President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1582: Have difficulty

presidential palace. Feng Yeming is no stranger to this place. In his years as a captain, there are always a few times a year to come and go here, personally telling the President the results of the task, but at this moment, he did not come with a mission report. night

It’s a night car, and there’s a place where the car is partially exempt from inspection. Therefore, the process of entering the presidential palace is not too much trouble. "

On the eve, will we be too abrupt? "There are some worries about the night, and they must have no evidence in their hands."

"Do you know the identity of the President's wife?" asked him at night, this is a secret that cannot be publicly mentioned, but it is known at night.

I didn’t know how to seal the night, he was slightly surprised, "What is the identity of my wife?"

The identity of the lady is similar to your current status. Therefore, we will not talk directly to the President. We talk to the wife and the lady will understand everything we know at the moment. "seal

The night was a little glimpse, but even if he told him at night, he would never tell anyone, he nodded. night

The car on the night of the night was parked in the parking lot outside the presidential palace. The housekeeper soon came over. He recognized the night, and was very polite to meet, "Miss Night."

"Mr. Guan Jia, I want to come to the lady to talk about something. Does the lady have time?" asked at night. "

The lady is in the piano room, teaching the princess to practice the piano, and Miss Night is sitting in the hall first, I will call her. ""

Ok! ”

"Who is this?"

"This is my fiancé, Mr. Nguyen."

"Hello, Mr. Feng, you are the young master of the family!" The housekeeper is a thoughtful person who knows the identity of the night. seal

The night meditation rarely asks about the family, and it is not clear what kind of foundation Grandpa has laid for him in this political arena, but it seems that Grandpa’s efforts have made the family’s reputation outside. seal

Nodded at night. "

The two sit first, I go to ask my wife. "The butler finished, turned and walked in the direction of the stairs. Night

Xi Xi and Feng Ye Ming sat down on the sofa, standing here, you can feel the royal majesty atmosphere, this power from the royal family, even if it is invisible and silent, but it exists strongly. No

After a while, I saw the stairs and a touch of elegant and charming figure. "Oh, it’s coming." Chu Yue’s voice was full of surprises.

The two people on the sofa immediately stood up and greeted the first lady, laughing at night, "Mrs. I hope I didn't bother you."

Chu Yue smiled and shook his head. "How come? I hope someone comes over to chat with me, talk, your mom is not there, and I often live abroad."

At night, she smiled at her, and Chu Yue’s gaze noticed that the night was gone. "Is this?"

When the night was reported to the task, it was often in the office area and never set foot on this film. Therefore, Chu Yue really did not see him.

"He is called the night, it is my fiance." The night eve introduced, his eyes filled with warmth and sweetness. Chu

Yue immediately smiled and smiled. "Hello."

"Hello wife." The night is not afraid to be slow. Chu

Yue waved his hand. "Sit down! Don't call my wife too. If you see it too much, you will follow Yu Yu, Yu Ning will call me aunt!"

I felt very cordial immediately. "Speaking, I haven't seen them for a long time. We haven't seen them since the last rainy wedding."

Yes! Yuning married far away, Yuze and his wife were busy with the company. You young people were scattered. Unlike a child, a group of people gathered together. Chu Yue thought, looking at the garden next to it, as if to return to that time, the group of cute little angels in the garden!

At night, I also looked at the direction of the garden. I felt a sense of inner feeling. At that time, she and Xiaoning’s younger brother, the young master of the president’s family, a group of people laughed and laughed in the garden with Yuze’s cousin! It’s not lively.

Feng Ningming is still unfamiliar to the people on her family side, but the identity of the palace is understandable. "

Oh, what time are you going to get married? Can I have a good date? Chu Yue asked curiously.

At night, I glanced at the night, laughing and holding hands with him. "I haven't set a date yet, but after I have finished some things, I plan."

In the eyes of the night, there is also a lingering desire. If there is no urgent matter in front of him, he really wants to give her a wife's identity immediately. After chatting at home in the evening, she was just looking at her face. "Auntie, I am here, in addition to visiting you, I want to tell you something about the safety of the President."

Oh! "Pu Yue's eyes immediately shimmer, and the one from the danger has not changed."

We have found out that there is no evidence of the dangers of Mr. President’s life. However, we hope to tell you. Chu

Yue is safe for her husband, that is the most serious, and her face is also serious. "Okay, you said!"

Yu Xi and Feng Ye Ming told her about the recent events, and they also told her in a coma, and Du Zhijie met privately with Zhang Lie at the banquet. The matter is also mentioned.

In the eyes of Chu Yue, there is a ray of wisdom. If you listen to this kind of news, the brain will be confused and you will not know where to organize it.

But Chu Yue is different from the average person. She has a young age experience. Even now, she is still keen and has a deeper way of thinking about problems. which is

At this moment, the calmness and calmness that emerged from her body is also admirable.

"This Du Zhijie has such courage to dare to assassinate the President with others!"

Madam, this is just our current inference, and we are still not sure. "The night is not too confident."

Aunt, although there is no substantial evidence, but it must be prevented, Du Zhijie even dared to kill the brothers who were born and died together, which means that his plan must be very large. "The night is coming out."

Chu Yue believes in the night, because she also appreciates her very much. She trained in the military from a young age. Her observation is very strong. Any of her premonitions may be the truth of the future. Chu

Yue has a feeling that when she is young, she is decisive, brave, and has no fear of anything.

"Now, do you have any thoughts?" Chu Yue believes that the two of them are not just to inform, they must have a way of defense.

"I and the night meditation close to protect the President, please ask my aunt for us, let us become the private bodyguard of the President." Chu

Yue Wei was shocked and looked at her. "How can this be? You don't need to do this job for your identity."

"Mrs., Xi Xi is really not suitable. I hope that my wife can go directly to the President's side and serve for 24 hours a day." The night is full of voice, and the tone is clear.

After a few seconds at night, I turned to look at him, and I was upset. At this time, he just thought about his own risk? Push her away?

"You..." I was angry at him at night.

Chu Yue looked at the young couple, she could feel the protection and love of her.

"No, I must attend." The night eve insisted.

"Well, you don't want to fight. I can't decide on this matter. I have to let the President decide it."

"Aunt, Mr. President needs reliable people around me, I will do my best to protect him, believe me."

Chu Yue can't decide because she dared to take the night eve as a risk.

"Oh, this matter is very important. I will not only discuss with the President, I will discuss it with your parents. Do you allow me to mention what you said just now?"

Yan Xi blinked and only thought for a few seconds and nodded. "Yes."

"Well, then go back today, I will give you the answer in the afternoon."

Yu Yue and Feng Jie got up and Chu Yue personally sent them out. Looking at the attachment of these two young people, Chu Yue was already very happy. night

Yu Xi and Feng Yeming drove away, and Chu Yue’s beautiful face, the gentleness converges. She turns to the housekeeper, “I will call you back immediately.”

Yes, ma'am. "night

The evening eve and the night meditation were sitting in the car. Both of them were silent, and the final sound was the night eve.

"Do you know what is blessed to share, is it difficult to do the same? Do you dare to push me away?" In the tone of the night, some resentment.

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