President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1502: His fear

At night, I received the preparations for the night, and what I have to do now is to let the unrelated people leave. Their purpose is to capture only the criminals and not hurt the innocent people. seal

When the night fell on his body and was ready to smoke the white powder on the table, he saw his arm instantly sticking out like a flash of lightning. The white wolf around him had not reacted. He had already caught his neck and shivered. One, "Do not move."

Only the sound of Kaka was heard. The bodyguards behind him all took out the gun and pointed to the night.

"Ah..." The women who were accompanying the guests all screamed out, and immediately opened the door at night, and sang at them, "Hurry out."

The little Li was leaving with her, and she was accompanied by the white wolf's men. This hand grabbed Xiao Li's back collar and hugged her in front of her as a hostage. At night, I watched Xiaoli being made. On this side, there was a gun in the hand of the night, and it was in the temple of the white wolf. "Never move, otherwise he will die."

At the moment, where is the night of the rich family? His eyes are like an eagle, shining with brilliance.

In the night of the night, there was a short gun in the hand, which hit the white wolf and buckled Xiaoli’s men. "

Let go of her. "Let's have a cold drink at night."

There is a kind of shooting, anyway, it is dead, just pull a little girl to accompany me to die. "The man looked awkwardly and grabbed Xiaoli's neck with one hand, so that she was completely in front of him."

Xiaoli is already turning her eyes. She is breathing hard and crying for help, "Xiaoyan, save... save me..." night

Yan Xi’s eyes sank. "Let her go, I will spare my life."

"We exchanged, let go of my boss, I put this woman." Under the white wolf's hands, did not leave the white wolf. White

Although the wolf is also mixed on the road, his skills are extraordinary, but at this moment, he has a feeling that he is definitely not the opponent of the man behind him, he wants to live. night

The evening has not answered, and the man around him is cold and replied, "The deal."

I counted one or two and put them together. "At this moment, the white wolf has almost killed Xiaoli, and Xiaoli is about to breathe."

The night's gaze turned to look at the night, and at night, I understood all his thoughts. He could think about it. She also considered it. She gently nodded her head. "One."

"Two." This

The man was extremely careful, and he was also preparing for the bodyguards around him. Once the woman was handed over, he immediately shot and fired the enemy in front of him.

When the three characters just landed, the man said that he first pushed Xiaoli forward, but it was not completely released, and the night wolf also pushed the white wolf in his hand.

"Put it." The man sipped a low sentence and pushed Xiaoli to the night, and came to save the white wolf. night

On the first day, Xiao Xi pulled Xiaoli, kicked the table in front of her, and flew straight to the opposite bodyguard. The bodyguards immediately shot at the table in front of them. night

Xiao Xi took the opportunity to take Xiao Li out of the door. Xiao Li went to the door and yelled at her at night. "Run, how far you can run, how far you can run."

Xiaoli’s legs ran softly outside, and when she looked back at the night, she cried with gratitude.

At night, I heard the box behind me, the gunshots, and the doorway that was hiding, the fire was on the screen, and her heart could not help but worry about the man in the house. he


The night is full of things. Wherever his figure goes, those bullets seem to go one step at a time. During the flashing of the bullets, the man is calm and calm and terrifying. Guarantee

The dart's gun was taken, and the next second, his slammed gun was controlled by the man's strong wrist, and all his kills were his companions.

The white wolf and his companions, now disregarding the life of the bodyguards, are covering the loading boxes in a very urgent and flustered manner, ready to pick up the goods and run. night

I am waiting for them! The shadow on the ground, she kicked out one leg, the white wolf running in front was kicked back, and he took a step back.

"Smelly woman, looking for death." The white wolf thought that the night eve was just a soft persimmon. In his eyes, the woman was not used.

The white wolf handed the congratulations to his men. "Bring it out, I will come down immediately." After that, he made a fist with both hands and prepared to play against the night.

However, behind him, a cold voice fell. "Would you like to fight? Your opponent is me."

The white wolf found that he was very quiet behind him. His six bodyguards all fell, and a cold figure came towards him. The white wolf saw his hand and wanted to run out.

He took out a short knife and tried to repel the night eve, hiding at the side of the night, holding his handle and trying to take it.

