President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1488: Miss Night Girl

The wedding ended at noon. In the evening, the family gathered in Panzhai to continue the excitement. Yan Luoyi put on a festive red evening gown, exuding a different kind of beauty. this

The late Pan House is also the most festive, on the wall, in front of the window, between the trees in the garden, there are red silks to express the blessing to the newcomers. nine

Around the point, Gong Yuning and He Lingchu and his entourage left. Mrs. Liu was busy for a day today, and she was tired. She usually likes to go to bed early. At 9:30, she rested with two close servants.

They rested in the room on the second floor, while the third floor was decorated with Pan Lijun’s wedding room, and they will rest here this evening. commission

People put a red candle on them very thoughtfully, and the candlelight in the cup of wax swayed the warmth of a room.

Although the two have already had the most honey-loving contact, but tonight, Yan Luoyi still feels ashamed.

The girl tonight is also beautiful to make the man breathless. On this day, his eyes are her figure. At this moment, he only wants to have her. window

The night is intoxicating, the candlelight is swaying in front of the bed, and the warmth of the room is full of happiness. clear


Yan Luoyi woke up, Pan Lizhen did not leave, he sat in front of the bed, smiled low, "Go downstairs to have breakfast!"

Ok! Yan Luoyi quickly got out of bed, and took a look at the time, some panic, the time was actually half past eight, she could not get too late. Pan

Li Wei saw through her thoughts. He immediately reached out and pressed her. "Don't worry, my mom still wants you to sleep again!"

Luo Yi was a little embarrassed, she was a daughter-in-law, and she was still asleep.

"Last night, did you really decide?" Pan Liyi’s eyes looked at her seriously. He was not prepared because he did not wear good measures last night. However, Yan Luoyi told him that she was willing and would like to start. Prepared for pregnancy.

Yan Luoyi nodded, "Well! I am ready." Pan

Li Wei was so excited that she took her into her arms and kissed her hair. "It will be very fortunate."

"I am not afraid." Yan Luoyi said bravely that his age is not small. She does not want him to wait. He certainly wants a child very much. What's more, this family is looking forward to the birth of the son. she was

Although she was first married, she wanted to complete the responsibility.

Pan Lizhen’s eyes flashed and moved. The child’s business, he did not insist, even last night, he could bear it, but she promised, this girl, how can he not pity for a lifetime?

The breakfast was very rich, and Mrs. Liu looked at her and was still slightly thinner, so she wanted to make her a good supplement.

After eating breakfast and returning to the presidential palace, Yan Luoyi began to feel safe and pregnant. She also looked forward to the arrival of the child. She also began to read some books during pregnancy and watched the happiness of those who had become mothers. she was

The corner of her mouth curled up and smiled. She looked out the window. There was a green grass in her mind. I immediately imagined it. After a few years, the children running on the grass, how happy it was.

In the office of the president, after he had finished his work, Pan Liyi took a look at it, at 11:30, and he should go back to his wife for lunch.

Pan Lijun's figure passed through the garden, just to see the scene of the flower hall on the first floor. I saw it on the sofa by the window. Yan Luoyi sat leaning on it, holding a cup of books in his hand and seeing it.

The surrounding scenery is picturesque, and she is also in the painting. In the eyes of men, her beauty transcends everything. Yan

Luo Yi felt that someone was watching her. She couldn’t help but look up and saw the elegant figure. She smiled and put down her book. Stepping out of the door, striding toward the man, like a child, in front of him, he snorted and jumped up, Pan Liyi reached out and firmly held her. One

Kissing her forehead gently, Yan Luoyi glared at his neck, snuggling in his arms, looking at the grass next to her, she exclaimed, "A few years later, our children must love the grass here. ”

After listening to Pan Lizhen, he smiled and said, "Would you like to have a few?"

Yan Luoyi immediately said with great pride, "How about three?"

Li Wei’s eyes are full of emotions, but she is distressed by her. “So you will be very hard.”

Luo Yi looked firm. "For you, it is worth the hard work."

Pan Lizhen lightly brushed her long hair behind her head. "Well, let us grow up with the children and watch them grow up."

In the mind of Luo Yi, it immediately seemed to flash a picture of happiness. I imagined that after another ten years or twenty years, her mouth curled up. "Good."

Individuals hold hands and walk towards the direction of the restaurant. The light winds of June pass by, and the sun leaves their silhouettes with intimate light and shadow. country


In a fighting field, there is a game in progress. I saw a strong man preparing for the war. He stretched his arm for a while, then squatted and slammed his fist, as if he were facing him. It is a very powerful enemy. on

Even his eyes did not relax. He swallowed and breathed a sigh of relief. His eyes began to worry. Then, when he saw him drinking, he attacked the opponent opposite him.

With his opening position, it seems that his opponent is really a powerful person, however, when the picture turns. only

I found that the other person standing opposite, was a woman with a ponytail, tall and straight, dressed in a blue tight-fitting suit, her age was not too big, twenty-five years old, if she was not standing In this fighting field, she casually went to the stage, no matter the gas field, the value of the face, or the female style that she exudes, it is absolutely praiseworthy.

Faced with a man like a huge bull, the woman’s eyes glimpsed a little, as she stepped back, the next second, when the man left her about three meters, she squatted and the whole person flew go with. that

The man who had not had the chance to get close to her was kicked and chined by the kick, and the whole person wrestled backwards. "

I won a cry. "A man like a locomotive, kneeling on the ground and panting, then, his hands are erected and he begged for mercy. "Sister, sister, spare me!" Let me go! I really can't support it anymore. ”

"You just have enough speed, but your flexibility? It's useless to rely on brute force. It's better to practice agility." The woman walked over to him, reached for him, and carefully Looking at his chin, "Some bruises, go back to the medicine! Don't affect your girlfriend."

"I have been beaten into pigs by you. Can I still find a girlfriend?" The brawny cried in front of her and complained, "You can't do it lightly? My handsome face is being beaten by you." ”

"Technology is not as good as people, blame me!" The woman stood up, a slap in the face, "I went back." She

With both hands lightly ringing on the chest, the slightly tight-fitting sporty clothes reveal her slim figure.

This is clearly a girl with a long waist and a long leg, but she likes to go into the bombing hall. The men here are crazy about her favorite, but they don’t even have the courage to chase her. Next to

A man, pushing the brothers who vowed to get her phone number in the morning, "Go! Hurry, she is leaving."

The man immediately smashed at this moment, but his eyes showed the color of love. "

go! Big deal is a dead word, is there something more terrible than death? ""

Yes, ask her for a phone number. "This man cried."

"Hey, can you find a girlfriend like you?"

"Who said that I am embarrassed."

"Then go!"

Go and go, I... I am afraid? "The man was activated by the radical method. He

The brother behind him slammed him. He quickly held his fists and chased the girl who was ready to go to the gate.

The girl walked to the door and heard the footsteps behind her. She immediately turned around and looked at the red-faced young man, raising her eyebrow and asking, "Is there something?"

"Oh... I think... my friend said that I want your phone number, can you give it down?" The man dared not look straight into her clear and godly eyes, as if there was a tiger eating a human. "

Sorry, private numbers are not allowed. The girl smiled slightly and answered without being polite.

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