President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1646: Send a luxury car

Xia Wei was interviewed from Shifen International. She couldn't believe that she was admitted. From the way out, she still insisted on calm.

But when she came out, she pouted and suppressed all the excitement and excitement. she was

Quickly took out the phone and dialed the phone number of Xu Xiaoyu.

"Hey! Cousin." Xu Xiaoyu was also very easy to pick up.

"Guess what I have to say about happiness?" Xia Wei asked her. Xu

Xiao Yan thought about it at the other end. "It won't be confessed by Isi's handsome guy!"

"What do you think? I don't like men's confession, can you guess?"

“Does the Lorraine Group give you another 500,000 US dollars in compensation?” Xu Xiaoyu said. summer

I couldn’t guess if she wanted to come to her. She had to say it herself. “No, I received a phone call from Shifen International Perfume Company at a time. I came over. I didn’t expect it, I was accepted.”

Xu Xiaoyan couldn't help but surprise her. "That's true! Then you can continue to bring the little guy and aunt to stay?"

"Yes! Of course I stayed."

"That is also a perfume company! The scale is not big?" Xu Xiaoyu did not know much about the perfume industry, so Xia Wei was so excited, she could not feel why she was happy. "

Let me tell you this! It is the top company in the perfume manufacturing industry. This perfume company is made up of the perfumes of the wealthy people in the upper class. It is definitely the company we want to enter in our dreams. "Xia Yu out of the channel. That

The end of Xu Xiaoyan could not help but wow, "Listen to a good senior! Cousin, then you are doing well! Maybe you can become a top perfumer."

"This is my dream, I will not give up, well, I will go home first, I will go out with the little guys at night, please Isi dinner."

Cousin, you can go alone, why do you want to bring two little guys? "Xu Xiaoyu doesn't quite understand, she just hopes that Isey will like her more."

I certainly don't want to bring it! It’s Isifi who wants me to bring them. I just hope that these two little guys will squat at night, don’t humiliate me. Last time they ran out privately, I felt very embarrassed. "Xia Yu sighed."

"They actually think that Isi is their father. It’s so cute and dead. If there is such a cute little guy who comes to recognize me as a mommy, I might adopt it! Isai seems to like them very much! Maybe it will be Your **** assists." Xu Xiaoying said at the end of the smile.

Xia Wei is speechless, "Do you still make me joke?"

Well, I just got infected with my aunt's wedding order. Every time I can hear her and my mom talk about your future, I look worried that you can't get married, and I worry about your marriage. ""

You still have to clear your own! Yaheng is good, do you want to think about it? "Xia Yu said that she was.

At the other end, Xiao Yan immediately sighed, as if he was afraid that someone could hear it.

"Cousin, what are you talking about! I am with Yaheng one in the sky, one in the mud, how is it possible!"

"Right! Isn't this the gap between me and Isis? It's impossible, then don't think about it." Xia Xiao replied with a smile. Xu

Xiao Yan sighed at that end. "All of us in the company want to marry Yaheng, which one gets me!"

"The meaning is, it's your turn, you will marry it!" Xia Wei asked again. Xu

Xiao Yan snorted and laughed at the end. "Is this impossible?"

Who knows! In the month of the month, I made a mistake and took the wrong red line. ”

"The old man is a mythical figure that we have in the East. There are no people in the West who are holding red lines." Xu Xiaoyu was amused at that end. summer

I looked at the time and said, "Okay, don't talk, I will pick up the little guys and dress up."

Well, go! Bring Isi back with a pair of beautiful children. Xia Yu smiled and hung up the phone. Xu

Xiao Yan was answering the phone on the balcony at the moment, and then, I heard a colleague from her office, "Xu Xiaowei, your call."

"Oh! Ok." Let's go to the desk and pick up the phone and pick up, "Hey hello."

"Xu Xiaowei, the boss asked you to go to the garage now."

Uh? garage? "Xu Xiaoying stunned, Yaheng asked her to go to the garage to do it? Is her car occupies his parking space?"

