President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1535: His heart

At night, I walked to a branch, crouched down, and looked at the gap of the broken branch, trying to determine how it was broken. night

On the evening of the evening, the results were judged by the leaves of the branches leaving the scratches. "

This should be left when the robbers transported the goods. This is the trace left by the folding of the boxes, not the ones left by the agents. ”

Stopping the night and nodding, "Continue to check."

Two people are not in a hurry, a close look, a whistle, they set the attention to stay here for a few more days.

At night, she was a very patient person. Soon, she found another trace of the box being towed away. The box must be so heavy. The robbers’ hands could not be carried away all the time. At the heart, the box will leave traces on the ground. Two

After walking nearly a kilometer along this road, the individual suddenly stood on a sloped road and all the traces disappeared. "

The information shows that the last missing box may have disappeared from this piece, and there is no trace of any box towing. At night, I was stunned and looked around.

"It is impossible to disappear from the air. If it is not towed from the ground, it must be transported from the air." The night is fixed. night

Yan Xi also agreed that looking up at the huge tree poles, but still retaining the original traces, without any traces of being destroyed.

"If they use helicopters, the satellites should leave traces of shooting. They can't be so blatant." She finished up at night, and she got up. "I will go down and see."

I'll be with you. "The night is not assured that she will go down."

Nodding at night, the **** was a little sloppy, and the night was walking in the front. Two people were shuttled through the thick bushes. Both of them were specially trained. There was no pressure on them to pass through the trees. Just inevitably a little embarrassed. Two

The individual walked out for a kilometer or so. Suddenly, the gaze of the night was sharp and among the many tree poles, she found a tree mark that was covered. She smiled and said, "It seems that I think it is right."

tell me the story. "The night is looking at her."

It seems that they have set up this robbery for a long time, so they are very prepared to work. I think the reason for the disappearance of the box traces and the traces of the personnel is that they have installed from there to somewhere below. A zip line, in the middle of the tree pole, avoiding the low bush shrubs, no more than the tree poles, the middle position and space, enough for the safe transportation of boxes and personnel, but still left some clues . "Night 妍 指 refers to that shallow scratch."

Your analysis makes sense, but to prove this, we have to find traces of their ropeway. ”

"Well! Let's move on!" Nodded at night, and after a while, I heard the sound of a mountain spring. night

Looking at the direction of the mountain spring water, I saw that it was a stream of water flowing from the crack of the stone, but the two men just stepped in. It took a few seconds.

I saw that underneath, the figures of the two woods wolves were drinking water. "

I did not expect there are wolves here. "When the night was talking, I reached out and pulled the night owl to the back."

At night, her heart was warm, and her feeling of being protected made her heart sweet.

"Don't hurt them, as long as they don't pose a threat to us."

The two wolves also saw them. They left the water with their tails and disappeared between the trees.

"I don't think there are more wolves and tigers here, we have to be careful." Nightingale said, the night turned to her head and turned to her. "Reassured, I will protect you."

At night, I smiled at my lips, "Okay!"

The two continued to move on. When they reached a flat land, the sky was already unconsciously in the afternoon. Because the huge crown tree covered the sky, it was only in the evening, it was like a dark night. . "

We have to find a place to live, it is best to find a cave. "The night sings out the channel, just next to it is the mountain of stone structure. If you want to find a cave in Andu night, you still have a chance.

The individual immediately turned around and went to the front of a cave. He squatted down at night and picked up a cigarette **** on the ground. She was alert to the banquet. seal

Night Mic immediately took out a short knife from the waist and took out the flashlight and held it in his hand. hole

There was no one in it. At night, I glanced at some of the fireworks left here. Some of them were already wet and decomposed. It seems that it has been a while. Two

The individual checked the hole. It seems that the robbers may have lived here before. However, this group of people, apart from leaving some cigarette butts, did not leave more things. If they did not look carefully, they could not detect them. whereabouts. mountain

The hole is not big, but in this virgin forest, it is a good place to keep out the wind and rain.

The ground in the cave is also a stone, very dry, and the night comes to clog the firewood and burns the fire, making everything in the cave warm. he

They don't have to hide their whereabouts. The purpose of their coming here is to make those robbers nervous and then automatically expose the traces.

If this group of arms is still here, the robbers will not be able to come. "

Do you want to eat some game? "The night of the night, she smiled and asked."

"So late, where are you going to get it?" seal

The night is low, "Wait for me, come back soon."

After ten minutes, at night, I saw the man holding two clean fat pheasants in his hand, and even the forks were made. night

I couldn’t help but smile. "I can be good."

"My wilderness is strong." After finishing the night, sit down and quickly make a barbecue with a short knife. From his backpack, take out a bag of the ingredients he prepared in advance. night

I was surprised, "When did you prepare?"

"When you go, ask the soldiers there."

At night, she couldn't help but sigh. In the wild, she must not be able to compare with him. Although she has good abilities, she lacks experience and cannot compare with this man. he

The training method, thrown into the Amazon jungle every year, must be returned.

At night, she held her chin and looked at the man's grilled game, the smell of fragrant, so that she could not help but swallow. seal

The night turned to look at the expression of her little serval cat, he smiled with a curved lips, inexplicably have a sense of satisfaction.

Finally, the two savory grilled game was finished. He handed one to the woman around him. "Repaying my craft will not disappoint you."

On the evening of the eve, he reached out and shrank the savory meat entrance, while the man around him was even more mad and his mouth was very good. night

I suddenly want to laugh, but this time is really good. with

When he was together, she had a strong sense of security, as if she had a hard and unrelenting shield behind her, so that she could be protected when she retreated. "

how about it? "Let's ask for a night."

It’s delicious, I’m afraid the chef can’t taste you like this. "Night sings and praises, the taste is absolutely great.

The night meditation handed a sip of water to her, and picked up a few mouthfuls at night, and he took it and drank it, no matter what. night

The eyes of the evening glimmered a smile, as if they had become the most intimate relationship.

After eating, both people were full, quiet and silent, a pile of fire swaying warm, illuminating the small cave.

"You are going to sleep, I am going to watch the night." "

it is good! Change your sleep for a while. "Night eve knows that she also refuses to let, two people must maintain mental strength.

Night Mic took out a military coat from her backpack and covered the woman who was sleeping on her backpack to keep her from catching cold.

The heart of the night eve stunned, her eyes looked at the handsome face of the fire, she whispered, "Night, after the completion of this mission, I will take you home to see my parents."

Looking at the night, I turned my head and looked at it. His eyes were full of surprises. "Okay!"

They will love you. "Night and evening, while talking, while squinting.

The mouth of the night smacked a smile, "Is it? Actually, when you know your identity, chasing you, I am really stressed."

Yan Xi blinked and smiled and asked, "Then you dare to chase."

But this person, once I have identified one thing, will not give up until the end. "The night is fixed and the sound is fixed."

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