President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1495: Mutual identity

Moreover, even on such a street-style propaganda leaf, this man can reveal the handsome man of his tough guy, and even the publicity list is high-end atmosphere.

It seems that Ma Xiaotian’s idea of ​​using him to attract female clients is a success. At this moment, after Ma Xiaotian printed a 10,000-page leaflet, he printed another 30,000 copies and distributed it at the door of the major white-collar companies near his gym. when

In the afternoon, in his reception room, I received a lot of calls from female guests. They were only interested in one thing. The big guy on the leaflet is not the real coach here.

When Ma Xiaotian said yes, these female guests immediately determined whether the above address was true and effective, and the interest was obvious. star

On the night of the day, sitting in the room at night, she thought about it and looked for a reason for her father to allow her to enter the highest level of confidentiality. She couldn't help but think of a case she had tracked before, and she felt that this excuse was very good at night.

She sat in front of the computer and unplugged her father's phone number. Now others are at the base, not around.

"Hey, oh oh." The male voice full of strength was ringing.

"Dad, there is something I want to ask you for help." "

whats the matter? "Let's ask for it."

"Dad, remember the last time I found out the senior criminal panther? I plan to see the case again."

"You have not given up this case yet?"

I am also very bored at home, I want to see it again, maybe there will be any new discoveries, so I have to enter your permission to enter the database. "The face of the night is very guilty, but the tone is very serious."

Ok! Go on board! "The night was cold and I promised."

Thank you, Dad, I will quit when I download a document. "Night sigh of relief."

After hanging up the phone, I couldn't wait to open the login window of the system at night, she boarded the father's permission, and suddenly the screen became a very confidential page. night

On the evening of the day, she found a search bar that the person looked up. She passed the photo of the seal and clicked the whole network search. pause

At the time, the webpage collected information for her very quickly, and the night was dark and happy.

Sure enough, his information can be found in the most advanced database. In the end, where is this man sacred? Now, she will open his mysterious coat! Looked at the name, damn, this man is not called the seal, but called the night, twenty-eight years old, the myth of the military, the man sent the nickname king, the sin killer's nemesis. he

The introduction is as simple as that. Nothing more. Looking at the cases he participated in and his growing experience, he knows that this man is rolling out the bullets. he

There is a brave team under his command. He is the leader. This is an army that is compiled outside and is only used by the President. In this country, this kind of person has a name that is very suitable for them, called Shadow. because

Any task performed for them is like a shadow, without leaving any clues. to

He lost to her the last time why he played, in fact, he took out the real strength, the night is absolutely no match.

He only made a big deal, and influenced by the outside office, she made her cleverly better than him.

"Do you have no family in the country?" At night, I bite my lip and feel that there is something missing from the introduction of this man in the database.

At least his origins must not be ordinary. also

Why did he suddenly return to China and, like a tramp, flow outside?

Nightingale is also a very sensitive person. She immediately searched for the name of the military officer of Feng’s name. There are not many surnames, and she can enter the advanced database. There is only one family member, a man whose identity is only lower than his father. However, his age is already eighty-seven. Looking at the situation, even if he has a relationship with him, he is already his grandson. night

It was interesting to discover that the old man’s photo when he was younger had actually made her see some places similar to him and the night, and there were three similarities.

At night, the eve of the night, it seems that this father is his family! he

Just for what reason and not returning to the family, wandering outside.

At night, she learned everything she wanted to know. She quit the system, but her mind was unforgettable, but it was the man’s performance. With such a horrible past, why did he appear in the country? press

Under normal circumstances, he made a mistake, was smashed back, or was banned in the country, thinking of his character at night, the probability of making mistakes must be great. miss you

Thinking about it, the night of the night suddenly frowned, what happened to her? It’s almost eleven, and she’s still full of things about this man.

At this time, she should go to sleep, she immediately took the man's things out of her mind and turned to sleep. clear


At night, I came to the front of the bombing hall and saw the parking lot that was not big. When I stopped a lot of luxury cars, I was full of her car, and even the seams could not be squeezed in. night

On the evening, I had to drive the car to an underground parking lot near the side and walked over.

When she entered the bombing hall, it should be a relatively quiet time in the morning, but here, it was either standing or sitting, and the young girls lined up were asking about the registration. horse

Xiaotian recruited two capable little girls, who are responsible for receiving the fees, handling the VIP membership card, and being very busy.

At night, he is still happy for him. If he does not enter the account again, this bloghouse will really have to close down.

"Sister, sister, help me, but please seal it out, hurry up." Ma Xiaotian saw her coming and pointed at her.

"You let people ask for it." Although the night eve knows his identity, the man himself makes her somewhat unhappy.

"Sister, please, go!" Ma Xiaotian looked at her. The female guests here are all directed at him. If he reveals his face, the enthusiasm of these female guests to register will increase.

At night, I had to help him with a hand. "Okay! Where is he?"

"He should still be in the apartment, the fifth floor, you know, let me know about my former room." Night

I couldn’t help but screw up my eyebrows and go to his apartment to find him?

However, his apartment is right next to it, a six-story, slightly dilapidated building, and step by step to the room rented by Ma Xiaotian, she reached for the door. positive

Knocked to the third, the door suddenly pulled out from behind, only to see the man with his upper body, wrapped in a bath towel wrapped around his lower body, a towel around his neck, and he was trying to wipe his hair. in

The team saw more men’s nights, and it’s reasonable to say that men’s appearances have calmed down. However, I don’t know why, when the door opened, a male hormone came to the surface. Her head banged and her face followed.

Feng Yan looked at her, thin lips and a hook, "How come you?"

Today is busy, Xiaotian lets you quickly go downstairs to help. "The night is quiet and conveys words."

Ok, I change clothes, do you want to come in and sit for a while? "Fengqiu lips smile and ask. Night

The eve did not answer, the man used a speculative expression, "I guess you dare not come in, you are afraid of me." Night

She was not funny, she raised her eyebrows, "Why am I afraid of you?"

If you are not afraid of me, then come in! "The seal squatted and let her in. Night

Xi Xi really admire the way this man is excited, and she knows that this man is stimulating her, she also jumped into the pit.

She stepped in and the door closed, her eyes fell on her body, and she asked, "Miss Night, are you very curious about me? Check me behind me?"

At night, she was shocked and her guilty feelings rushed. She sat on the sofa and raised her eyebrows and asked, "Have you checked me?"

"Check it out." He replied honestly. night

I don’t like to panic, but my eyes are like the electric road. "Exactly, I also checked you and sealed the night."

The seal couldn’t help but blink. "This name is murderous and not suitable for common use. I still like to use the name of the seal."

I wonder why you are here, and why are you like a tramp? ""

This, I will tell you later, now that we all know the identity of the other party, and it is fair, we must keep it secret! It’s not bad to live a normal life. "In the tone of the seal, there is hint. Night.

Yan Xi’s eyes were serious. “You can rest assured that if you know my identity, you should know that I will not reveal your identity.”

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