President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1452: Du Youwang passed away

The Royal Ambulance took the hospital from the hospital to Du Zhai in the fastest time and sent Du Youwang to the hospital for rescue.

In the hospital, this time Du is expected to be in a coma. At this moment, the doctor has made the worst plan, in a very urgent few minutes, toward Yan Luoyi two brothers and sisters.

"Your father's condition has already reached the time of having to undergo surgery. Now he can't sign it. You are his family. You make decisions for him."

"Do you have surgery?"

"If you don't have surgery, his stomach bleeding can't stop. We can only use surgery. However, we can't guarantee whether other accidents will happen." The doctor conservatively pointed to their sisters. Yan

Luo Yi’s eyes looked at his younger brother. The eyes of both of them were red, and at this moment, it seemed to be the most important and difficult time to decide in their lives. However, they did not have a choice. Yan

Zi Yang Zhao said, "Well, doctor, I sign, I am his son, I have the right to make decisions for my father."

Yan Luoyi looked at his brother, and there were fears in his eyes, but at the same time, more was prayer.

Yan Ziyang signed the column of his family very quickly and signed his name. After the signing, the doctor immediately turned and walked into the operating room, calling his team to start surgery on Du.

Yan Luoyi and Yan Ziyang were nervous and uneasy waiting outside the operation door. This is more than an hour passed. Yan Luoyi’s hand has been shackled, her hair is white, and her tears are forcibly forbeared by her. At this time, as a sister, she can't cry, she must bear the heart's suffering. In the quiet corridor, except for the nurse, I sometimes hurried through, and no one came to disturb.

Daddy, there are a few steady footsteps at the corner of the quiet corridor. Yan Luoyi can hear that this footstep is not a light and fast footstep for the nurse, but a man's footsteps. she was

A pair of blushing eyes lifted up and looked at the corner of the corridor. At this moment, a tall, slender figure rushed over, and it was Pan Lizhen. he

Behind the two bodyguards, his handsome face was full of worries, and saw a pair of young helpless siblings sitting in the chair, his heart tightened. Yan

Luo Yi immediately got up and greeted him. "How come you?" Pan

Li Wei was low and said, "The dean informed me."

The righteous father woke up in the morning and was vomiting blood. When he was sent to the hospital, he was always confused. The doctor said... The doctor said that surgery must be done. The tears that Yan Luoyi endured slipped into the corner of his eyes at this moment.

Yan Ziyang’s depressed mood, when he saw Pan’s arrival, also seemed to find a dependency. In his eyes, Pan Lizhen was his future brother-in-law.

Pan Lizhen gently took Yan Luoyi and comforted. "Don't worry, we wait for the results of the operation. I will accompany you."

In the operating room, the doctors are in an emergency operation. At this moment, the doctors are covered with sweat on their foreheads, and the nurse will wipe him once every few minutes. end

After the operation was completed, the doctor's eyes gave birth to a pity, because Du Youwang's stomach situation was more serious than he expected, because after this big vomiting blood, his situation was very pessimistic. although

However, the blood stopped, but it only saved his life for a short time, but this operation made Du hopeful and hurt, and his life had almost no hope. when

The door of the operating room opened, and Yan Ziyang rushed over and looked at the doctor. "Doctor, how is my dad?"

"Your father's situation is not optimistic, we have tried our best." The doctor even felt that it was unnecessary, but let them begin to face reality.

"Can he still live for a few days?" Yan Ziyang's gaze was immediately red. medical

Sighed a sigh and shook his head. "Your family is still trying to get along with him!"

When the doctor walked over to Pan Lizhen, he greeted him. "Hi, Vice President, hello."

"Working hard." Pan Li said first. Yan

Luo Yi looked at the uncomfortable younger brother. At this moment, her heart is also very heavy. Du

It is expected to continue to be sent to the intensive care unit, and family members can accompany them, because the result of this operation is only to let Du hope to be able to meet with his family again.

Du Youwang woke up in the doctor's hand for three hours. When he opened his eyes, he knew his physical condition. He looked at the two brothers and sisters who were with him. He smiled happily. "All right!"

"Dad, you woke up." Yan Ziyang was pleased to approach him.

Du was looking tired and nodded. He reached out and touched his head. Yan Ziyang immediately cried like a child, leaned over his shoulder and cried.

Although Du Youwang is also very sad that he is about to die, but listening to his son’s crying, he smiled and comforted. “Zi Yang, don’t cry, you have to be brave and strong, and you are sick and dead. This is just a normal thing.”

Yan Luoyi on the side also licked his lips, trying not to let himself cry. medical

In the office of the student, Pan Lizhen came to understand the situation, the doctor did not conceal, Du hopes that the current situation can only be maintained by drugs and machines, and his stomach has been removed by two-thirds, only a short support life, but maintain soon. Pan

Li Wei came out of the office, stood at the window, and looked at a pair of siblings who were accompanying the hospital bed. He also gave birth to a sigh. In this world, the most distressing and helpless is the subject of life and death.

Du Youwang also knows that life is hopeless. What he wants to do most now is to arrange his affairs behind him. "

Luo Yi, the righteous father is jealous of you. Since I was a child, I have not fulfilled the responsibility of a real father. I am too strict with you. I can’t care for you and take care of you. Please don’t blame me. Du hopes to review the upbringing of Yan Luoyi, full of self-blame.

"No, righteous father, you have been so heavy to me, I have not been able to filial you, you must be better." Du

I hope to sigh and look at my son. "Zi Yang, you have to listen to your sister's words. After that, you must take care of each other and support each other."

I will, Dad, don't say it, take a break! Yan Ziyang sucked his nose and didn't want to listen to him.

I hope to finish the words, he said to Yan Luo, "Loy, promise me, take good care of Ziyang, train him to become a talented person."

"I will, my father, I will definitely." Yan Luoyi nodded heavily, of course she will, will definitely. Du

It is expected to be a little tired. He heard Yan Luoyi's guarantee, and he knew that if there was Yan Luoyi, his son would have to rely on it, and he was satisfied.

Du Youwang slept, Yan Ziyang was accompanying, Yan Luoyi saw Pan Lizhen standing outside the window, she red-eyed and pushed the door out. "

If you have something, go ahead! We will be with my righteous father. "Yan Luoyi sings out, he has a daily basis, he has been with them for a few hours. Pan

Li Wei also did have to leave. He reached out and gently brushed her eyes. "Don't cry, please stay with your righteous father!"

Ok! Yan Luoyi nodded, Pan Lijun’s eyes fell on her body. After a few seconds, he turned and took his two bodyguards to leave.

After a day, Du’s spirit was still very poor. He spent most of his time in a semi-sleepy state. When he woke up, Yan Ziyang tried to accompany him as much as possible. Yan Luoyi stayed with him most of the time. Silent tears.

In the evening, in the presidential palace, Pan Lijun’s itinerary, as early as the arrival of a trip to the country, the time is about a week.

Pan Lizhen toward Qin Zhengdao, "Short time to about three days! Try to return to China as early as possible." Qin

Just nodded, "Okay, I try to shorten the itinerary, the plane is ready, we can go."

Pan Lizhen picked up the phone and unplugged the number of Yan Luoyi.

Yan Luoyi’s mobile phone is vibrating. When she feels it, she takes her mobile phone out of the ward and looks at the number she entered. She listens softly, “Hey.”

"Loy, I am going on a business trip. I may have to come back in a few days. I will inform the hospital and do everything in my power to take care of your righteous father. You will spend the rest of the time with him. If you have anything, call me." Pan Lizhen’s low voice reveals a steady flow of power.

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