President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1598: She is chasing

At the airport, the figure of the night eve was quickly passed through the channel. She opened her own mobile phone in the first time and checked the domestic information in real time. She thought that the mobile phone positioning of the night will be updated to her. on the phone. Of course

However, when I opened the phone at night, I found that there was no location information.

what happened? At night, I reached out and directly pulled out the number of the troops.

"Hey, scorpion, have you been to country b?" The phone at the end was very fast.

"I arrived, why didn't I give me a position?" asked at night. "

The position of the captain disappeared, and the final position was on a street next to the airport, six hours ago. ”

"Have he got something wrong?" The heart of the night was slammed.

"At the moment we don't know what happened to the captain, but the captain will definitely go to the block where the Afghan accident happened."

"Send me the address." The night eve did not hesitate to ask.

"Xunzi, you be careful, that street belongs to the violent neighborhood."

I know that if he contacts you, you will tell me the first time. At night, I finished the phone and pressed the phone. At this time, a black child suddenly slammed into it. At night, she reached out and quickly supported her. When the little girl was ready to fall to the ground, the staff set up and rushed over. . "night

Xi Xi slightly twisted the eyebrows, "What happened to this child?"

"Miss, you can't be deceived by them. They are specializing in cheating foreign friends. Today there are several Asian friends who have their tricks, and several people have lost their salutes."

Nodded in the evening, glanced at him gratefully, just as she was about to leave, she suddenly thought of what the staff member said. This group of children specifically deceived Asians. Did he also recruit? night

I immediately took out my mobile phone and opened a photo of the life of the night. I gave it to the staff. "Hello, this is my friend. Did he also lose his salute?"

The staff immediately recognized the tall, handsome man in the photo. He remembered it very clearly because he was very caring.

"Yes, this gentleman's salute is also lost, we can't find it for him." Night

On the eve of the eve, the heartstrings were tightened, and she relaxed a few minutes. She smiled and bent. "Thank you."

After thanking the staff, I couldn’t help but feel funny. I didn’t expect him to have such a big day. difficult

It is strange that his men can't locate his position. It seems that his mobile phone has been ruined by this group of children! night

The message of the evening rang, she picked up the last street where the Afghan disappeared, and stopped a taxi at night and went straight to the street.

At this moment, Fengyin has arrived here for six hours, but this street is very long, and it is not so easy to find the disappearing right. seal

At night, I am crouching in a small bar that is open during the day! Listen to the news here. liqueur

The news in the bar is the most informative, but there are not many guests during the day, and the night is not heard to be useful to him. This

The violent neighborhood, known as the country, is not just a literal meaning, but is named after a very real event.

At the moment, the three foreign men who are drinking wine, the eyes of the night when they look at the corners of the corner, there are strangers here, they are very sensitive, and, still an Asian, in them In the eyes of the people, people in this country are very useless.

The three men also drank some wine, plus boredom to let them want to find someone to play, unfortunately, the night has become their goal.

"Kid, where are you? What are you doing here?" A big-faced beard banged his table very rudely, asking for yin and yang. "

Just drinking. "The night screamed and answered."

"You won't be a new one!" After that, the man immediately swept the glass on his desk and swept it on the ground.

The night was originally not intended to cause trouble, but at present, even if he wants to avoid this frame, it is impossible. he

Standing up, the three foreigners saw him sitting and thought he was bullied, but until he stood up, the one-seven-five strong body, directly crushing them a few fat men in the early rice. tight

Under the body, the eight packs of the nightmare are very eye-catching, not to mention, his gaze, the chill is flashing, which indicates that he is very uncomfortable.

However, when they got provoked, these three people naturally did not dare to squat, and immediately stood up. "This is Laozi’s territory, and it is going away."

The eyes of the night are not moving at all. "How about not rolling?"

"Mom, what's going on recently? There are always Asians coming here to mix, just one day in the last two days, and this one is running again."

The words of a man directly caused the palm of the night to cover his collar, and dragged his body of more than 180 kilograms to his face. His eyes were cold and cold, and he asked, "Where is that Asian?" ?"

The act of closing the night made the few men next to stand up and prepare to get around.

The man next to him yelled and immediately prepared to smash the guy from under the clothes. He knew that the people here were legal with the gun. He took the first step and grabbed the bottle on the table and gave it to him. He beat his head. Broken blood flow, directly wow screaming.

The night clings to the man tightly and continues to bite his teeth and ask, "Where is that man? Quickly."

The man immediately stumbled, "I... I don't know, he was caught by the wolf."

"Who is the wolf?" The night-time meditation asked again, and at this time, another man next to him took the opportunity to prepare for the shooting. The eyes of the night were slightly turned, and the man’s hand shook and closed the night. The man did not move, but his body was flying fast, kicking the gun into the air. He rolled his body and took the gun handsomely, pointing to the man in front of him. "Who is the wolf?" ?""

You come to this street, you don't even know the wolves? He is the street hegemon here, very powerful, young man, you can't afford it. The owner of the bar replied to him as he calmly brushed the table.

The night looked up at him. "Is that Asian being alive or dead?"

"I don't know very well. I heard that he shot and killed a few of the wolves. It was very fierce. The wolf grabbed him and killed him. We didn't know."

Didn't kill... No... Kill, the wolf is said to keep feeding his pet. ""

His pet? "The night is gnashing my teeth and asking."

"One head...a cheetah...cough..."

The nightmare's forehead blue veins are looming because of this sentence. He clenches his teeth. "Where the wolf lives!"

"His home is at the end of this street, in the new manor! He has money and power... raises a bunch of beaters..." The man said everything under his gun on his forehead. seal

At night, a man gnawed his teeth and pushed the man in his hand and strode out of the bar door.

These people immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, they saved their lives, but they lost a gun.

"You are also stupid. If you don't see who he is, you dare to provoke. Ten people like you are not enough for him."

"Mom, he dares to find a wolf. I will inform the wolf now, let him come and take him to feed the leopard."

"Yes, you can also invite a skill in front of the wolf."

The three men immediately went out with a sigh of relief.

A taxi stopped at a corner a few kilometers away from the street. The young man driving the car didn't dare to send another step forward. At night, watching him so afraid of getting close to the street, she was not embarrassed. she was

I paid the money. "You don't have to find it, but I will use it for this."

Finished, picking up his sun hat in front of the window at night, the taxi driver took a look at the money and agreed. night

When I got off the bus, I took my long hair and covered it with a sun hat. She looked at the street, her long and tall figure, and she showed a handsome and handsome style.

Her eyes were sharply sweeping across the street, and the street gave a sense of oppression, with many eyes peeking at her from behind the curtains, but all were curious. night

Yu Xi thought, the phone that blocked the night was lost, he must have gone straight to here, and he did not know where he is now. This

The street is not short, the whole street extends to the distance, as if there is no end, the street garbage piles up, there are many tramps in the trash can next to the street to turn over, night walks, subconsciously cover up nose.

It was not two minutes before the night came out from the bar. The three **** in the bar called to inform the wolf's men, saying that someone was robbing on this street. After listening to the wolf's men, they immediately sent people here. .

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