lizhen had not gone yet. She was busy in the direction of the lounge. Two bodyguards were guarding at the door and saw her coming.

I knocked on the door actively and said to the inside. "Your, Miss Yan is here."

"Please come in." There was a voice from Pan Lijun. Yan

Luo Yi smiled at the bodyguard and stepped forward. only

Seeing the sofa, Pan Lizhen’s side is carrying information, it seems that he is just working here. "

Do you want to go home to work? "Yan Luoyi asked some distressed questions, and he was with him. What she can feel every day is the spirit that he is always working at any time and anywhere.

As an iron man, in the face of such high-pressure work, it is unbearable, let alone what he controls, but the development direction of the entire country. "

No, it doesn't matter where I work. "Pan Lizhen finished, her eyes fell on her body. "I can be with you, I am very happy. Yan

Luo Yi sat next to him and could not help but leave some distance.

Pan Lizhen immediately reached out to her, "Sit over."

Luo Yi’s pretty face was slightly hot, but he was obedient and moved to his side. The man’s arm reached out and the distance was already used up by him. she was

The whole upper body leaned into his arms and felt the man's pure male scent. Yan Luoyi's face could not help but be more red.

"You didn't sleep last night?" Pan Liyi looked down at her face and apparently lacked sleepiness.

"Sleep for a few hours." Yan Luoyi did not want to worry him. Pan

Li Wei gathered her long hair and leaned down her thin lips to kiss her forehead. "Take care of yourself, otherwise I will feel bad."

This sentence is low magnetic, falling in her ear, like a melody.

Yan Luoyi squatted and nodded gently, and promised him.

Pan Lizhen hugged her, let her rest in her own arms. disease

In the room, Du is expected to have a better spirit. The Royal Hospital has better equipment and better medication. Du hopes that he will be discharged earlier. late

On the other hand, Du is expected to know that Pan Lizhen is still here. He urged Yan Luoyi not to be with him, let her go to dinner with Pan Liyi. Yan

Luo Yi looked at the righteous father and insisted on rushing her to leave. She was helpless and had to promise. Du

It is hoped that there is still a kind of expectation, as long as Yan Luoyi will marry Pan Liyi in the future, then after he leaves, his son will have a better dependence.

This is also the last selfishness of his life! Pan

Li Wei met Yan Luoyi and was willing to accompany him to dinner. He ordered a restaurant he frequented. His team departed from the hospital and went straight to the restaurant. The restaurant's environment is very quiet. There isn't even a guest tonight. Of course, the vice president has booked the location, and the restaurant doesn't dare to pick up the guests at will. stop

When I got off the bus, I needed to take a beautiful and quiet garden path to get to the restaurant. The waiter in the restaurant stood at the door and welcomed.

Yan Luoyi looked at the restaurant, very high-class, and the entire restaurant was covered with high walls, such as the intention to hide the outside sneak. This

It is a person who specializes in receiving such a noble status as Pan Lizhen. Even if you have money and identity, you need extra screening to enter this restaurant.

Sitting on the second floor by the window, the floor-to-ceiling windows are all in the night in the garden outside the window, a very elegant dining environment. point

After the meal, the atmosphere was a little subtle. Pan Lijun’s eyes were as deep as wine, and from time to time fell on the opposite girl with a kind of pet. Yan

From the initial fear of him, Loy felt relaxed and sweet with him now.

"Loy, what are your plans for the next time?" Pan Liyi asked her. Yan

Luo Yi thought, "I want to stay with my righteous father and take care of his body."

Pan Lizhen also knows that Du Youwang's life expectancy has been limited, and the situation is only a slight improvement, but this condition is unstable.

"Well, you will be with your righteous father in the next time! Also, you don't need to worry about the cost and expenses."

I... I can't ask for your money. Yan Luoyi thought he was going to help, she immediately shook her head and retorted. Pan

Li Wei couldn't help but smile. "This is your own money."

“Hey?” Yan Luoyi couldn’t help but be surprised. “My money?”

"I haven't found a chance to tell you before. After your family passed away, give the family's inheritance to my mother. Now, find you, this inheritance should be returned to you."

Yan Luoyi was shocked for a few seconds, the family left her legacy? "

Your parents were business families, and your grandparents are famous collectors, including legacy homes and investment collections. You should be able to inherit about $100 million. Pan Liqi started the way. Yan

Loy’s pupil was once again big, and it’s hard to believe that the family of her mother’s family still has so much legacy for her. Pan

Li Wei looked at her as she was shocked. He smiled. "Loy, this is what you deserve."

Yan Luoyi hangs down. She is very excited at the moment, but the fact that she lost her family has immersed her heart in grief. "

Can I take some money first? I want to give him a better life in the last time of the righteous father. Yan Luoyi looked up and asked him.

"Of course, tomorrow I will make a sum of money in your card, enough for you to live, the next money, and the legacy you can slowly consider how to plan."

"Well, okay." Yan Luoyi nodded.

At this time, the waiter had a meal, and two people started to have dinner. Yan Luoyi’s recent appetite was not very good. She didn’t eat much. Pan Lijun put a snack in front of her. “Eat sweets! Girls eat Point sweets, the mood will be better."

Finished, he forked a small cake with a fork and handed it to Ji Anxin. Ji Anxin squinted slightly, his lips were covered, and some of his lips covered his lips. Pan

Li Wei’s eyes narrowed a bit, and after she accepted him, he had an impulse to hold her in his arms every moment.

After dinner, Pan Lizhen sent her back to the hospital, and he returned to Pan House.

Early the next morning, Mrs. Liu heard about Du Youwang's situation, and let the servant mention her carefully prepared soup, and gave Du hope to make up the body. Du is expected to be very flattered. must

Mrs. Liu is the wife of the prince of this country. She is a distinguished mother and the mother of the vice president.

After Du Youwang took a nap, Yan Ziyang and Yan Luoyi walked in the garden, and Yan Ziyang could not help but laugh at the side, but did not speak.

Yan Luoyi couldn't help but be embarrassed by his smile. He couldn't help pushing his arm. "What about smirking?"

"Sister, do you have any good news for me?" Yan Ziyang asked her.

Yan Luoyi blinked. "What good news?"

"I remember the last time I asked you if you had a boyfriend. You didn't answer it, but you obviously have it!"

I..." Yan Luoyi immediately reacted, and it must be what the righteous father said to him.

"So, Mr. Vice President really wants to be my brother-in-law soon?" Yan Ziyang immediately asked her excitedly.

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