President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1595: Six people gather

"I don't want to tell you today! You just called." The night eve laughed and answered.

"Hey! I don't believe, unless we invite us to dinner at noon." Gong Yuning has some naughty.

"Your means is getting more and more sophisticated, so you have a meal for you! OK, I invite, who else do you have!" "

We are here four people. "Morning rain laughs. Night

Xiao Xi laughed. "Exactly, some days have not gathered, you can order a restaurant! I am not familiar with the restaurants in the city."

"Okay, see you at noon!"

"Good! See you at noon."

After the phone call, holding the mobile phone at night, the smile of the corner of the mouth is also a long time, the loved one is the warmest existence. seal

The night came back with breakfast, and he said to him at night. "There is a meal at noon today."

The night is a little glimpse, "What dinner?"

"My cousin cousin and both husband and wife are in the city, let us go out to eat!" Night eve laughed.

The night nodded, "Okay, just have a chance to meet your family."

They are the cutest and most fun people. "The night eve is looking forward to it."

In the general office of the Gongshi Group, next to the restroom, Gong Yuning and his wife came over. They have been traveling recently, and they are still a little tired. When they just flew back last night, He Lingchu has recovered his spirit. Gong Yuning also In the time difference.

The assistant lady came over with two cups of tea. "Mr. He, Miss Gong, please drink tea."

He Lingchu was slightly decapitated. His Yunli Palace rained and squatted, and he opened it. He Lingchu reached out and touched her forehead. Gong Yuning bent his lips and smiled. "Reassured, no fever."

At the beginning of the early morning, she looked at her little red lips and white lips. She leaned over and quickly kissed her, "a cup of tea."

Yu Ning took the tea and played like a child with clear tea. He Lingchu’s eyes shed full of pets.

Even if she is childish, he feels cute. palace

During this time, Yu Ning traveled while painting, because she planned to open a large-scale art exhibition in China, not for profit, but for donation. She paid for it and all the benefits she received were donated to domestic charity. mechanism.

He Lingchu strongly supported and accompanied her to the corner of the world, looking for beautiful scenery, sheltering her from the wind and rain, just to let her have the ability to do what she wanted to do. he

We haven't planned to have children yet, but Miyazawa's wife, Ji Anning, is just pregnant, this is the good news that the family just got. This

At the time, there was a knock on the door. After a while, a mature and charming figure stepped in, a dark shirt, and Gong Yuze of the black trousers came in. As the eldest child of the family, he experienced the carving of time, and he has a kind of long brotherhood in the body.

"Brother." Gong Yuning called a sentence. "

Let's take a break. I will go to the house to pick up Anning and go to the restaurant together. "Miya Yuzawa is two people."

Ok, we are waiting for you. He Ling began to nod.

"Take care of this girl, I see her time difference has not been reversed." Gong Yuze looked at her sister worriedly.

He Lingchu also had the same idea, and reached out and stroked her in the back of her head. "Give it to me!"

After Gong Yuning left, Gong Yuning leaned on her husband's arms again. He Lingchu took her tight and bowed. "Close your eyes and take a break."

"Good!" Gong Yuning's eyes closed, and the long eyelashes were like a beautiful little fan flapping under her tight eyes.

He Lingchu really loved it, leaned down, and kissed her in the eyes of her. Gong Yuning bent his mouth and smiled and licked his arms. This

It is the daily sweetness of the husband and wife, sweet but not greasy, but it can swear by others.

At 10:30, in order to prevent the peak traffic jam, the night is far away, and the first to set off. seal

Driving at night, the night is full of lazy to enjoy the scenery, for a long time no bunch of young people have gathered.

They have a very happy and sweet childhood, and they will play together almost in time, and she is similar to Gong Yuning's age, and it is the most intimate. in

In the car, the night eve and the night meditation talk about their childhood life.

Telling the incredible but very close family, the feelings of the older generation continue the friendship of the next generation, even if they are born differently, but as long as they get together, the feelings are firm and pure. he

In the past, there were a party in the family, the palace, the night house, the family, the Chu family, and the Lan family in another country.

Listening to the night, I was amazed at the emotional connection of these families, and also sighed for the strong feelings of these families.

"However, the children are all big, have their own business, and we will go their separate ways, but as long as there is a happy event, they will not be deficient."

that's nice. "The night is laughing and screaming." No wonder your family is untouchable. "night

Xi Xixi screamed, "This is true, but we have not had a sense of superiority because of identity. On the contrary, my family are working hard to contribute to society."

The night is full of natural respect and he nods. "This is our mission."

At night, the eyes of the night worshiped him. "Do you know? I sneaked in my dad's password to find your information. After I learned your identity, I admire you because you have This group of people is secretly fighting outside to have our peaceful life."

I know that all my battles are valuable. "The eyes of the night fell on her body."

At night, I watched the life on the roadside, and once again understood the man around him and the nobleness of his team. They protected it all. They were silent and silent, but no one knows. meal

The arrival time of the hall was 11:40. At night, I received a call from Gong Yuning downstairs. "

Just downstairs, just stopped the car and immediately came up. "After the night, I picked up the phone and took the man around me. "Let's go up!" ”

In a box, two pairs of handsome men and women have already sat down. Gong Yuning and Ji Anxin are talking in a whispering manner about the girl's affairs, and grinning from time to time.

Gong Yuze and He Lingchu, two men, while holding cups of tea, while chatting about the current situation, the two businesses have also been in line, so there is no shortage of topics.

Finally, there was a knock on the door, and Gong Yuning immediately laughed. "Come."

She got up and greeted her, and the door opened. When the two cousins ​​met, they were excited and hugged together. "

You can count it back, you can't find someone. "Meng Yuning smiled and complained."

The whereabouts of the night, but it is really difficult to find.

Gong Yuning loosened her and took a step back. She smiled and greeted the man behind her. "Cousin, hello."

The night sneaked a smile, "Hello."

At night, I took the man around me and introduced it seriously. "Night, introduce it."

My cousin, Gong Yuze, watched the season, and the cousin Gong Yuning, cousin He Lingchu. ”

"Hello everyone, my name is Fengyin." In the shape of the night, with the unique integrity of the military. palace

Yuzawa stood up and reached out and made a gesture of asking, "Oh, night, sit down and talk."

Ji Anning and the nightingale eve and say hello, a group of young people, really is a face value burst table, each has a swing.

The waiters who came in to order food felt that they could not appreciate it.

"妍夕, have you been late? Some time has not seen, my uncle and aunt are still okay!" Gong Yuze asked.

"They live at the base and they are doing very well."

"How is your wedding preparation? Do you need any help?" asked Gong Yuning.

"All have been settled, and everything is handed over to the wedding company for preparation. Now we both, as long as the wedding is coming."

"So, you will be in the city in the near future, then we can have afternoon tea." Gong Yuning looked forward to.

At night, I noticed that Gong Yuze’s thoughtfulness was given to Ji’an’s cup, and the warm water was poured, instead of tea. Her eyes were bright. “Is there a baby?”

"Yes, just a month." In the eyes of Ji Anning, there is a touch of joy that will soon be a mother. night

I was envious and blessed to look at her. "Great, we have to upgrade to be elders."

Yes! I am looking forward to my little nephew to be born soon, and let me hold one. ”

"Don't drag on, don't hurry up!" Gong Yuze urged. He

At the beginning of the early age, she couldn't help but smile at her lips. She looked at Gong Yuning and asked her what she meant.

Gong Yuning blinked. "When the exhibition is ready, it will be faster."

At night, she also felt a pair of eyes looking over, and she looked up and touched it, just in the eyes of the night, she also showed some expectation.

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