President Daddy Super Awesome

Chapter 1649: a dinner

Xia Wei immediately passed the cup and some embarrassed to let him do these things.

"The way they are doing, are you still satisfied?" Isi asked again.

Xia Wei nodded. "I am very satisfied. As long as they don't use my grandmother's formula, I won't pursue it."

You can rest assured that our company will never do this kind of thing. "Isi also promised her."

Xia Wei nodded and believed that his company's reputation must be in the industry. It is the top perfume company and certainly has an unusual management system.

"I heard that your company's perfume, has a private island to cultivate the raw materials of perfume, is it really true?" Xia Wei curiously asked him. Yi

Xi Weiwei, I didn’t expect her to know this thing. He nodded his lips. "Yes, that island is my home. My mother is carrying her hand. I will cultivate flowers and plants on the island all the year round. Spring is very suitable for planting all kinds of rare flowers." Summer

I can't help but surprise, "Your home, on an island?"

Sure enough, his wealth can not be imagined! However, the more Xia Yu knows his identity, the more he understands the gap between them.

"Yes, there is time, do you want to visit? I can invite you to be a guest." Isi really hopes that she will take the children to play in the past. summer

I laughed a little, "Thank you, wait for me to stabilize in the company. If I can be invited to visit in the past, I am very happy."

West’s gaze looked at her urgently. “As long as you like, I can take you and the children at any time.”

Xia Wei looked at a pair of children, but he was really afraid of trouble to him! "

I am not in trouble for the time being, I have no time, thank you for your invitation. "Xia Yu's euphemism refused."

Isi’s sensitive mind can detect some rejection of Xia’s inner close to him. He really has an urge to tell her that he is the father of the children. On the night of six years ago, she slept him. "

Can I ask an esoteric question? Did the children’s father not accompany you? "Isi is serious and has some deep questions. Summer

Holding the cup, she has accepted many men or friends for questioning, and she is used to it.

"I broke up with him very early. Now I am raising the child alone. He does not participate in our life." Xia Wei answered this question, it is the best protection for her.

The ordinary people just sympathize with her and raise two children alone. It is very hard work. can

After Isi listened, there was a bit of distress in her heart, and a lot of helplessness, she really avoided talking about the child's father.

"If the child's father appears in your life one day, will you raise the child with him?" Isi's words are relaxed and natural, but his eyes are restrained and tense. summer

He was drinking tea, and she flashed a few flusters in her eyes. Then she calmed down. "The child is mine. I will not give it to anyone who is irrelevant. Even if the man appears, I will not. Will give him the opportunity to steal my child."

Xi Weiwei squatted and stunned that he did not rudely break into her life. Otherwise, how can she eat and drink tea like this? Maybe she can't avoid him! "

Are you worried that he will steal the children? "Isi cares about her concerns. Summer

I can’t help but say, “Children live with me since childhood, they can’t live without me.”

"Have you ever thought about raising them with the man, living together, forming a family?" Isi couldn't help but explore her heart.

Xia Yan thought about it and then shook his head firmly. "Impossible."

Yixi’s blue dragonfly shone with a worries. Xia Wei’s mention of the children’s father was like a stinging hedgehog, which did not allow anyone to step into her world. on

Even now, even he is not confident that he will not be rejected by her after revealing his identity. Yi

Xi Xintou smiled, it seems that he can only wait, use time to prove it all, but apart from him, he will not allow any man to come close to her, he will wait for her to fall in love with him, by that time, he The identity of the father of the body will accompany them, and she will not be hated by her. summer

The expression of 婉 is obviously also revealed. I don’t want to talk about it. Isi immediately shifted the topic and mentioned the things of his mother’s perfume company. This is very interesting for Xia Wei. She listened to Isi’s mother’s story. The original intention of creating a perfume.

This made Xia Wei’s mind immediately rush to a warm and powerful figure, and I heard that his mother, who is also a member of her country, could not help but admire it. "

If there is a chance, I really want to see your mother, she must be a very smart and beautiful lady. Yi

Xi smiled and said, "You will see her."

Xia Hao nodded and looked forward. "It’s a great honor to see your mother."

When I was served, Xia Hao greeted two little guys to come and eat. The two little guys were on the table and holding the chopsticks. It was very skilled.

Isi looked at the little guys, often lost at a glance, the eyes of the pets are difficult to cover, Xia Wei has been staring at the little guys to eat, did not notice him.

The time for dinner was still early. There was a square nearby, there was a musical fountain, and the little guys were holding hands and jumping. At this time, Xia Xiaocheng came over to take Xia’s hand, and Xia Xiaoguo went to hold Yixi’s hand. Hands, four people walked in front of the fountain, it really looked like a family.

Yixi felt it, and Xia Wei was the same. She looked up and looked at him from the air. Isi smiled and Xiaoxi was a little shy. "

Mommy, we don't look like a family like this! If Uncle Ishi is our land, it will be fine. Xia Xiaoguo said crisply.

"Okay! As long as you like me, I am willing to be yours." Isey followed the joke.

Xia Xi immediately smiled and stopped him. "Mr. Isey, don't make such a joke. They are really bad. If you pass it out, it will affect your reputation."

He hasn't been embarrassed yet. If he makes a girlfriend one day, it would be bad to hear these rumors.

Isi comforted the sentence, "Don't worry, I don't mind." Summer

At this moment, the two little guys released their hands and watched the colorful crystal lamps beside the pool of angry springs.

At this time, a little girl swiftly slid over and her mother shouted behind her, "Please let."

Because the little girl slammed into Xia Yu, Xia Wei was shocked, and she was a little anxious. She was unbalanced and immediately fell backwards. At this time, a strong arm naturally took her and the strength.

Xia Wei’s body slammed into a man’s strong chest, and even his face was protected by a man’s chest, and Xia Wei was so short of breath.

Breathing is full of men's fascinating hormonal atmosphere, leaving her head faint for a few seconds. on

At this time, Xia Xiaoguo saw it, and she immediately pulled up her brother. "Brother, you can see Uncle Isi holding Mummy!"

Xia Xiaocheng also saw it, but fortunately, Mommy was not forced to look like, but smiled and separated from Isis. summer

I was a bit ashamed, "Thank you..."

"You're welcome." Isi smiled and smiled. Just now, he had some recollections!

The two little guys immediately turned their backs and pretended not to find out, otherwise Mommy would be embarrassed.

Xia Wei saw a pair of children, took a long hair in the ear and walked over to them. Behind Isi's gaze, looking at the mother and son of the fountain pool, his eyes filled with a gentle domineering, these three people are the people he needs to protect and care in the future. in

It took more than half an hour to play by the fountain pool, and it was not too late. Isi sent them home.

On the way home, two little guys who were tired by car, fell asleep, Isi’s arms were holding Xia Xiaoguo, Xia Wei’s side leaned against his son, and the two little guys were very cute. "

Have you found out that I and Xiao Cheng are quite similar. Isi smiled and tried to test her. Summer

Immediately, I blinked, "Is it? It is a bit like it."

Isaih just smiled and hung down and looked at the little girl in her arms, more gentle.

Xia Wei looked at him boldly. Looking back at the night six years ago, she asked inside, would it be him? that

The scene of the night, she has forgotten almost, can not forget that after the incident she came out at five in the morning, legs can not walk, blowing the cold wind, body shivering cold.

Anyway, Xia Wei hopes that the man of that night is not him, because she is in the man's heart all night, she must be a casual woman.

Inexplicable, do not want to be in front of him, to be a casual woman to go to bed.

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