The man was not good at seeing the night, and put the goods to the side, and immediately launched a posture, ready to repel the night. and

Behind him, the white wolf has been blocked by a night, and he is dangerously evasive. However, how to block the night will make him easily escape, and the white wolf enters a desperate fight. and

At the entrance to the corridor, the night eve also played against this man. This man is a sly character. He recruits to kill the night eve, and the night eve is not polite, which makes her a trick. call. although

However, the guns in the room just rang, but because of the super good sound insulation, plus the hall outside, it was the strong music that was in the collapse. Take

As for, no one knows at all that there has been an accident here. four

Zhou’s police officer has already ambushed upstairs and headed down to the white wolf who is playing against him. “Give up resistance and surrender immediately.”

The man was red-eyed, didn't stop, and had no pressure at night, she even took an empty space and threw two boxes on the ground in front of the police officer. "This is the goods, close it up."

Seeing that the goods were taken away, the man was really crazy. He quickly came over and wanted to take it away. He attacked his lower plate at night and he fell on the ground. When he wanted to get up, At night, I caught a hand-baked by a police officer and quickly locked the man's hands. and

At this time, behind the door, there was a man who was smashed out, it was a white wolf.

He has already had a swollen face and his hands are broken by people, and there is no counterattack.

At this moment, he saw the man coming out behind him and immediately regarded him as a devil. He climbed forward awkwardly, as if he was afraid of the man behind him to give him hell. and

The police officers who are next to me are stupid, thinking that they are full-participating activities, and the final result is that they are coming to an end. seal

At night, I took a picture of my own suit with a price that was not at the bottom. I took the dust and cleaned it. I told the policeman, "I will hand it over to you. I have something to do with Miss Night."

The hand of the evening was pulled up by a man and left in the other direction. body

The police officer immediately saw a little stay, so that he saw a couple in love. "

Hello, what are you doing? "The night of the night broke the man's hand on one side of the corridor."

Is there any injury? "The eyes of the night are carefully falling on her body."

Shake his head at night, "No, what about you?"

How can I get hurt in this small battlefield? "The night of the night, the lips are laughing, screaming, convulsing all seriousness, and looking at her. "I think this time, we are suitable for a drink." "night

On the eve of this eve, he really did not agree with the spirit of enjoyment. However, she had not had time to refuse. The man took her hand and walked in the direction of the elevator.

In this bar! It is impossible to have a drink, because the police will soon be surrounded here to deal with the endgame of the box.

The elevator reached the garage on the ground floor and found his car. Sitting in the car at night, he said, "Send me a bath and I have to rest."

"It's still early.""

Not too late, I did not enjoy the habit of nightlife. "Night of the Night is a very disciplined child.

The night sighed slightly, and she was too beautiful tonight. If she could not take her to have a drink, he would feel a pity. sit

In the car, the atmosphere suddenly and quietly, in the mind of the night, I thought of the kiss just in the box.

This man has no need to kiss, he is deliberate! positive

It’s a good night’s sleep. I really regret that I didn’t have the opportunity to kiss the deeper, but I’m just paying for it. I really wasted this opportunity.

At this moment, the sports car makes the street lights on the street in the street in a small crowd. night

Yu Xi’s heart instantly got an all-embracing relaxation. Her gaze turned to look at the man around me, only to see his body line lazy, the five senses in the light, exudes a charming atmosphere.

Under the thick, curled eyelashes, his eyes are unfathomable, like a beast crouching at any time. night

She couldn’t help but feel a sense of being attracted, which made her stay for a few seconds without knowing it.

And the man sitting next to her, how sensitive is the mind, he turned, the complex complex eyes stared at her, low and chuckle, "Do you want to fall in love with me?"

On the eve of the night, she flashed a very thin guilty conscience. She coughed a little. "Where are you confident?"

"You just stared at the flower idiot!"

"You think too much, I just... just want to warn you, the next time you meet the task of tonight, you better restrain yourself, don't mess around." Nightingale did not want to mention this thing, but this will She didn't seem to mention it, she didn't come to Taiwan. it is good

Let's go! She was really attracted to his charm just now. "

Are you referring to the one I just kissed you? "The night is squeaking and laughing. It was originally a quiet car. The man’s voice is like a magnetic subwoofer. Every voice has a hook.

The nerves of Xi Xi were slightly tightened, and they turned their heads away from him. This man was informed.

"No way, work needs." He explained himself.

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