President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1572: Meet the old department

At night, I took care of the night, and it took a week to go. Two people accompanied each other day and night, lived a quiet and stable day, experienced the life of ordinary people, went out to buy food, went shopping, and closed the night. The meditation will also give a romantic rose to the night. night

I bought two vases on the eve of the evening. I cut these flowers into flower arrangements, and kept them in a vase, in the hall, on the bedside. flower

There was a touch of floral fragrance in the air, and the air was very pleasant. Two people were not idle. One learned a small language, one bought a mechanical study, if it was sitting at night When I was tired, I lay down and looked at the man's lap. On several occasions, she fell asleep with the book unconsciously.

Feeling such a time, especially lazy, probably there are few such moments of relaxation, the body has become lazy.

However, even the father of Lianfeng felt that the two of them lived this kind of life, and it seemed a bit stuffy. I called today to seal the night. give

The two of them fought for a political dinner tomorrow night, and invited them to join in the past, to have a good time, and to distract them. seal

Nightmare didn't really care about this kind of thing, because he went to attend this dinner, he also likes to stay at home to read books!

"Don't underestimate this dinner, even the president is also invited. You, the juniors, are all spirited and have seen it in the past."

The night was immediately stunned for a few seconds, and I thought it was the usual kind of political dinner! Unexpectedly, it was so important. He was busy saying, "Okay, then I will go with the evening."

Ok, I will prepare you for the clothes and come to dinner at noon tomorrow. "seal

The night meditation, hanging up the phone, turned to the night on the sofa, "Tomorrow's party seems to be unable to push, must go."

I didn’t hear the phone at night, and blinked. “Why must I go?”

I sat down next to her. "Listen to my grandfather's meaning, Mr. President will also participate. I have listened to him for several years. In my subconscious mind, I have regarded him as my life's mission."

Yu Xi’s gaze reveals a hint of worship. “Because the protection of the President is to protect our country.”

The night nodded and smiled and kissed her forehead. "Or you know me the most."

"To accompany you in the afternoon to change medicine!"

The night's eyes immediately had a pleading. "Do you have to get the hospital's consent before you can sleep with me?"

At night, she laughed and laughed. She thought so this week. Now that he was so serious, she nodded. "Yes, just in the afternoon."

There was a little angry kiss in the corner of her mouth. "You are not allowed to ask, I will ask."

There is no opinion on the evening, anyway, everything is still important to his physical condition.

In the afternoon, two people went to the hospital, and they did all the checks at night. They also changed the medicine on the back. His recovery was good, and the wound was already growing skin tissue.

After finishing the inspection, I changed the medicine, and the time was unconscious. It was five o'clock. I waited for him in the lounge at night, and walked in the night and walked towards her. "I am going to the director's office and wait for me." "night

I nodded in the evening, and I went to consult the question.

The director of the office looked at his question and acted as a doctor. He still suggested that he should not have a fierce situation at present. "

Director, my physical condition, I know best myself, so you don't have to worry about me. "After the night, I will laugh at my lips."

Young people! Pay attention to moderation! Don't overindulge. The director in his early fifties advised him.

The night is meditation and laughter. He has been vegetarian recently. Where can he be over-indulgent? Do not

Now, now, he can tell his woman with peace of mind that this matter will definitely not affect his health. night

On the eve of the evening, when he came back, the man who had just entered the lounge was full of spirit, and the smugness of the deep-eyed eyes made her guess the result. "

what did the doctor say? ""

The doctor said no problem, as long as the temperance. "The man's gaze looked at her with a burning look.

At night, she couldn’t help but sneak away. In this matter, she still kept the woman’s shame and restraint.

"Go back! Buy a la carte on the way." At night, the night came up, and the night was followed by her. Just as he had just passed by, he suddenly saw a first-aider who was pushed in. The night was just a subconscious look. Suddenly the pupils shrank, and he fell low toward the night, "Oh, wait for me."

After that, he quickly followed the group of doctors who pushed the pusher and ran to the rescue room. It seemed to be in the bed, the wounded person who was covered in blood.

I was amazed at the night, and did not wait for him in the same place. Instead, I quickly followed up and asked the rushing man, "Do you know?"

"It seems to be a man I used to be." After the night was finished, the man had been pushed into the operating room, and the door was closed tightly. A nurse took the patient information and filled it in toward the nurse station. went. "

Miss nurse, please wait, do you know the name of the injured person in the rescue room? ”

When the nurse looked up, she immediately asked, "What is your relationship with the injured?"

"He is my friend. Just pushed forward, is it called Zhang Zhi?"

"Yes." Miss nurse answered. "

What injury did he suffer? ""

At present, it is a relatively serious head shot, heavy coma, he just shipped from the airport, I am not sure about the other. "Miss nurse said, went to the nurse station.

At night, watching the anxious worry in the eyes of the night, she comforted, "We can wait for the surgery to end here, and then understand the situation."

The night clenched his fists as if he was suffering some kind of pain in his heart. that

The brothers who had been born and died with him, and who are like brothers, who are brothers, how can he feel good in his heart? seal

Night Ming took out the mobile phone and went to the night, "I am going to make a call, you are waiting for me here."

Noon nodded at night, and did not intervene in his business. The night was holding a mobile phone and heading for the direction of the garden road.

The night of the night directly unplugged the contact number of one of the men. "Shen Hai, what happened to Zhang? Why was it urgently sent back to the country for rescue? What mission did you have?"

Head, I can't tell you, you know the rules. "The guy at the end answered.

Nightmare naturally knows that everything that this team has done is in the highest degree of secrecy, even those who have been brothers with him.

"Head, how do you know that A Zhi was sent to the hospital? How is he?" At that end, Ye Chenghai’s voice cares about it, and he also calls him, which means that although he left, but in their In the brothers, he is still their leader. "

I happened to do something in the hospital and saw that A Zhi was pushed in. The information said that his leader was shot. ”

"When A was in the middle of the bomb, we were not around. When we found him, he was already in a pool of blood. We thought it was not saved. However, Azhi’s vitality is very strong, so we decided to send him. Go back to the best hospitals in the country to rescue."

Who sent him back? ""

It is our new head. "new

Head, Du Zhijie. seal

The night was a little stunned. He knew that he couldn't ask more questions. Moreover, he didn't want his men to be embarrassed. He said, "Okay, I know, don't mention it with others. I called. To you."

When he finished, he hung up. night

Yu Xi was waiting outside the rescue room. At this moment, she heard a few footsteps and walked in quickly. She immediately looked up and swept over. on

I saw a man in a dark camouflage uniform of one meter and eight, with two soldiers wearing light camouflage uniforms coming in.

The man’s sharp eyes swept over the night, some embarrassing, probably because it was not an ordinary woman at night, he asked, "What do you want to do here?"

On the evening of the night, I saw a sign on his chest. It was when she saw the nightmare and saw him wearing it on the chest. She understood that the man standing in front of him was the mysterious team at the night. People.

"I am waiting for my friend." said the night eve.

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