When Xu Xiaolu couldn't think too much, he quickly picked up the plane and headed for the direction of the elevator. When the elevator arrived, she pressed the floor of the garage, and several employees standing next to her looked at her with some taboos. Now Xu Xiaoyu But the company is a non-character. she was

And Yaheng’s unclear relationship has added a lot of topics to the company’s employees. Xu

When Xiao Xiao arrived at the garage, she was left alone. She immediately entered the garage and swept around, not seeing Yaheng.

She wondered if it would be wrong! Where does Yaheng come to the garage? on

At this moment, a red sports car next to her made an unlocking sound. Two

The sound of very textured sound made Xu Xiaoyan startled, and at this time, the sports car started. Xu

Xiao Yan quickly let go, for fear of blocking the way out of this person, just at this moment, a whistling sound, let Xu Xiaoyu strangely look at the driver's seat. This

At first glance, she discovered that Yaheng was sitting in the driver's seat. she was

Immediately nervous and unresolved to walk to his car window, looking at the falling window, the man's handsome and handsome face, she entered a few seconds of infatuation.

"Boss, are you looking for me something?" Xu Xiaoyu asked curiously. Asian

A pair of dark brown twilight swept to her, "Do you like this car?"

Xiao Yan thought that he wanted her to praise his new car! She quickly glanced at the new Ferrari sports car. Can she dislike it? "

Like it! very beautiful. Xu Xiaoyan showed eight teeth and smiled and praised his car.

I saw that Yaheng pushed the door and got off the bus. The slender hand held the door and directed her. "Go in and test drive."

Uh? I won't drive this kind of car. "Xu Xiaoyu hurriedly waved her hand, she couldn't break his car!"

I want to go out and relax, you drive. "Anchor will not let her open, anyway, he will go to the direction of the passenger seat.

Xu Xiaoyu looked at the open driver's seat door. She swallowed nervously. He was not afraid of the female driver!

Yaheng sat in the passenger seat, but found that the woman was still squatting. He couldn’t help but yell at her and said, "Xu Xiaoying, hurry to get on the bus."

Xiao Yan had to sit in the driver's seat obediently, and the high-end center console made her dazzling before it was really luxurious!

Yaheng leaned over and taught her a few important points of attention, and urged her to "start on the road and go to the coastal road."

Xu Xiaoyan was driving at 18 when he took his driver's license. Naturally, it was difficult for her. However, driving such a car would be a little nervous. Xu

The throttle at the foot of Xiaoyan was a little fierce. The sports car immediately rushed out. She was scared by herself, and the man next to her face was not very nice. He also confirmed that his seat belt was fastened.

Sure enough, the female driver is terrible.

"Without the heavy throttle, the car's handling is very good, just need to light the throttle." Yaheng breathed a sigh of relief, as much as possible to control his temper. "

Oh! Ok! Let me try. "Xu Xiaoying quickly and lightly stepped on the gas pedal. Sure enough, a little throttle can run, and the control is very good.

Xu Xiaoyan did not think that there would be such a windy day, driving a Ferrari, with a top big guy to go for a ride, this is the pinnacle of her life! Xu

The little cockroach opened smoothly, and it was very stable when it was opened. The side of Yaheng’s face was also restored. However, his eyes were still staring at her in front of her. Once something happened, she could remind her the first time. Do not

However, when it was on the waterfront section of the car, the blue sea was next to it, and the scenery was fascinating. Around four o'clock, it was the evening of the evening. At this time, Yaheng opened the canopy and put some rhythm. The music is even more refreshing.

Xu Xiaoyu really wants to scream, but in front of Yaheng, she still maintains her restraint. "

Do you like this car? Yaheng asked her.

Xu Xiaoyan excitedly said aloud, "Like."

"Okay, I am giving it to you." The man continued to fall.

This made the girl who was driving startle, and quickly stopped the brakes. She drove the car to the paving next to it. Xu Xiaoyan’s breathing was a little gasping. "What are you talking about? Give it to me?"

Yaheng glared at a pair of eyes that were sinister and evil, and smiled at his lips. "Is your car not broken?"

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